Source: Global Data Products

NASDAQ OMX Iceland’s Leading index expanded to eight constituents

NASDAQ OMX has announced the expansion of NASDAQ OMX Iceland’s leading index, OMX Iceland 6 (OMXI6ISK), from six companies to eight. The update will become effective at the market open on July 1, 2014, as part of the semi-annual review of the index. At the same time the name and symbol of the index will be updated to reflect the increased number of constituents. The new name of the index will be OMX Iceland 8 (OMXI8).

The following indexes will be updated with new names and ticker codes effective July 1, 2014. ID codes will not be changed.


Old Code New Code Old Name New Name ISIN Source ID GCF ID GCF source Index Currency
OMXI6ISK OMXI8 OMX Iceland 6 PI ISK OMX Iceland 8 IS0000018885 2369 7080 5 ISK
OMXI6CAPISK OMXI8CAP OMX Iceland 6 PI Cap ISK OMX Iceland 8 Cap IS0000018901 2371 7084 5 ISK
OMXI6CAPEUR OMXI8CAPEUR OMX Iceland 6 Cap EUR OMX Iceland 8 Cap EUR IS0000018935 2374 7090 5 EUR
OMXI6EUR OMXI8EUR OMX Iceland 6 PI EUR OMX Iceland 8 EUR IS0000018919 2372 7086 5 EUR
OMXI6GIEUR OMXI8EURGI OMX Iceland 6 GI EUR OMX Iceland 8 EUR GI IS0000018927 2373 7088 5 EUR
OMXI6GIISK OMXI8GI OMX Iceland 6 GI ISK OMX Iceland 8 GI IS0000018893 2370 7082 5 ISK

“The rebuilding of the Icelandic equity market is proceeding at a steady pace. Recent listings have transformed the market and the IPO pipeline is promising. The expanded OMX Iceland 8 index reflects the progress made in recent years,” said Magnus Hardarson, Vice President, NASDAQ OMX Iceland.

The OMX Iceland 8 index is NASDAQ OMX Iceland’s leading index and consists of the eight most liquid shares on the Exchange. The weight of the shares is based on the free float adjusted market value, which means that only the part of the share capital that is considered available for trading is included in the index.  Please find information on the index methodology at