Source: United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

USHCC Applauds Verizon CEO's Appointment of Magda Yrizarry as Chief Talent & Diversity Officer

WASHINGTON, April 3, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) commends Verizon's CEO Lowell C. McAdam for appointing the company's first Latina Chief Talent & Diversity Officer, Magda Yrizarry. Having served over two decades for the company, Ms. Yrizarry joined Verizon in 1990 where she started as a manager for corporate responsibility and educational initiatives. In 2004, the USHCC presented Ms. Yrizarry with the President's Award during its National Convention -- a top honor given to business leaders who are committed to furthering the success of Hispanic youth, and the community as a whole.

"Ms. Yrizarry's ability to think strategically about diversity and inclusion is critically important – to our organization, to Verizon, and to America's business community," said USHCC President & CEO Javier Palomarez. "We applaud Mr. McAdam for recognizing and rewarding the talent that exists within his company's diverse ranks. As Chief Talent & Diversity Officer, Ms. Yrizarry will bring a renewed vigor to an already successful – and valuable – initiative. The USHCC looks forward to its continued collaborations with Verizon, and we applaud their commitment to elevating talented Hispanic professionals within their company. "
Prior to her recent assignment, Ms. Yrizarry served as Verizon's Vice President of workplace culture, diversity and compliance. In this role, she oversaw Verizon's strategic HR operations, and presided over the company's diversity, ethics, safety and workplace policies.
"Throughout the country, small minority-owned businesses are partnering with major U.S. companies like Verizon. The result is a stronger, more durable, and resurgent American economy that creates jobs and leads the world in innovation. That is the power of collaboration between America's small and big businesses," said USHCC Chairman Marc Rodriguez. "With Ms. Yrizarry at the helm of the company's diversity and inclusion operations, Verizon will undoubtedly soar to new heights and further elevate the role of minority business enterprises in America."  
About Verizon

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ) (Nasdaq:VZ), headquartered in New York, is a global leader in delivering broadband and other wireless and wireline communications services to consumer, business, government and wholesale customers. Verizon Wireless operates America's most reliable wireless network, with nearly 103 million retail connections nationwide. Verizon also provides converged communications, information and entertainment services over America's most advanced fiber-optic network, and delivers integrated business solutions to customers in more than 150 countries. A Dow 30 company with more than $120 billion in 2013 revenues, Verizon employs a diverse workforce of 176,800. For more information, visit
About the USHCC

Founded in 1979, the USHCC actively promotes the economic growth and development of our nation's entrepreneurs. The USHCC advocates on behalf of nearly 3.2 million Hispanic-owned businesses, that together contribute in excess of $468 billion to the American economy, each year. As the leading organization of its kind, the USHCC serves as an umbrella to more than 200 local chambers and business associations across the nation, and partners with more than 220 major corporations.
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