Source: Apranga

Draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of APB APRANGA shareholders to be held on April 29th, 2014

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2014-04-04 08:13 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Draft agenda and draft resolutions for the Annual General Meeting of APB APRANGA (hereinafter “Company”) shareholders to be held on April 29th, 2014 proposed by the Board of the Company:

1. Consolidated annual report on the activities of the Company in 2013.

Draft resolution:

Taken for the information consolidated annual report of the Company for the year 2013, prepared by the Company, assessed by the auditors and approved by the Board.

2. Auditor's report on the Company’s financial statements and annual report.

Draft resolution:

Taken for the information.

3. Approval of the Consolidated and Company’s financial statements for the year 2013.

Draft resolution:

Approve the annual Consolidated and Company‘s financial statements for the year 2013.

4. Company's profit (loss) allocation for the year 2013.

Draft resolution:

Allocate the Company's profit (loss) for the year 2013 according to the draft of profit (loss) allocation presented for the Annual General Meeting of shareholders (Annex 3).

5. Election of firm of auditors and establishment of the terms of remuneration for audit services.

Draft resolution:

Elect UAB “PricewaterhouseCoopers” as APB APRANGA firm of auditors for the year 2014. Set the amount of the fee payable for audit services for the year 2014 - not more than LTL 91000 plus VAT. Authorize the Company's CEO to sign the audit services agreement with firm of auditors.

6. Election of board members.

Draft resolution:

Elect members of the board of the Company for new 4-year term from the candidates nominated by Company‘s main shareholder (UAB MG Baltic Investment, which has more than 50% of votes):

6.1. Darius Juozas Mockus;

6.2. Vidas Lazickas;

6.3. Marijus Strončikas;

6.4. Rimantas Perveneckas;

6.5. Ilona Šimkūnienė;

6.6. Ramūnas Gaidamavičius.

7. Election of the independent member of the Audit committee, approval of Audit committee composition, approval of remuneration of the independent member of the Audit committee.

Draft resolution:

7.1. To approve APB APRANGA Audit committee of 2 members for the new 4-year term:

7.1.1. the deputy of CFO Rasa Rulevičiūtė - the employee of Company’s administration -appointed by the Board of the Company as a member of the Audit committee for the new 4-year term;

7.1.2. To appoint Daiva Paulavičienė as the independent member of the Audit committee for the new 4-year term.

7.2. Not to remunerate the independent member of the audit committee.



Annex No.1. Consolidated and Company's annual report, annual financial statements of the year 2013 and the Auditor's conclusion on the financial statements;

Annex No.2. Confirmation of persons responsible for the financial statements;

Annex No.3. Draft of profit (loss) allocation for the year 2013;

Annex No.4. General voting ballot.


         Rimantas Perveneckas
         Apranga Group Director General
         +370 5 2390801
