Source: Sotkamo Silver AB


Not for distribution, directly or indirectly, within or to USA, Australia,
Hongkong, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Singapore, South Africa, New Zeeland or
any other jurisdiction where distribution of this press release would be


Today is the last day of trading in the Company’s subscription rights on NGM
Equity, Stockholm in Sweden.


Important dates:

  • Trading in subscription rights on NGM Equity: 31 March 2014 – 9 April 2014.
  • Subscription period for shares: 31 March 2014 – 14 April 2014 (account
    operators and nominees may for practical reasons impose deadlines for
    applications for subscription that are prior to the end of the subscription
  • The new shares will be issued at a subscription price of SEK 6 per share.
    For subscriptions using subscription rights registered at Euroclear
    Finland, payment for subscribed shares is made in EUR by payment of EUR
    0,68 for each subscribed share.
  • Trading in paid subscribed shares (BTA) on NGM Equity: 31 March 2014 until
    the registering of the rights issue at the Swedish Companies Registration
  • Trading in interim shares on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki: 31 March 2014 until the
    registering of the rights issue at the Swedish Companies Registration


In order for the possible value of the subscription rights not to be lost, the
shareholder must either use the subscription rights to subscribe for new shares
by 14 April 2014 at the latest or sell the subscription rights by 9 April 2014
at the latest.

The Board of Sotkamo Silver AB (publ) ("Sotkamo Silver" or the "Company") has
prepared a prospectus for share issue and trading, which has now been approved
and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. The prospectus
is also passported to Finland.

The prospectus is available on The printed prospectus can be
obtained free of charge from the Company, telephone +46 (0) 708 666 799,
e-mail: Questions regarding subscription and
payment in Sweden, please contact the issuing agent Aqurat Fondkommission AB
tel: +46 (0)8 684 05 800. Questions regarding subscription and payment in
Finland, please contact the issuing agent FIM Bank Ltd tel: +358 (0)
9 6134 6250.


Important information

The information in this press release is not an offer to acquire, subscribe or
otherwise trade in shares or other securities in Sotkamo Silver. Any invitation
to the persons concerned to subscribe for shares in Sotkamo Silver will only be
made through the prospectus that Sotkamo Silver has published on 27 March 2014.

This press release may not, directly or indirectly, be released or published in
or distributed to or within the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia or any
other jurisdiction where such action would require additional prospectuses,
filings or other measures in addition to those required under Swedish law. The
offer is not made to, and application forms will not be approved from, share
subscribers (including shareholders), or persons acting on behalf of share
subscribers, in said countries or persons in any other jurisdiction where
applications for the subscription for shares would contravene applicable laws
or regulations, or would require additional prospectuses, filings, or other
measures in addition to those required under Swedish law. Nor may the
information in this press release be forwarded or reproduced in any way that
would violate such restrictions or would give rise to such requirements.
Measures in violation of the restrictions may constitute a breach of relevant
securities legislation.

No paid subscribed shares or shares issued by Sotkamo Silver (“Securities”)
have been registered, and will not be registered, under the United States
Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”) or the securities legislation of
any state or other jurisdiction in the United States, and may not be offered,
pledged, sold, resold, delivered or otherwise transferred, directly or
indirectly, within the United States or to U.S. persons as defined in
Regulation S under the Securities Act (“Regulation S”). The Securities are
being offered outside the United States in reliance on Regulation S. There will
not be any public offering of Securities in the United States or to U.S.


Stockholm 9th April 2014

Sotkamo Silver AB (publ)

Timo Lindborg, CEO


About Sotkamo Silver AB:

Sotkamo Silver AB´s business concept is to exploit mineral deposits in the
Nordic countries with regards to human society and environment. Sotkamo Silver
owns, through its subsidiary mineral deposits, which contains silver and gold
in Finland. The Company’s main development project is the Silver Mine project
in the municipality of Sotkamo.

Sotkamo Silver applies SveMin’s & FinnMin’s respective rules of reporting for
public mining & exploration companies. Sotkamo Silver has chosen to report
mineral resources and ore reserves according to the internationally accepted
JORC or NI 43-101-code. The company applies International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) as approved by the European Union.

The ticker symbol is SOSI in NGM and SOSI1 in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. ISIN-code
for Sotkamo Silver shares is SE0001057910.

Read more about Sotkamo Silver on or

For further information: Timo Lindborg, CEO, tel. +358 40 508 3 507

The official Stock Exchange Release is given in Swedish and there may be slight
differences in the translated versions.