Source: Tosmares kugubuvetava

Draf desisions of the annual meeting

Draf desisions of the annual meeting


of the Annual shareholders meeting to be held on April 23. 2014 at 13:00


JSC Tosmare Shipyard (A/s “Tosmares kuģubūvētava”)

Registration No.210302283, 42/44 Generala Baloza Street, Liepaja, Latvija

Paid-up Capital 3’203’397,00 LVL




  1. The Board of Directors Report on the Results of Activity in 2013.

To take into account the JSC Tosmare Shipyard Board of Directors Report on the Results of Activity in 2013.

  1. JSC Tosmare Shipyard Annual Report 2013 approval.

To approve JSC Tosmare Shipyard Annual Report 2013.

   3. Annual Income 2013 Allocation.

To cover the Companys losses from the next years incomes.

   4. Auditor approval for 2014 and Auditors salary determination.

To elect a certified auditors firm AUDITFIRMA SARGUNS Ltd.(LACA License No.18) as the Annual Report 2014 Auditor. To determine the Auditors payment for the Annual Report 2013 Audit not more than 3560.00 EUR (2500.00 LVL).

    5. Election of the Council and the remuneration of the Board.

To determine the compensation for Sypervisory Board members of AS "Tosmares kuģubūvetava" in amount of 2419.00 EUR(1700.00 LVL) per month.

    6. Other questions.



    JSC Tosmare Shipyard Board of Directors.

         Ineta Bērtule
         Chief acconting a/s Tosmares kugubuvetava"