Fairness Opinion made public

On Friday 7 March 2014, we published an Offer Document related to the Board of Directors’ of Atlantic Airways’ Offer (on behalf of the Company) to acquire the outstanding shares in the Company not already owned by Vinnumálaráðið (Føroya Landsstýri) or Atlantic Airways. The Company first announced its intention to provide the Offer on Monday 10 February 2014.

The Offer expires on Tuesday 22 April 2014 at 16.00 (Faroese time) or at the expiration of any extension of the Offer Period. Please refer to the Offer Document for further details of the Offer.

In accordance with article 104 of the Icelandic Securities Transactions Act, the Board of Directors’ of Atlantic Airways hereby provide a mandatory statement, including a Fairness Opinion from Straumur Fjárfestingabanki hf. on the terms and conditions of the Offer.

Further information is contained in the Fairness Opinion. In addition, the Fairness Opinion is available on the Company’s website, www.atlantic.fo, and is also sent to shareholders listed in Atlantic Airways’ share registry on 10 April 2014.


Yours sincerely,


Niels Mortensen, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Atlantic Airways P/f


For further information please contact Niels Mortensen on tel.: +298 21 69 28


Fairness Opinion regarding Atlandic Airways_100414.pdf