Source: Nasdaq Riga

Listing of SIA ExpressCredit bonds on Baltic Bond List

NASDAQ OMX Riga decided on April 11, 2014 to list 3 500 SIA ExpressCredit bonds on Baltic Bond list as of April 14, 2014, but taking into account that as of April 11, 2014 only 2 400 bonds are issued, trading will be available with the issued 2 400 bonds.

Additional information:

Issuer's full name SIA ExpressCredit
Issuer's short name EXPC
Securities ISIN code LV0000801322
Securities maturity date 25.12.2020.
Nominal value of one security* EUR 1 000
Number of listed securities** 2 400
Orderbook short name*** EXPC150020A
Orderbook short name**** EXPC150020AB

* Nominal value of one security according to the prospectus is EUR 1 000. According to the procedure described in the prospectus the nominal value of one security is going to be decreased by EUR 125 each quarter starting on March 25, 2019. Decrease will be made on March 25, June 25, September 25 and December 25, the last decrease will be made on December 25, 2020.
** According to the procedure described in the prospectus SIA ExpressCredit has a right to issue bonds in total nominal value EUR 3 500 000 till December 5, 2014.

*** Fixed income automatch market segment (RSE Bonds Automatch)
**** Fixed income market segment with no automatch (Bulletin board: RSE Bonds)

SIA ExpressCredit prospectus in Latvian is available here.

Baltic Market
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+371 67 212 431