Source: Anoto Group AB

Anoto’s Annual Report for 2013 has been published

Lund, April 17, 2014 — Anoto Group AB (publ.) today announced that its Annual Report for 2013 has been published and is available on the corporate website.

The report is available digitally on


For more information please contact:

Dan Wahrenberg, CFO
Anoto Group AB
+46 (0)733 45 10 19


Anoto Group AB may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 9.30 CET on April 17, 2014.


About Anoto Group
Anoto Group AB is a global leader in digital writing solutions, which enables fast and reliable transmission of handwriting into a digital format. Anoto operates worldwide through a global partner network that delivers user-friendly digital writing solutions for efficient capture, transmission, distribution and storage of data. Anoto is currently in use across multiple business segments, e.g. healthcare, pharmaceutical, bank and financial services, transportation and logistics, government and education. The Anoto Group has over 100 employees and is headquartered in Lund (Sweden), with offices in Basingstoke, Guildford and Wetherby (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Boston (US) and Tokyo (Japan). The Anoto share is traded on the Small Cap list of NASDAQ OMX Stockholm under the ticker ANOT. For more information, please visit:

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