Source: Investor AB

Interim Management Statement January-March 2014

Highlights during the first quarter

Net asset value amounted to SEK 227,584 m. (SEK 299 per share) on March 31,
2014, an increase of SEK 12,167 m. (SEK 16 per share) during the quarter,
corresponding to a change of 6 percent. Over the past 20 years, annual net asset
value growth, with dividend added back, has been 15 percent.

EQT funds distributed a net of SEK 868 m., and Investor Growth Capital
distributed SEK 362 m. to Investor during the quarter.

Additional shares in ABB were acquired for SEK 239 m.

Financial information

Consolidated net profit for the period, which includes unrealized change in
value, was SEK 12,163 m. (SEK 15.96 per share), compared to SEK 16,195 m. (SEK
21.29 per share) for the same period 2013.

Core Investments contributed SEK 10,585 m. to net asset value for the period
(15,837), of which the listed SEK 10,183 m. (16,072).

Financial Investments contributed SEK 2,054 m. to net asset value for the period

Leverage (net debt/total assets) was 8.8 percent as of March 31, 2014 (9.7).

Consolidated net sales for the year was SEK 4,883 m. compared to SEK 4,179 m.
for the same period 2013.
For further information:

Stefan Stern, Head of Corporate Relations and Communications, Phone 46 8 614
2058, 46 70 636 7417
Magnus Dalhammar, Head of Investor Relations, Phone 46 8 614 2130, 46 73 524
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Investor is the leading owner of high quality Nordic-based international
companies, founded by the Wallenberg family a hundred years ago. Through board
participation, our industrial experience, network and financial strength, we
strive to make our companies best-in-class. Our holdings include Atlas Copco,
SEB, ABB, Ericsson and Mölnlycke Health Care.