Source: Ekso Bionics Holdings, Inc.

SoldierSocks Foundation Donates Ekso Bionics(TM) Suit to VA Boston Healthcare System

Wearable Robotics to Help Veterans With Hemiplegia & Paraplegia Get Back on Their Feet

STAMFORD, Conn., April 24, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SoldierSocks, a non-profit foundation focused on helping veterans, announced today that VA Boston Healthcare System (West Roxbury campus) is the next recipient of an Ekso Bionics™ suit (OTCQB:EKSO). The Ekso GT™ will help injured veterans walk again. VA Boston serves over 500 paralyzed veterans in the northeast region and will accept the suit in a donation ceremony on April 30, 2014 at 9:30 am with a special appearance from SoldierSocks' first Ekso recipient, veteran Dan Rose who will walk in an Ekso device.

The SoldierSocks Foundation, run by long time military supporter Chris Meek, has evolved from sending socks and baby wipes to soldiers on the frontline to helping veterans take their next steps back at home. SoldierSocks announced in December that, through grants and fundraising, they would donate 10 Ekso suits to VA hospitals by the end of 2014. Public response has been overwhelming and nationwide donations supporting this initiative are part of what makes SoldierSocks' second donation possible. For more information on how to support SoldierSocks please visit www.soldiersocks.com

"Every day, members of the military put their lives on the line to help protect our country," says SoldierSocks co-founder Chris Meek. "When they return home, they are faced with the challenges of re-acclimating to civilian life. Additionally, some have been critically wounded or paralyzed in the line of duty. We are honored to help our veterans take their next steps on American soil using Ekso Bionics technology."

Adds Ekso Bionics co-founder and corporate executive officer Nate Harding; "given the growing support we are able to provide the US military for able-bodied exoskeleton applications, including US SOCOM's TALOS program, being able to work with SoldierSocks to help injured veterans rehabilitate is incredibly satisfying. The work that Chris Meek is doing on behalf of SoldierSocks is impressive and we are glad to be part of it."

About SoldierSocks

SoldierSocks was founded in 2009 to provide basic necessities such as baby wipes, socks and sunscreen to American soldiers fighting for our country in the trenches of Afghanistan and Iraq. As more of our soldiers return home to the U.S., SoldierSocks continues to assist our nation's heroes in re-acclimating to civilian life by offering scholarships for colleges and trade schools and offering paralyzed soldiers an opportunity to gain mobility outside of a wheelchair.

To support SoldierSocks.com in their efforts to provide services to veterans across the United States, please visit our website at www.SoldierSocks.com.