Talvivaara Mining Company annual results review for the year ended 31 December 2013

Stock Exchange Release
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc
30 April 2014

 Talvivaara Mining Company annual results review for the year ended 31 December

         Talvivaara's corporate reorganisation proceedings progressing
        Encouraging recent developments in nickel market and production

Highlights of Q4 2013
  * Nickel production of 1,559t and zinc production of 4,179t
  * Production impacted by a four week stoppage at the metals recovery plant in
    November-December,  due to dilute leach solutions which rendered production
  * Bioheapleaching of the new ore heaps progressed in line with best ever heaps
    enabling significant improvement in solution grades following the metals
    plant stoppage
  * Talvivaara Mining Company Plc ("Talvivaara" or the "Company") and its
    operating subsidiary Talvivaara Sotkamo Ltd ("Talvivaara Sotkamo") applied
    for corporate reorganisation on 15 November 2013, and the reorganisation
    proceedings of the two companies commenced on 29 November 2013 and 17
    December 2013, respectively

Highlights of 2013
  * Nickel production of 8,662t and zinc production of 17,418t
  * Water balance challenges impacted production throughout the year as a
    consequence of flooding of the older ore heaps and inactivation of the
    bioheapleaching process in them
  * Ore production temporarily suspended from September 2012 to mid-May 2013;
    record levels of output in mining and materials handling (crushing,
    stacking, reclaiming) were achieved after re-start until these functions
    were again suspended due to liquidity reasons in November
  * EUR 261 million rights-issue completed in April 2013; cash-burn thereafter
    higher than anticipated due to the prolonged impact of water on production
    and weak nickel prices through most of the year
  * Significant commitment on sustainability: environmental investments EUR 34
    million and expenditure in water management EUR 36 million
  * EUR 593 million impairments on property, plant and equipment and inventory
    and EUR 76 million on deferred tax assets reflecting weak nickel market at
    the end of 2013, and uncertainties relating to the corporate reorganisation
    proceedings and the Company's liquidity situation
  * The impairments have no cash impact and are in line with common mining
    sector practice during the low cycles of commodities markets such as those
    seen in 2013
  * Operating loss before the write-downs EUR 108 million; reported operating
    loss EUR 702 million

Highlights of 2014 to date
  * Q1 2014 nickel production of 3,068t and zinc production of 5,726t; best
    quarter since Q3 2012
  * Year-to-date nickel production through 28 April 4,203t of nickel and 8,032t
    of zinc; stable production through the first four months of the year
  * New heaps leaching well and providing most of the produced metals for the
    time being with nickel grades in solution at around 1.3-1.5g/l
  * Ore production remains suspended until further financing is secured
  * Loan and streaming holiday agreement with Nyrstar for an up to EUR 20
    million loan facility and option to sell up to 80,000t of zinc to Nyrstar at
    market price for an additional significant financing impact
  * Reports on the financial status of Talvivaara Mining Company and Talvivaara
    Sotkamo by the Administrator completed and conclude that executable
    restructuring programmes can be set up for both companies subject to
    financing solutions being achieved

Guidance for 2014
Talvivaara's operational outlook in 2014 remains subject to the success to
completion, timing and extent of the financing transactions that are currently
being negotiated. In the absence of a comprehensive financing solution and
related operational plan for the time being, Talvivaara is not in a position to
give guidance on its production or its operational and capital expenditure for
the current year.
Key figures

 EUR million                               |       Q4|      Q4|      FY|     FY
                                           |     2013|    2012|    2013|   2012
 Net sales                                 |     12.6|    25.7|    77.6|  142.9
 Operating loss before impairments         |        -|       -| (108.8)|      -
 Operating loss                            |  (628.7)|  (57.0)| (701.8)| (83.6)
       % of net sales                      |(4988.7)%|(221.9%)|(904.7)%|(58.5)%
 Loss for the period                       |  (731.8)|  (59.4)| (812.5)|(103.9)
 Earnings per share, EUR                   |   (0.43)|  (0.22)|  (0.48)| (0.38)
 Equity-to-assets ratio                    |  (46.1)%|   24.3%| (46.1)%|  24.3%
 Net interest bearing debt                 |    548.7|   563.8|   548.7|  563.8
 Debt-to-equity ratio                      | (190.9)%|  183.8%|(190.9)%| 183.3%
 Capital expenditure                       |      7.4|    29.6|    60.5|   97.5
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of   |      5.9|    36.1|     5.9|   36.1
 the period                                |         |        |        |
 Number of employees at the end of the     |      549|     588|     549|    588
 period                                    |         |        |        |
All reported FY 2013 figures in this release are audited; quarterly figures are

CEO  Pekka Perä  comments: "The  recent developments  since our last operational
update at the end of February have been encouraging: the sentiment in the nickel
market  has  turned  for  the  positive  with  prices  improving from around USD
14,000/t then to above USD 18,000/t currently, we have completed the first stage
of  our  targeted  financing  solutions  through  the loan and streaming holiday
agreement  with Nyrstar, and our production activities in Sotkamo have continued
well  with  the  Q1  2014 nickel  production  of 3,068t being the best quarterly
output since Q3 2012.

Whilst  the early  part of  2014 has been  promising, the  difficulties of 2013
nevertheless  left us in  a challenging situation.  Talvivaara and its operating
subsidiary  Talvivaara  Sotkamo  Ltd  applied  for  corporate  reorganization in
November  2013, and financing  solutions for  the Group  are now being sought in
order  to secure  Talvivaara's ability  to continue  its production  ramp-up and
become  a viable business  in the long  term. The uncertainties  relating to the
corporate  reorganization and our  financing solutions going  forward as well as
the  weak nickel market prevailing at the  end of 2013 are also reflected in our
financial  results, where we made EUR 593 million write-downs on property, plant
and  equipment and inventories and an  EUR 76 million impairment on deferred tax
assets.  Such write-downs have  recently been rather  common-place in the mining
industry  due to  the difficult  market situation  and are  hence not  unique to
Talvivaara,  but  they  have  nevertheless  a  profound  impact on the Company's
results and balance sheet.

Operationally  Talvivaara suffered throughout 2013 from the prolonged inhibiting
effects  of water on the bioleaching process.  This left the older heaps largely
inactive  and as a result,  our nickel production for  the year only amounted to
8,662t. Further,  we were only able to mine new ore for six months, from mid-May
to  November, as the open pit contained  excess water during the first months of
the year, whilst our liquidity problems forced us to again suspend mining closer
to  the  year-end.  Despite  this,  the  operational  outlook  grew increasingly
positive  going  into  2014, as  our  new  ore  heaps,  primary  heaps 1 and 4,
demonstrated  very  good  leaching  performance  and started contributing to our
metals  production in the fourth quarter. The nickel grade in solution pumped to
the  metals plant  rose from  less than  0.8g/l in November  to around 1.5g/l by
February  and has  stayed around  that level  ever since  despite high levels of
metals  out-take from the two new heaps.  Once again, this demonstrates that the
bioleaching technology works.

Much   of   the   public   discussion  around  Talvivaara  has  revolved  around
environmental matters, but similarly a great proportion of the Company's efforts
and  expenditure have gone  to water management  and mitigation of environmental
risks.  In 2013, Talvivaara treated and discharged some 5.7 million cubic meters
of  water  from  the  mine  area,  commissioned  reverse osmosis water treatment
plants,  and built additional dams and ponds to reduce the catchment area and to
increase  storage  volumes.  The  Company's  environmental  investments in 2013
amounted  to EUR 34 million, up 6 per cent  from EUR 32 million the year before,
and  the operational environmental expenditure totalled EUR 36 million. Although
we  feel  that  we  have  already  dedicated  as much resources to environmental
matters  as has been reasonably  possible, we also acknowledge  that the work is
not  over, but rather will continue this  year and beyond with our stated target
of being a leader in sustainable mining.
Having  been depressed for most of 2013 due  to over-supply and weak demand, the
nickel  market  has  shown  a  remarkable  recovery  in  2014 with  nickel price
improving  by around 30 per  cent from the  levels seen in  the beginning of the
year.  The main  stimulus for  the improvement  has been  the Indonesian  ban on
nickel  ore  exports,  which  came  into  effect  in January and which has had a
particularly strong impact on the nickel ore supply to China. The market outlook
is  now more  positive than  in the  last few  years with the nickel over-supply
being foreseen to turn into a deficit possibly as early as this year.

For  our long  term future,  our most  important target  in the  near term is to
secure  sufficient  funds  to  allow  us  to re-start our re-claiming and mining
operations.  Having  these  two  functions  operational  helps  us  in our water
management  operations and creates the foundation on which we can again continue
ramping  up our  production in  anticipation of  volume based  cost benefits. We
believe our good results in bioheapleaching over the last several months as well
as  the recent  improvement in  the nickel  market are  helpful in our financing
efforts  and hope  to be  able to  announce some  positive news  in this respect
during the next few months.

Now  that our corporate reorganization  proceedings and re-financing efforts are
ongoing,  we have had to lay  off part of our personnel  for the time being, and
all  our employees have had to endure  uncertainty over the future of their jobs
and  Talvivaara's  operations.  Whilst  I  strongly  believe  in  the  long term
viability  of  the  Talvivaara  mine,  I  am  also  sincerely  grateful  for our
personnel's  commitment  through  these  challenging  times  and look forward to
seeing their efforts carry the operation into a stable and profitable future."


Talvivaara Mining Company Plc Tel. +358 20 712 9800
Pekka Perä, CEO
Saila Miettinen-Lähde, Deputy CEO and CFO

English  language presentation and  live webcast on  30 April 2014 at 09:00 UK /
11:00 Finnish time

An  English language combined presentation, conference  call and live webcast on
the  annual results  will be  held on  30 April 2013 at 09:00 UK / 11:00 Finnish
time at Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä, Helsinki, Finland.
The webcast can be accessed through the following link:

A  conference call facility is available  for participants joining via telephone
and there will be a Q&A following the presentation.

Participant - UK: +44 (0)20 7162 0077
Participant - Finland:+358 (0)9 2313 9201
Participant - US: +1 334 323 6201
Conference ID: 944299

Further   details  on  the  event  can  be  found  on  the  Talvivaara  website,
www.talvivaara.com.  The  webcast  will  also  be  available  for viewing on the
Talvivaara website shortly after the event.

Talvivaara's fourth quarter review

New heaps leaching well, metals production re-started after a four-week shut-

Nickel   and   zinc  production  in  Q4  2013 amounted  to  1,559t and  4,179t,
respectively.  Production was limited due to  the low leach performance from the
two  old heaps (primary heaps 2 and 3) while  two new heaps (primary heaps 1 and
4) were  being brought  into operation,  but not  yet at their peak performance.
Heap  4 started  positively  contributing  to  nickel  production  at the end of
October  and heap 1 reached positive contribution  at the beginning of December.
Both heaps showed good ramp up, with performance in line with best ever leaching

The  production output was also impacted by an approximately four-week shut down
of  the metals plant in November-December. The stoppage was taken to address the
nickel  grade in  the leach  solution, which  had depleted  to levels which made
operation  of the metals recovery plant  uneconomical. The shut-down allowed the
leach solution grade to increase as the two new heaps increased in grade, and by
the  time  the  plant  restarted,  nickel  grade  in solution had increased from
0.7g/l to  1.3g/l. The  nickel  grade  in  solution  pumped  to the metals plant
continued to rise thereafter despite high production rates from the new heaps.

Significant   effort  was  made  during  the  period  to  improve  the  leaching
performance  of heaps 2 and 3. These heaps have struggled to operate since 2012
when  heavy  rains  resulted  in  the  heaps  flooding  and  the  leach reaction
practically stopping. Acid addition to the heaps was increased to help modify pH
and return the heaps to better leach conditions. Modifications to the surface of
the  heaps  were  also  made  and  aeration  pipes re-opened to improve solution
percolation  and aeration.  Some of  these actions  showed promising  short term
results but the improvements were not sufficient to justify continued additional
costs of the actions taken.

Due to the financial situation of the Company, all mining and materials handling
operations were suspended from 13 November 2013. Prior to the suspension, mining
and  materials handling operated well during the quarter, with new records being
achieved  for mined  tonnes, and  tonnes crushed.  Just prior to the suspension,
significant  improvements  had  also  been  made  in  reclaiming  allowing major
bottlenecks in the process to be identified and removed.

Production key figures

                     |      |   Q4|   Q4|    FY|    FY
                     |      | 2013| 2012|  2013|  2012
 Mining              |      |     |     |      |
 Ore production      |Mt    |  1.6|    -|   7.4|   8.7
 Waste production    |Mt    |  0.9|  1.2|   3.1|   5.3
 Materials handling  |      |     |     |      |
 Stacked ore         |Mt    |  1.7|    -|   7.6|   8.7
 Bioheapleaching     |      |     |     |      |
 Ore under leaching  |Mt    | 51.8| 44.3|  51.8|  44.3
 Metals recovery     |      |     |     |      |
 Nickel metal content|Tonnes|1,559|2,317| 8,662|12,916
 Zinc metal content  |Tonnes|4,179|4,106|17,418|25,867

Financial performance in the fourth quarter of 2013

Net sales and financial result

Talvivaara's  net sales for  nickel and cobalt  deliveries to Norilsk Nickel and
for  zinc  deliveries  to  Nyrstar  during  the  quarter ended 31 December 2013
amounted  to EUR 12.6 million (Q4 2012: EUR  25.7 million). Compared to Q3 2013
net  sales decreased by 48 per cent primarily due to lower production volumes as
a  result of the  four-week shut-down of  the metals plant  taken because of the
depressed  metal grades in  leach solution. The  nickel price also remained weak
throughout  the  quarter,  however  approximately  at  the  same level as in the
previous  quarter. Product deliveries  in Q4 2013 amounted  to 1,577t of nickel,
43t of cobalt and 2,363t of zinc.

Changes  in inventories of finished  goods and work in  progress amounted to EUR
12.3 million  (Q4 2012: EUR (6.4)  million). The changes  in inventories reflect
the  level  of  mining  and  materials  handling  operations during the relevant
period;  in Q4  2013 ore production  operations were  ongoing until 13 November,
whereas  the year before they were suspended due to the water balance issues for
the whole quarter.

In  Q4 2013, the decision was taken to no longer actively leach the oldest parts
of  the  secondary  heaps  and  to  disconnect  them  from  the  leach  solution
circulation in the near future. Accordingly, it was concluded that the remaining
metals  in  these  heap  sections  would  no  longer be recoverable and that the
estimated  cost of  completion relative  to the  metal contents  and anticipated
recoveries  in the actively  leached heap sections  would therefore increase. In
view  of the anticipated metal prices in  the foreseeable future, it was further
concluded  that the net  realizable value of  the actively leached inventory was
less  than its estimated cost of completion. As a result, the Company recognised
a  write-down of EUR 93.7 million for the  work in progress inventory. As at 31
December 2013 the carrying amount of work in progress inventory after the write-
down was EUR 234 million, reflecting its net realisable value.

The  operating loss  for Q4  2013 was EUR  (628.7) million  (Q4 2012: EUR (57.0)
million),  corresponding  to  an  operating  margin  of  (4,988.7)%  (Q4  2012:
(221.9)%).  The decline  in the  nickel market  price, challenges related to the
production  and water management, the  Company's weakened liquidity position and
the filing for corporate reorganisation by the Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo on
15 November  2013 were identified  as impairment  indicators by  management and,
following  an  impairment  test  performed  for  Talvivaara's  mining  assets in
Sotkamo, an impairment charge of EUR 499 million was made at the year-end 2013,
which  is  reflected  in  the  operating  loss.  Key assumptions and sensitivity
analysis  for the impairment analysis are provided under Note 9 of the Company's
Financial Statements for 2013.

During Q4 2013, materials and services amounted to EUR (21.5) million (Q4 2012:
EUR  (20.0)  million)  and  other  operating  expenses to EUR (18.7) million (Q4
2012: EUR (33.4) million). Materials and services were approximately at the same
level,  but other  operating expenses  substantially lower  than the year before
with the Q4 2012 figures reflecting the additional costs incurred as a result of
the  gypsum pond leakage. In Q4 2012 Talvivaara also recognised EUR 12.2 million
in  provisions for costs related to the leakage, in particular those anticipated
to be incurred in the clean-up of the land contaminated with metal precipitates,
and  the treatment and subsequent discharge of waters stored in the safety dams.
A  further  EUR  9.1 million  provision  was  recognised for the necessary water
storage  and  pumping  arrangements  and  waste water neutralization measures to
secure  a sustainable water balance at the  mine site. The majority of the costs
were  incurred in 2013 and at 31 December 2013 the remaining provisions were EUR
3.8 million and EUR 2.5 million, respectively.

Reflecting  the write-downs, loss for the period amounted to EUR (731.8) million
(Q4 2012: EUR (59.4) million).
Balance sheet and financing

Capital expenditure during the last quarter of 2013 totalled EUR 7.4 million (Q4
2012: EUR 29.6 million). All capital expenditure during Q4 2013 was minimized to
the extent possible due to the Company's tight liquidity situation. In practice,
only  investments  relating  to  water  management and environmental safety were
carried out as planned along with those that were necessary for the continuation
of metals production.

Talvivaara  has continued to  recognise deferred tax  assets on its consolidated
balance  sheet through Q3 2013 and the  amount of deferred tax assets recognized
on  tax loss carryforwards as at 30 September 2013 amounted to EUR 136.5 million
(31  December  2012: EUR  103.8 million).  In  its  Q3 2013 interim results, the
Company announced having reviewed the past operational challenges which have led
to  lower than  expected production  and profitability  levels at the Talvivaara
mine.  It was further noted that  if Talvivaara generates future taxable profits
lower  than  those  assumed  by  the  Company  in determining the amounts of the
recognized  deferred tax assets, the assets  may become impaired, either in part
or  in full. Accordingly, the  amounts recognized on the  balance sheet could be
reversed through profit and loss.

Having  undertaken a review of  the amount of deferred  tax assets recognized on
tax  loss carryforwards, the  Company has, due  to the historical  losses of the
mine  project, the  experienced delays  in the  ramp-up process  and the current
financial  situation of  the Company,  de-recognized deferred  tax assets in the
amount  of EUR 75.5 million,  leaving the Company  with a zero  net deferred tax

Despite  the de-recognition  of the  deferred tax  assets, subject to Talvivaara
obtaining  sufficient financing to  continue the ramp-up  of its operations, the
Group  may  be  able  generate  sufficient  taxable  profits  so that all of the
deferred tax assets could be utilized in the future.

On  31 December  2013, cash  and  cash  equivalents totalled EUR 5.9 million (31
December 2012: EUR 36.1 million).

Total  equity  and  liabilities  as  at  31 December 2013 amounted to EUR 623.3
million  (31  December  2012: EUR  1,260.8 million),  reflecting the impairments
recognized  in property, plant and equipment  and inventories and the write-down
in deferred tax assets.
Base metal prices remained weak during the last quarter of 2013

In  Q4 2013 the nickel price remained at  around or below USD 14,000/t, where it
had  traded since June. The  market suffered from over  capacity and weak demand
and  the London Metal  Exchange nickel stocks  were reaching their all-time high
levels of 262,000t at year-end.

Corporate reorganisation

Owing to weak nickel price development and the prolonged effects of excess water
on  production  levels,  Talvivaara's  liquidity  position  weakened  more  than
anticipated  during 2013. As a result, the  Company and its operating subsidiary
Talvivaara Sotkamo applied for corporate reorganisation on 15 November 2013, and
corporate reorganisation proceedings of these companies commenced on 29 November
2013 and 17 December 2013, respectively.

Talvivaara's annual results review 2013

Nickel market remained weak for most of 2013

In  2013, the  nickel  market  was  impacted  by  oversupply and relatively weak
demand.  Having traded at around USD 17,000-18,000/t for the first two months of
the  year, the  nickel price  declined down  to below  USD 14,000/t in  June and
stayed  around the same  level for the  remainder of the  year, averaging at USD
14,000/t for the second half of the year.

Whilst nickel demand in China continued to play a significant part in the nickel
market  and  nickel  price  development  throughout  the  year,  a  particularly
important  role  was  played  by  the  Indonesian nickel containing ore used for
nickel  pig  iron  ("NPI")  production  primarily  in  China. The Indonesian ore
production  has grown steadily over  the recent years and  was estimated at some
460,000 tonnes   in   2013, measured   by   nickel   content,  which  represents
approximately  24 per cent of the global nickel  supply. The majority of the NPI
is  used for the production  of stainless steel in  China, and over the last few
years,  the  marginal  cost  of  nickel  production  from  the  NPI  has  fallen
substantially  as a result of  technical development. This has  made NPI a cost-
efficient  source of nickel for China and in part contributed to the weak nickel
price  development  during  the  past  year.  However,  on  12 January 2014, the
Indonesian government implemented a ban on unprocessed nickel ore exports, which
has  since had a substantial impact on  nickel supply, the average marginal cost
of nickel production and nickel price. Since the beginning of 2014, nickel price
has  increased by approximately  30 per cent, from  around USD 14,000/t to above
USD  18,000/t, which has been  a substantially stronger  and quicker improvement
than anticipated still in January.

Global  primary nickel  consumption grew  slightly during  2013, and the Chinese
consumption  at  approximately  850,000 tonnes  represented approximately 45 per
cent  of the  global market.  On the  supply side,  global primary nickel supply
amounted  to 1.91 million  tonnes in  2013, leaving the  market at  a surplus of
approximately 100,000 tonnes. (Source: Reuters,INSG)

The EUR/USD exchange rate showed an increasing trend towards the end of the year
having  traded at around 1.30 during the spring  and moving up to around 1.37 by
the  end of the year. Whilst the strengthening of the Euro reflected on one hand
the  subsiding of  the Eurozone  crisis, it  exacerbated on  the other  hand the
impact  of the weak  US dollar based  nickel price on  Euro cost based producers
such as Talvivaara.

Production continued to suffer from prolonged effects of excess water

Talvivaara  closed the year having produced 8,662t of nickel (2012: 12,916t) and
17,418t of   zinc   (2012:  25,867t).  Over  the  course  of  2013, Talvivaara's
operations  continued to be  impacted by water  balance issues stemming from the
heavy  rains of 2012 and the gypsum pond leaks of November 2012 and April 2013;
hence  one of the key areas of activity  was to establish measures to purify and
release  excess waters captured at the mine area. Ore production re-commenced in
mid-May 2013 after having been suspended from September 2012 due to excess water
in the open pit. After successful operation from May to November, ore production
was  again  suspended,  this  time  for  financial  reasons. Metal grades in the
bioleaching  solutions suffered from  the prolonged effects  of water on the old
heaps and decreased through most of the year until the newly stacked ore started
to  contribute  to  production  in  the  fourth  quarter.  Metals recovery plant
operation  and  availability  improved  steadily  through  the  year without any
extended stoppages relating to unexpected equipment failures.

Mining  and materials handling produced  7.4Mt and processed 7.6Mt of ore (2012:
8.7Mt), and  mined 3.1Mt of  waste (2012:  5.3Mt) in 2013 during  the six months
from  May to November that these functions were operational. A record production
level  of  1.66Mt per  month  was  achieved  in October before the operation was
suspended.  The amount of nickel  in the ore stacked  to leaching in October was
4,064t. The step change seen in the productivity, quality and capacity of mining
and  materials handling was  achieved through stricter  grade control, increased
cut-off  grade, enhancement  of the  agglomerate quality  control, focus on unit
costs, and de-bottlenecking of the reclaiming operation.

In  bioheapleaching  the  average  nickel  grade  through the year was 1.0g/l.
Special  attention  was  paid  to  various  operational  measures to enhance the
performance  of the existing heaps and to ensure outstanding start-up of the new
heaps.  Significant improvement compared to the  previous year was achieved with
the  new heaps, whereas the actions to improve the operation of the old heaps 2
and  3 proved not to  be cost efficient  enough. The well  performing new heaps,
which  cover  approximately  40 per  cent  of  the  total primary leaching area,
together  with the secondary  leaching, enabled the  realized increase in metals
production at the year end and going into 2014.

In  metals  recovery,  plant  stability  and  availability  continued to improve
compared  to previous years. De-bottlenecking actions were successfully executed
allowing  leach solution flow rate to increase up to 1,750m3/h. The average feed
flow  rate for the entire year  was 1,142 m3/h.  Unexpected process or equipment
related  downtime was  approximately one  week through  the entire year, proving
that the processing technology has matured to a steady industrial stage.

The  challenging water  balance situation  continued throughout  the year 2013.
Additional  storage and purification capacity  was built for stored contaminated
waters  and  reverse  osmosis  units  were  commissioned  mid-2013 for purifying
circulated water for usage at the metals recovery plant.
Financial review
Net sales and financial result

Talvivaara's  net sales for  nickel and cobalt  deliveries to Norilsk Nickel and
for  zinc deliveries to Nyrstar during  2013 amounted to EUR 77.6 million (2012:
EUR  142.9 million). Net sales decreased by  46 per cent compared to 2012 due to
smaller  delivery volumes as well as lower nickel price. Production was impacted
by the challenging water situation at the mine throughout the year, particularly
as  regards  the  effect  of  water  on  the older ore heaps. Product deliveries
amounted to 8,725t of nickel, 13,722t of zinc and 286t of cobalt (2012: 12,641t
of nickel, 29,256t of zinc, 355t of cobalt).

The  Group's other operating income amounted  to EUR 1.9 million (2012: EUR 4.1
million) and mainly consisted of indemnities on losses.

Changes  in inventories of finished  goods and work in  progress amounted to EUR
53.7 million  (2012: EUR  50.3 million). The  increase in  inventories primarily
reflects  the costs  associated with  mining and  materials handling relating to
work in progress.

In  Q4 2013, the decision was taken to no longer actively leach the oldest parts
of  the  secondary  heaps  and  to  disconnect  them  from  the  leach  solution
circulation in the near future. Accordingly, it was concluded that the remaining
metals  in  these  heap  sections  would  no  longer be recoverable and that the
estimated  cost of  completion relative  to the  metal contents  and anticipated
recoveries  in the actively  leached heap sections  would therefore increase. In
view  of the anticipated metal prices in  the foreseeable future, it was further
concluded  that the net  realizable value of  the actively leached inventory was
less  than its estimated cost of completion. As a result, the Company recognised
a  write-down of EUR 93.7 million for the  work in progress inventory. As at 31
December 2013 the carrying amount of work in progress inventory after the write-
down was EUR 234 million, reflecting its net realisable value.

Materials  and  services  were  EUR  (95.6)  million  in 2013 (2012: EUR (117.8)
million)  and other operating expenses were EUR (62.2) million (2012: EUR (81.2)
million).  The largest cost items  were production chemicals, external services,
electricity,  maintenance and  costs related  to water  management. In  Q4 2012
Talvivaara  also recognised EUR 12.2 million in  provisions for costs related to
the  gypsum pond leakage of November 2012, in particular those anticipated to be
incurred  in the clean-up of the  land contaminated with metal precipitates, and
the  treatment and subsequent discharge  of waters stored in  the safety dams. A
further EUR 9.1 million provision was recognised for the necessary water storage
and  pumping arrangements  and waste  water neutralization  measures to secure a
sustainable  water balance  at the  mine site.  The majority  of the  costs were
incurred  in 2013 and at 31 December 2013 the remaining provisions were EUR 3.8
million and EUR 2.5 million, respectively.
Personnel expenses were EUR (30.9) million (2012: EUR (28.1) million).

The  operating loss for 2013 was EUR (701.8) million (2012: EUR (83.6) million),
corresponding to an operating margin of (904.7)% (2012: (58.5)%). The decline in
the  nickel  market  price,  challenges  related  to  the  production  and water
management,  the  Company's  weakened  liquidity  position  and  the  filing for
corporate  reorganisation by the  Company and Talvivaara  Sotkamo on 15 November
2013 were  identified as impairment  indicators by management  and, following an
impairment  test  performed  for  Talvivaara's  mining  assets  in  Sotkamo,  an
impairment  charge  of  EUR  499 million  was  made  at  year-end 2013, which is
reflected in the operating loss.

Finance  income  for  2013 was  EUR  0.9 million  (2012:  EUR  0.8 million)  and
consisted mainly of exchange rate gains and interests on deposits. Finance costs
of  EUR (57.1) million (2012: EUR  (46.5) million) mainly resulted from interest
and related financing expenses on borrowings.

The  loss for 2013 amounted  to EUR (812.5)  million (2012: EUR (103.9) million)
reflecting the write-downs on inventory and property, plant and equipment. Other
factors  included the challenging nickel price,  elevated costs due to the water
balance  challenges and low level of  product deliveries. Earnings per share was
EUR (0.48) (2012: EUR (0.35).

The  total  comprehensive  income  for  2013 was  EUR (812.5) million (2012: EUR
(103.9) million).
Balance sheet

Capital  expenditure in 2013 totalled EUR 60.5 million (2012: EUR 97.5 million).
The  expenditure related primarily to the uranium extraction circuit, earthworks
on  secondary  heap  foundations  and  water  management comprising dam and pond
structures,  pumping and piping arrangements  and water treatment facilities. On
the  consolidated  statement  of  financial  position  as  at 31 December 2013,
property,  plant and equipment totalled EUR 305.0 million (31 December 2012: EUR
809.5 million) after an impairment charge of EUR 499 million.

In  the Group's assets, inventories amounted to EUR 261.5 million on 31 December
2013 (31  December  2012: EUR  297.8 million).  The year-end inventories reflect
both  an increase  of EUR  53.7 million in  work in  progress and  an impairment
charge of EUR 93.7 million.
Trade  receivables amounted to EUR 10.4 million on 31 December 2013 (31 December
2012: EUR  32.2 million). The trade  receivables decreased due  to the four-week
suspension  of metals production in November-December  as well as the low nickel
price in late 2013.

Talvivaara  has continued to  recognise deferred tax  assets on its consolidated
balance  sheet through Q3 2013 and the  amount of deferred tax assets recognized
on  tax loss carryforwards as at 30 September 2013 amounted to EUR 136.5 million
(31  December  2012: EUR  103.8 million).  In  its  Q3 2013 interim results, the
Company announced having reviewed the past operational challenges which have led
to  lower than  expected production  and profitability  levels at the Talvivaara
mine.  It was further noted that  if Talvivaara generates future taxable profits
lower  than  those  assumed  by  the  Company  in determining the amounts of the
recognized  deferred tax assets, the assets  may become impaired, either in part
or  in full. Accordingly, the  amounts recognized on the  balance sheet could be
reversed through profit and loss.

Having  undertaken a review of  the amount of deferred  tax assets recognized on
tax  loss carryforwards, the  Company has, due  to the historical  losses of the
mine  project, the  experienced delays  in the  ramp-up process  and the current
financial  situation of  the Company,  de-recognized deferred  tax assets in the
amount  of EUR 75.5 million,  leaving the Company  with a zero  net deferred tax

Despite  the de-recognition  of the  deferred tax  assets, subject to Talvivaara
obtaining  sufficient financing to  continue the ramp-up  of its operations, the
Group  may  be  able  generate  sufficient  taxable  profits  so that all of the
deferred tax assets could be utilized in the future.

On  31 December  2013, cash  and  cash  equivalents totalled EUR 5.9 million (31
December 2012: EUR 36.1 million).
Equity and liabilities
In  equity and  liabilities, total  equity amounted  to EUR 287.5 million on 31
December  2013 (31  December  2012: EUR  306.8 million).  Talvivaara  raised EUR
250.8 million,  net  of  transaction  costs,  from an issue of 1,633,857,840 new
shares  in April 2013. No  new shares were  subscribed for during 2013 under the
company's stock option rights 2007 or 2011 schemes.

As  at 31 December 2013 borrowings amounted to EUR 554.6 million on (31 December
2012: EUR 599.8 million). The changes in total borrowings during the year mainly
resulted  from  the  repayment  in  May  of  EUR  76.9 million  senior  unsecure
convertible bonds due 2013.

The Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo's application for corporate reorganisation on
15 November  2013 constituted an event of default under the companies' financing
facilities  with the exception  of financial leases.  Therefore, the majority of
the borrowings, EUR 524.0 million, have as at 31 December 2013 been reclassified
as current borrowings and any unamortized costs have been expensed to the income
statement  accreting the loans carrying amount  to the redemption value. Despite
this,  such debts cannot be repaid  until the repayment terms, including payment
schedule and amount, have been decided and authorized as part of the Company and
Talvivaara Sotkamo's respective reorganisation programmes.

Of the total borrowings, approximately EUR 517 million constitute reorganisation
debts  that  may  be  restructured  as  part  of  the  corporate  reorganisation
programme.  All amounts of reorganisation debts remain subject to change and may
only  be finalized as the eventual  reorganisation programmes are authorised. As
at  the  date  of  the  Company's  consolidated financial statements on 30 April
2014, the reorganisation programmes have not yet been proposed nor authorised.
Total  advance payments  as at  31 December 2013 amounted  to EUR 286.1 million,
representing  an  increase  of  EUR  12.4 million  from EUR 273.7 million on 31
December  2012. During 2013, Talvivaara  received a  EUR 12.0 million additional
pre-payment  from Nyrstar based on an  amendment to the zinc streaming agreement
entered  into in February, and a  USD 10 million additional advance payment from
Cameco,  similarly agreed and received in February. The original advance payment
from Nyrstar was amortised by EUR 2.7 million as a result of zinc deliveries.

Total  equity  and  liabilities  as  at  31 December 2013 amounted to EUR 623.3
million  (31  December  2012: EUR  1,260.8 million),  reflecting the impairments
recognized  in property, plant and equipment  and inventories and the write-down
in deferred tax assets.
On  12 February 2013 Talvivaara Sotkamo entered into an amendment agreement with
Cameco  Corporation concerning  the uranium  take-in-kind agreement  pursuant to
which  the amount of the up-front investment that Cameco is to pay to Talvivaara
Sotkamo for the construction of the uranium extraction facility was increased by
USD 10 million to USD 70 million. In addition, the duration of the agreement was
extended   to   31 December   2017 and  commercial  terms  revised  accordingly.
Talvivaara received the additional up-front investment in February 2013.

On  14 February 2013 Talvivaara Sotkamo entered into an amendment agreement with
Nyrstar  regarding the zinc in concentrate streaming agreement pursuant to which
Nyrstar  made an  additional up-front  payment of  EUR 12 million  to Talvivaara
Sotkamo  in return for Talvivaara Sotkamo agreeing not to charge Nyrstar the EUR
350 per tonne extraction and processing fee on the next 38,000 tonnes of zinc in
concentrate  delivered  to  Nyrstar  as  was  agreed  in  the  original  zinc in
concentrate  streaming agreement. The up-front  payment was received in February
2013. As  at 31 December, 13,744 tonnes  of zinc had  been delivered towards the
38,000 tonnes commitment agreed in the amendment agreement.

On  8 March 2013 an Extraordinary  General Meeting of  Talvivaara Mining Company
resolved  to approve  the proposal  by the  Board of  Directors to authorise the
Board  of Directors to undertake a share issue for consideration pursuant to the
shareholders'  pre-emptive subscription right. The  share issue was finalised in
April  and  all  1,633,857,840 new  shares  offered  in  the  rights  issue were
subscribed  for. The gross  proceeds amounted to  approximately EUR 261 million.
Total  number of shares in Talvivaara Mining Company increased to 1,906,167,480

On  20 May  2013, Talvivaara  completed  the  repayment  of its Senior Unsecured
Convertible  Bonds due in 2013. The remaining  convertible bonds amounted to EUR
76.9 million and the repayment was made according to the terms.
Corporate reorganisation

The  Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo applied  for corporate reorganisation on 15
November  2013 by filing related applications with  the District Court of Espoo,
Finland  ("District  Court  of  Espoo").  The  District  Court of Espoo took the
decision  to  commence  a  corporate  reorganisation  process  in respect of the
Company  on 29 November 2013 and in respect of Talvivaara Sotkamo on 17 December
2013. The District Court of Espoo appointed Mr. Pekka Jaatinen, Attorney-at-Law,
from  Castrèn & Snellman Attorneys to act as the Administrator in respect of the
corporate reorganisation of both the Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo.

In  reorganisation proceedings governed by  the Finnish Corporate Reorganisation
Act  (47/1993,  as  amended)  (the  "Reorganisation  Act"),  both  the  business
operations  and the debts of a company may be reorganised and restructured. As a
result  of such reorganisation, a company can either continue its operations or,
if the reorganisation fails, initiate bankruptcy proceedings.

The  central  task  of  the  Administrator  is  to  draw  up  a  proposal  for a
reorganisation  plan in  collaboration with  the various  parties within  a time
limit   set   by  the  District  Court  of  Espoo.  An  important  part  of  the
reorganisation plan is the payment arrangements for debts. In the reorganisation
plan,  debts  may  be  restructured  in  any  of the following ways: (i) through
changing  the payment schedule; (ii) applying  payments made by the debtor first
in  amortisation of  the principal  amount of  the debt  and only  thereafter as
payments  of other  debt related  costs, such  as interest;  (iii) reducing debt
related  costs, including the interest rate; and (iv) reducing the amount of the
unpaid  debt.  The commencement  of a reorganisation  process does not result in
all  the debts of the  relevant debtor becoming due  and payable. Any debts that
are not considered restructuring debts are to be repaid in accordance with their
original terms.

The  District Court of Espoo has issued  rulings in respect of certain deadlines
in  connection with  the Company  and Talvivaara  Sotkamo's respective corporate
reorganisations. According to the Court's ruling, the Administrator's reports on
the  financial  status  of  both  companies  were  completed  on 14 April 2014,
declaring  that  in  the  Administrator's  view,  an  executable  reorganisation
programme  can be set  up for both  companies, provided that financing solutions
for  an interim period and for the  longer term are achieved. Proposals for both
companies'  respective  reorganisation  plans  are  due  to  be submitted by the
Administrator  by 28 May  2014. Furthermore, in  connection with  both corporate
reorganisations,  the District Court of Espoo has appointed creditor committees,
which  act as the  joint representatives of  the creditors in the reorganisation
proceedings.  Various creditor  groups, including  secured creditors, other debt
financiers,  as well as  business partners and  subcontractors essential for the
operations  of  both  companies,  are  represented  in  the  creditor committees
appointed  by the Court.  The creditor committees  of the Company and Talvivaara
Sotkamo each have the same composition.

As  at  the  date  of  the  Company's financial statements on 29 April 2014, the
reorganisation  plans  of  the  Company  and  Talvivaara  Sotkamo  have not been
submitted  to, nor authorised  by the District  Court of Espoo  and as such, the
Company's  Board of Directors is not aware  of the contents of the proposals for
the  reorganisation plans that will be  made by the Administrator. The Directors
expect  that the restructuring debts of  the Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo will
be considerably reduced as part of the reorganisation plan. Before proposing the
reorganisation  plans,  the  Administrator  will  discuss and negotiate with the
Company  and  Talvivaara  Sotkamo  as  well  as  their creditors. In determining
whether to support or not to support any proposal for a reorganisation plan, the
Boards  of Directors  of both  companies also  need to  take into  account other
alternatives,  if  any,  available  to  the  Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo. The
failure  of the  reorganisation process  could result  in the  bankruptcy of the
Company and/or Talvivaara Sotkamo.

In  bankruptcy proceedings the Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo, with their assets
and liabilities, would be replaced by their respective bankruptcy estates, whose
decisions would thereafter be controlled by the creditors.

Going concern

Talvivaara's financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2013
have been prepared on a going concern basis, which assumes that the Company will
be able to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course
of business for the foreseeable future.

The   Company  is  working  together  with  the  Administrator  towards  finding
appropriate  financing solutions for the Group  going forward. On 1 April 2014,
Talvivaara  entered into  a loan  and streaming  holiday agreement  with Nyrstar
Sales  and Marketing AG ("Nyrstar") for a  loan facility of up to EUR 20 million
and an arrangement whereby, subject to Talvivaara securing a long-term financial
solution,  the Group also  has an option  to enter into  a streaming holiday for
delivery  volumes  of  up  to  80,000 tonnes  of zinc in concentrate. During the
streaming  holiday,  Nyrstar  commits,  outside  the  framework  of the original
contract  between the parties,  to purchase zinc  concentrate from Talvivaara at
market terms for an additional, significant financing impact.

The  agreement  with  Nyrstar  provided  Talvivaara with sufficient liquidity to
continue  the corporate reorganisation and its  operations in the short term. To
secure  the Group's long term viability, Talvivaara also explores the options of
identifying  potential  investor(s)  to  participate  in  a  medium  term bridge
financing and a long-term, overall financial solution for the Group.

As  of the date of the authorisation of the financial statements by the Board of
Directors,  the Directors, Management  and the Administrator  do not contemplate
the  liquidation of  the Company  or Talvivaara  Sotkamo. As such, Directors and
Management  believe that the going concern  basis of presentation is appropriate
regardless  of  the  on-going  financing  discussions  and  commencement  of the
reorganisation proceedings. However, the Company's liquidity situation continues
to  cause material uncertainty that casts significant doubt upon the Company and
Talvivaara Sotkamo's ability to continue as a going concern and that, therefore,
the  Group may be unable to realise  its assets and discharge its liabilities in
the   normal   course   of  business.  Should  the  going  concern  basis  prove
inappropriate  in the  foreseeable future,  adjustments to  the carrying amounts
and/or   classifications   of  Talvivaara's  assets  and  liabilities  would  be

The  Group's  ability  to  continue  as  a  going  concern  is  dependent on the
successful  completion of the contemplated financing transactions as well as the
development  and authorisation  of executable  restructuring programmes for both
the   Company   and   Talvivaara   Sotkamo.   Furthermore,  Talvivaara's  future
profitability  is dependent on the prevailing  market conditions and the Group's
ability  to successfully implement its business plan at the Talvivaara mine.  At
the  time of the Company's FY  2013 financial statements on 29 April 2014, it is
not  possible  to  foresee  whether  Talvivaara  will  be  able  to  execute its
financing,  reorganisation  and  operational  plans  or whether the execution of
these  will improve the Group's financial  condition sufficiently to allow it to
continue as a going concern.

The  corporate reorganisation  plans to  be authorised  by the District Court of
Espoo  could materially change the carrying amounts and classifications reported
in the Group's financial statements. The assets and liabilities in the Company's
FY 2013 financial statements do not reflect any adjustments potentially proposed
or  authorised as part of such  reorganisation plans. Furthermore, the financial
statements  do  not  aim  to  reflect  or  provide  for  the consequences of the
corporate  reorganisation proceedings, such as: (i)  the realisable value of the
Group's  assets  on  a  liquidation  basis  or  their  availability  to  satisfy
liabilities,  (ii) the amounts of loans  and debts subject to reorganisation and
priority  thereof,  (iii)  or  the  effect  on  the  Group's consolidated income
statement  of any changes  potentially made to  its business as  a result of the
final   corporate   reorganisation  plan.  However,  in  view  of  the  inherent
uncertainty   brought   about   by  the  corporate  reorganization  proceedings,
operational  challenges caused  by and  partly continuing  as a  result of water
balance issues, and the weak nickel price environment that prevailed for most of
2013 and  into  early  2014, the  Group  has made substantial impairment charges
related  to its tangible  assets, inventories and  deferred tax assets. Further,
the  challenging  liquidity  position  and  the  commencement  of  the Corporate
reorganisation  proceedings for the Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo have resulted
in  breach of  covenants and  default events  in accordance  with the respective
terms  and conditions of the companies' loan agreements resulting in adjustments
to the carrying values and classifications.

Business development

Planned uranium extraction and uranium off-take agreement with Cameco
Talvivaara is preparing for the recovery of uranium as a by-product of the
Company's existing operations. Uranium occurs naturally in small concentrations
in the Talvivaara area and leaches into the process solution along with
Talvivaara's main products. Annual uranium production at full scale is estimated
at 350tU (ca. 770,000 pounds), corresponding to approximately 410t (900,000
pounds) of yellow cake (UO(4)). Talvivaara's entire uranium production will be
sold under a long-term agreement to Cameco.

Following   receipt  of  the  construction  permit  in  August  2011, Talvivaara
commenced  construction of  the uranium  recovery facility,  which was  close to
completion  at the end of 2013. The permitting process for uranium production is
on-going  and  the  start  of  uranium  production  is further subject to, among
others,  environmental permit approval and  chemical authorisation. The decision
on  the environmental permit is expected in the first half of 2014 in connection
with  the  general  update  of  the  mine's environmental permit. In addition, a
permit  for uranium extraction in accordance with the Nuclear Energy Act will be
required. The Finnish Government initially granted this permit on 1 March 2012,
but  the Supreme  Administrative Court  resolved in  December 2013 to return the
permit  for reassessment by the  Government. Talvivaara is currently re-applying
for the permit.

Energy strategy
Talvivaara's energy strategy is focused on building an environmentally sound
portfolio of low-cost capacity allowing the Company to be energy self-sufficient
in the longer term. Talvivaara's electricity need is currently approximately
45MW, and is expected to increase significantly if the Company proceeds with its
planned capacity expansion.

Talvivaara  acquired in  2011-2012 an approximately  60MW capacity share  in the
Fennovoima  nuclear project in  Finland. Due to  the Company's ongoing corporate
reorganisation  proceedings, Talvivaara is  currently not in  a position to make
further  investments into the project and has  therefore not been able to commit
to  payments that would, according to plan, fall due during the course of 2014.
However,  Talvivaara has an option until the early autumn of 2014 to recommit to
Fennovoima's   financing   and  get  an  ownership  corresponding  to  47 MW  of
electricity.  For the time  being the Company  does not know  whether it will be
able  to exercise this  option, and the  final conclusion on  the matter remains
subject to financing.

The  Company has  conducted wind  measurements at  several locations  within the
mining  concession area and concluded  that the wind conditions  in the area are
suitable  for the generation  of wind energy.  Permitting for wind  farms at the
mine  site has been  started and Talvivaara  is continuing studies  to develop a
200-260 GWh/a windmill project jointly with a third party.

In  early  2013 Talvivaara  undertook  a  project  to  update  its  ore reserves
estimates  and anticipated announcing the new reserves during the second half of
2013. However, due to the Company's prioritization of the use of human resources
and  funds  during  the  course  of  2013 and currently, the finalization of the
reserves  has been postponed for the time being. Talvivaara notes, however, that
the mineral resources in Talvivaara remain at above 2 billion tonnes of ore, and
that the short to medium term mine plan is not impacted by the delay in updating
the ore reserves.

Research and development

Talvivaara's  research  and  development  activities  in  2013 focused  on water
management,  enhancing bioheapleaching  performance and  further optimization of
the metals plant operations.

As  water  management  has  been  one  of  the  key  focus areas in Talvivaara's
operations  already for some time, its role in research and development has also
grown accordingly. In 2013, focus was on evaluation and testing of various water
treatment technologies, including e.g. nano filtration.

In  bioheapleaching, the  Company's long  term pilot  heap project  to study the
impact  of different process conditions,  such as the rate  of acid addition, on
the  leaching performance was completed. Mineralogical studies were also carried
out  in order to gain a better understanding of the relationship between the ore
characteristics  and  leaching  performance.  For  production  support  purposes
several  lab scale leaching tests were  carried out and data-mining studies were
done  to  further  optimize  the  operating  conditions in the leaching process.
Localized tests were also carried out with production leaching pads.

In  materials handling, focus was on  further developing the agglomerate quality
control  procedures, as  it has  been established  that the agglomerate quality,
e.g.  moisture content and stability, is one of the key variables related to the
hydrodynamic  properties  of  the  leaching  heaps  and  hence also the leaching

Industrial  scale testing at the metals recovery plant for using sulphur dioxide
for  pre-reduction of the  metal containing leach  solution was carried out with
promising  results. In practice, this process  means reduction of trivalent iron
(Fe3+)  to its bivalent form (Fe2+) with sulphur dioxide, which reduces hydrogen
sulphide  consumption in  the metals  recovery process  and has the potential of
generating  substantial savings. In addition, the  pre-reduction has in the test
work  improved  the  quality  of  Talvivaara's  copper  product,  the commercial
significance  of which is increasing as the operation matures and the production
volumes  increase.  Other  activities  at  the  metals  plant  were  related  to
production  support, for example in flocculant  screening tests and lab tests to
confirm optimum process conditions in several process areas.

Talvivaara  participates in  various co-operation  and networking  projects with
universities, research centres and other companies.

Sustainable development, safety and permitting

Sustainable development and the environment
The  Company  started  the  year  2013 in  a  challenging  situation following a
historically  rainy summer that culminated in  water balance issues and a gypsum
pond  leakage in November 2012. Over the  course of 2013, Talvivaara focused its
resources  on implementing an environmental  improvement programme and improving
its water management.

Talvivaara's   principal   environmental  development  target  of  2013 was  the
reduction  of  risks  related  to  water  management  and  the  achievement of a
sustainable  water  balance.  To  promote  the  achievement  of  these  targets,
Talvivaara  established a water management  organisation with responsibility for
overall water balance management, and for the planning and implementation of the
required short- and long-term measures.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland was commissioned by the Company's Board
of  Directors  to  conduct  an  independent  investigation  into  the causes and
circumstances  of the gypsum  pond leakage of  2012. The report was completed in
April 2013. The investigation resulted in several recommendations for corrective
measures  and  development,  the  majority  of  which  had  been  implemented by
Talvivaara immediately after the leak.

In  2013, Talvivaara continued  systematic investments  in water  treatment with
focus  on rain  water management,  water quality  improvement and  process water
recycling.  During  the  year,  an  essentially  closed  circuit  for the metals
recovery plant process waters was achieved, and several field water purification
plants were constructed and commissioned.

Approximately  5.7 million cubic metres of treated water was discharged from the
mine  area during  the year.  The discharges  were limited  to a  volume roughly
equivalent  to the amount  of rainfall in  the area by  the environmental permit
regarding  water, obtained  in May  2013, which restricts  water discharges to a
defined  percentage of  the flow  in the  nearby Kalliojoki-river.  As a result,
approximately  seven million cubic metres of  surplus water remained in the mine
area at year-end.

Despite  the water discharge restrictions,  Talvivaara succeeded in reducing the
water  related  risks  and  increasing  the  emergency volumes in ponds and dams
during  the year. The target was to assure  that, in the event of a leakage, all
waters  could be held within  the mining concession area.  This target was first
proven achieved when all of the water from a second gypsum pond leakage in April
2013 was  contained within  the protective  dams. During  the second half of the
year,  risk  reduction  continued  through  neutralisation and removal of excess
water from the gypsum ponds and continued focus on sufficient emergency volumes.
Removal  of excess water from the gypsum ponds is anticipated to be completed in
August 2014.

As  a  result  of  investments  made  already  in  the previous years, the odour
discharges  relating to  hydrogen sulphide  and dust  emissions from  the mining
operations  were clearly within the permitted limits. This has been evident also
from  the reduced  number of  related notices  by the neighbours. In 2013, odour
inducing  concentrations decreased further by  approximately 30 per cent and the
odour related notices made by the neighbouring residents reduced by 60 per cent.

In 2013 the International Nickel Institute conducted an international life cycle
analysis  of  nickel,  covering  almost  all  western  world  nickel  producers.
According to the study, Talvivaara's climate and environmental impact as well as
energy consumption per tonne of nickel produced are clearly below the average of
the  nickel industry. Due to  the energy efficient process  used by the Company,
Talvivaara's  greenhouse gas emissions are 39 per  cent and the usage of primary
energy 21 per cent lower than those of the average nickel producer. Talvivaara's
sulphur  dioxide emissions  are only  2 per cent  of the  average of  all nickel

Talvivaara   has   since  2010 had  a  certified  ISO  14001 standard  compliant
environmental   management  system.  The  Company  is  also  preparing  for  the
implementation  of ISO 9001 standard compliant quality and OHSAS 18001 compliant
occupational  health  and  safety  management  systems.  Certification  of these
systems is anticipated to be sought in 2015.

Environmental expenditure
Environmental  investments in 2013 amounted  to EUR 33.6 million,  up 6 per cent
from the previous year (2012: EUR 31.7 million).

Most of Talvivaara's operational environmental costs consist of metal solution
and water treatment. Total environmental costs in 2013 amounted to EUR 35.8
million (2012: EUR 55.2 million). The substantially higher expenses of 2012
reflect the costs related to the acute treatment of the leakage waters from the
November 2012 gypsum pond accident.

Of  the  total  environmental  expenditure  in 2013, the largest components were
water  treatment at EUR 20.9 million, odorous  gas treatment at EUR 8.8 million,
and environmental studies and analyses at EUR 3.4 million.

With  respect to safety issues  Talvivaara's goal is a  safe and healthy working
environment.  The Company  is committed  to continuously  improving its process,
product  and occupational safety. In  2013 Talvivaara focused on the improvement
of the entire organisation's safety culture.

In  the autumn of  2013, an independent safety  consultant, DuPont, conducted an
initial  evaluation of Talvivaara's safety  culture. Talvivaara will develop its
operations  in the future based on the improvement proposals made by DuPont, and
the  evaluation along with  the improvement plans  will help the  Company in its
pursuit towards its zero accident target.

The  injury frequency in 2013 was  30.4 lost time injuries/million working hours
(2012: 16.6 lost time injuries/million working hours).
At the end of May 2013, Talvivaara received from the Northern Finland Regional
State Administrative Agency ("AVI") an environmental permit decision relating to
the storage, treatment and discharge of waters to the Oulujoki and Vuoksi water
systems. The permit decision contains regulations pertaining to, amongst others,
treatment and storage of waters and permit limits for discharges into downstream
water ways. The permit decision removes the annual 1.3 million cubic meters
discharge quota for purified waste waters, which has in part caused the
historical accumulation of excess waters at the mine site. The permit conditions
pertaining to maximum concentrations of harmful substances, among others
sulphate, and maximum discharge flow rate will however restrict the volume of
discharged waters in the future.

The  permit decision required the  Company to direct the  water contained in the
existing gypsum ponds to neutralisation or back to leach solution circulation by
31 October  2013. The  Vaasa  Administrative  Court  subsequently  extended  the
deadline until the end of 2013. After this, the Company applied for and obtained
permission  from the AVI for a two-staged emptying schedule such that section 5
of  the gypsum pond should be void of  excess water by the end of January 2014,
and section 6 by the end of August 2014. Prior to the end of January, Talvivaara
notified   the  Kainuu  Centre  for  Economic  Development,  Transport  and  the
Environment ("Kainuu ELY-Centre") that the interim deadline of January could not
be  met, however stating  that the Company  believes the final emptying deadline
for  the entire  pond to  be achievable.  The latest  request by the Kainuu ELY-
Centre  as of 25 April 2014 states that the  amount of water in section 6 of the
gypsum pond must be reduced below 0.5 million cubic meters by 15 May 2014. As at
the date of the Company's 2013 financial statements on 29 April 2014, section 5
of  the gypsum  pond is  contains practically  no excess  water, and the Company
believes the 15 May target is achievable.

The renewal of Talvivaara's environmental and water permit and the environmental
permit  application for uranium  extraction are being  processed at the AVI. The
Company expects decisions on both permits during the spring of 2014.

On  5 December  2013 the  Supreme  Administrative  Court  returned the permit to
extract uranium granted to Talvivaara Sotkamo under the Nuclear Energy Act on 1
March  2012 for reassessment by the Finnish Government. According to the Supreme
Administrative  Court  there  had  been  several  changes  in  the operations of
Talvivaara  Sotkamo  following  the  permit  decision,  including the filing for
corporate  reorganization. Therefore, the Government  should reassess the permit
application  documentation and, if needed,  obtain additional information on the
economical and safety related requirements. The decision is not expected to have
material  financial  impact  on  the  Company  in  the short or medium term, and
preparations for a new application are on-going.

Legal proceedings
As at the date of the Company's financial statements on 29 April 2014, there are
a  number of on-going legal proceedings and police investigations in relation to
Talvivaara's mining, environmental and occupational health and safety issues. In
addition,  Talvivaara is  subject to,  or may  become subject to, private claims
seeking compensation for damages caused by environmental issues originating from
the Talvivaara mine, although Talvivaara currently believes that such claims are
not  material.  The  current  legal  proceedings  are  further  discussed in the
Company's financial statements for 2013.

Risk management and key risks

In  line  with  current  corporate  governance  guidelines  on  risk management,
Talvivaara carries out an on-going process endorsed by the Board of Directors to
identify  risks, measure their impact  against certain assumptions and implement
the  necessary proactive steps to manage these risks. During 2013, the Company's
focus  was on developing its hazardous risk management and contingency planning.
As  a result, a new  risk register for environmental,  safety and accident risks
was  introduced.  Contingency  planning  focused  primarily on hazard risks such
power failure and dam or pond leakages.

Talvivaara's  operations  are  affected  by  various  risks common to the mining
industry,  such as  risks relating  to the  development of  Talvivaara's mineral
deposits,  estimates  of  reserves  and  resources,  infrastructure  risks,  and
volatility  of commodity prices. There are also risks related to counterparties,
currency  exchange ratios, management and control systems, historical losses and
uncertainties  about the future  profitability of Talvivaara,  dependence on key
personnel,   effect   of  laws,  governmental  regulations  and  related  costs,
environmental  hazards, and risks related to Talvivaara's mining concessions and

Liquidity and refinancing risks may arise as a result of the Company's inability
to  produce sufficient  volumes of  its saleable  products, particularly nickel,
unexpected  increase in production  costs, and sudden  or substantial changes in
the  prices of  commodities or  currency exchange  rates. In  the second half of
2013, the  liquidity and  refinancing risks  realized as  a result of persistent
production  problems relating to excess water, and  due to a substantial fall in
the  nickel  price.  As  a  result,  Talvivaara  and  its  operating  subsidiary
Talvivaara Sotkamo were unable to obtain new financing and applied for corporate
reorganisation,  which for the  two companies commenced  on 29 November 2013 and
17 December  2013, respectively. Going  forward, Talvivaara's  key financial and
operational  risks relate  to the  on-going corporate reorganisation proceedings
and Talvivaara's ability to obtain sufficient additional funding to continue its
operations and to return to the planned ramp-up of production.

Operationally,  the Company has to date  demonstrated that all of its production
processes  work and  can be  operated on  industrial scale,  however the rate of
ramp-up  is  still  subject  to  risk  factors  including  the  reliability  and
sustainable capacity of production equipment, and eventual speed of leaching and
rates  of  metals  recovery  in  bioheapleaching.  In  addition,  the  return to
production  ramp-up remains subject to further  financing for the time being and
there  may  also  be  production  and  ramp-up  related risks that are currently
unknown or beyond the Company's control.

The  market price of nickel has historically  been volatile and in the Company's
view  this is likely to persist, driven  by shifts in the supply-demand balance,
macroeconomic  indicators and  fluctuations in  currency exchange ratios. Nickel
sales  currently represent close to 90% of the Company's revenues and variations
in  the  nickel  price  therefore  have  a  direct  and  significant  effect  on
Talvivaara's  financial  result  and  economic  viability.  Talvivaara is, since
February   2010, unhedged   against   variations   in   metal  prices.  Full  or
substantially  full  exposure  to  nickel  prices  is  in line with Talvivaara's
strategy  and supported by the Company's view that it can operate the Talvivaara
mine,  once it  has been  fully ramped  up, profitably  also during  the lows of
commodity price cycles.

Talvivaara's  revenues are almost entirely in US dollars, whilst the majority of
the  Company's costs are  incurred in Euro.  Potential strengthening of the Euro
against  the US dollar could thus have a material adverse effect on the business
and financial condition of the Company. Talvivaara hedges its exposure to the US
dollar  on a case by case basis with  the aim of limiting the adverse effects of
US dollar weakness as considered justified from time to time.


Talvivaara's  headcount decreased somewhat from the previous year and was 549 at
the  end  of  2013 (2012:  588). At  the  end  of  2013, 87.1% (2012:  88.1%) of
Talvivaara's  employees were men and 12.9% (2012: 11.9%) were women. The average
age of the Company's employees was 37.9 years (2012: 37.8 years).

The  challenges of  2013 year were  also reflected  on the  Company's employees.
During  the year Talvivaara adjusted its headcount to the prevailing production,
first  in February and again in July by temporary lay-offs affecting part of the
personnel.  As the Company's financial condition continued to weaken, Talvivaara
applied  for corporate reorganization  in November and  started its third set of
co-operation  consultations for the year. These  were concluded in the beginning
of  January 2014 and as  a result, Talvivaara  decided to lay-off gradually 246
employees for undefined period to support the reorganization process.

The  salaries and  wages of  Talvivaara's personnel  are based  on industry-wide
collective  agreements. The total compensation consists of base salary and short
and  long term  incentive schemes.  Annual short  term incentive metrics include
personal   performance  and  company-wide  criteria.  The  Company's  long  term
incentive  schemes comprise Talvivaara's Stock Options 2007, Stock Options 2011
and  Group personnel fund to manage the  earnings bonuses paid by Talvivaara. In
addition,  the management holding  company Talvivaara Management  Oy is owned by
executive management and certain other key employees.

Corporate governance statement
Talvivaara issues its Corporate Governance Statement of 2013 and publishes it on
the  Company's website at  www.talvivaara.com on the  date of this announcement.
The Corporate Governance Statement does not form part of the Board of Directors'

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting

Talvivaara's Annual General Meeting was held on 2 May 2013 in Helsinki, Finland.
The resolutions of the AGM included:
  * that no dividend be paid for the financial year 2012;
  * that the annual fee payable to the members of the Board for the term until
    the close of the Annual General Meeting in 2014 be as follows: Chairman of
    the Board EUR 120,000, Deputy Chairman (Senior Independent Director) EUR
    69,000, Chairmen of the Board Committees EUR 69,000 and other Non-executive
    and Executive Directors EUR 48,000;
  * that the number of Board members be nine and that Mr. Tapani Järvinen, Mr.
    Pekka Perä, Mr. Graham Titcombe, Mr. Edward Haslam, Ms. Eileen Carr, Mr.
    Stuart Murray, Mr. Michael Rawlinson and Ms. Kirsi Sormunen be re-elected as
    Board members and Ms. Maija-Liisa Friman be appointed as new member of the
  * that the auditor be reimbursed according to the auditor's approved invoice
    and authorised public accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy be elected as
    the Company's auditor for the financial year 2013;
  * that the Shareholders' Nomination Panel be established to prepare proposals
    for the election and remuneration of the members of the Board and that the
    Charter of the Shareholders' Nomination Panel be approved;
  * that article 8 of the Company's Articles of Association be amended to
    correspond to the changes to be made to the duties of the Board Committees
    due to the establishment of the Shareholder's Nomination Panel and the
    current practices applied by the Company

Shares and shareholders

The  number of  shares issued  and outstanding  and registered  on the Euroclear
Shareholder  Register  as  of  31 December 2013 was 1,906,167,480. Including the
effect  of  the  EUR  225 million  convertible  bond of 16 December 2010 and the
Option  Schemes of  2007 and 2011, the  authorised full  number of shares of the
Company amounted to 2,041,901,379.

The  share subscription period for stock options 2007A was between 1 April 2010
and  31 March 2012. By the end of the  subscription period a total of 2,279,373
Talvivaara  Mining  Company's  new  shares  were  subscribed for under the stock
option  rights  2007A. A  total  of  53,727 stock  option  rights 2007A remained
unexercised following the end of the subscription period and expired.

The  share subscription period for stock options 2007B was between 1 April 2011
and  31 March 2013. By  the end  of the  subscription period  a total of 48,763
Talvivaara  Mining  Company's  new  shares  were  subscribed for under the stock
option  rights 2007B. A  total of  2,284,337 stock option  rights 2007B remained
unexercised following the end of the subscription period and expired.

After the adjustments to terms and conditions of the 2007 stock options in April
2013, a  total of 16,289,000 option  rights 2007C have been  issued to employees
and the subscription period for stock options 2007C was between 1 April 2012 and
31 March  2014. No new shares of Talvivaara  were subscribed for under the stock
option rights 2007C in 2013 and at year-end, a total of 16,289,000 stock options
2007C remained unexercised.

After the adjustments to terms and conditions of the 2011 stock options in April
2013, a total of 9,432,500 option rights 2011B have been issued to key employees
and  the subscription period for stock  options 2011B is, according to the terms
of  the option programme,  between 1 April 2015 and  31 March 2017. However, the
implementation  criteria  for  stock  options  2011B were  not fulfilled and the
options  were cancelled  at the  end of  2013. Stock options 2011A had similarly
been cancelled at the end of 2012.

In  March  2013 an  Extraordinary  General  Meeting of Talvivaara Mining Company
resolved  to approve  the proposal  by the  Board of  Directors to authorise the
Board  of Directors to undertake a share issue for consideration pursuant to the
shareholders'  pre-emptive subscription rights. The share issue was completed in
April  2013 and  the  total  number  of  shares in Talvivaara Mining Company Plc
increased to 1,906,167,480 shares.

As at 31 December 2013, the shareholders who held more than 5% of the shares and
votes of Talvivaara were Solidium Oy (16.7%) and Pekka Perä (6.5%).

Share based incentive plans

The  Annual General Meeting held on  3 May 2007 approved the Board of Directors'
proposal  to issue  share options  to the  Group's key  personnel. The number of
share  options is 6,999,300, each entitling to  subscribe one new share. A total
of 2,333,100 of the share options are designated 2007A, 2,333,100 are designated
as  2007B and  2,333,100 are  designated  as  2007C.Following the  rights  issue
conducted  in  2013 the  subscription  price  and  number  of shares that can be
subscribed  to via 2007 stock options were adjusted in accordance with the terms
and  conditions of the options.  The  subscription price for stock option 2007C
was  adjusted  to  GBP  0.5110 per  share  and  the number of shares that can be
subscribed  for  through  the  exercise  of  stock option 2007C was increased by
13,998,600 shares  (previously  2,333,100 shares).The  subscription  periods for
2007A, 2007B and  2007C options expired on  31 March 2012, 31 March 2013 and 31
March 2014, respectively.

The  Annual  General  Meeting  held  on  28 April  2011 approved  the  Board  of
Directors'  proposal to  issue share  options to  the Group's key personnel. The
number of share options is 5,500,000, each entitling to subscribe one new share.
A  total of 2,500,000 of  the share options  are designated 2011A, 1,500,000 are
designated   as   2011B and   1,500,000 are   designated   as  2011C. The  share
subscription  periods for  stock options  2011A, 2011B and 2011C are  between 1
April  2014 and 31 March 2016, 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2017, and 1 April 2016
and  31 March 2018, respectively.Stock option 2011A and  2011B will not vest, as
the  specified implementation criteria were  not fulfilled. Following the rights
issue  conducted in 2013 the subscription price and number of shares that can be
subscribed  to via 2011 stock options were adjusted in accordance with the terms
and  conditions of the options. The number  of shares that can be subscribed for
through  the exercise  of the  stock options  2011C was increased  by 9,000,000
shares  (previously  1,500,000 shares).  The  subscription  price of 2011C stock
option is EUR 0.31.

In  December  2010, The  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Company decided on a new
shareholding  plan directed to members of executive management and certain other
key employees. The plan enabled the participants to acquire a considerable long-
term shareholding in the Company. Through this plan, the participants personally
invested  a significant amount of their own funds in the Company shares. Part of
the  investment is  financed by  a loan  provided by  the Company.  The EUR 5.7
million  loan granted  by the  Company to  Talvivaara Management Oy ("Talvivaara
Management")  for the purpose of acquiring Company shares carries an interest of
3.0%. The 1,104,000 shares held by Talvivaara Management Oy have been pledged to
the  Company as security for the loan.Originally  the plan was to be valid until
the  publication  of  Talvivaara's  2013 Financial  Statements,  after which the
intention  was to dissolve the plan in a manner which was to be determined later
and  to  repay  the  loan  in  full  on  31 March 2014. However, the plan can be
continued  for  one  year  at  a  time  if  the Talvivaara share price after the
publication  of Talvivaara's 2013 Financial Statements is lower than the average
price  which  Talvivaara  Management  paid  for  its  Talvivaara  shares. If the
dissolution  of the plan is postponed as  described above, the repayment date of
the loan shall be also postponed correspondingly. As at the date of Talvivaara's
2013 financial statements, no decision has been taken regarding the continuation
of the plan.

During  2012, the  Board  of  Directors,  based  on  the  recommendation  of the
Remuneration Committee, allocated 42,000 2007C options, giving an entitlement to
subscribe  for a total of 42,000 new shares in the Company, and 1,347,500 2011B
options,  giving an entitlement to subscribe for a total of 1,347,500 new shares
in  the Company,  to the  personnel of  Talvivaara and  its subsidiaries. Of the
options  allocated since  2007, 48,000 2007C options entitling  to subscribe for
48,000 shares were returned back to the Company during 2012. In 2012, a total of
1,938,787 new shares were subscribed for under the stock option rights 2007A. At
the    end    of    2012, 2,500,000 2011A options,   152,500 2011B options   and
1,500,000 2011C options  were  available  for  allocation  under the 2011 Option
Scheme.  The voting rights  of the shares  to be issued  against the outstanding
share options amounted to 2.1% of the total share capital.

During  2013 no  options  were  allocated  and  no shares with the option rights
2007B (by their expiration on 31 March 2013) or 2007C were subscribed for. As at
the  date of Talvivaara's 2013 financial  statements on 29 April 2014, no shares
had  been  subscribed  with  the  2007C options between 31 December 2013 and the
expiration  date of  said options  on 31 March  2014, hence there are no further
2007C options outstanding.  At the end of the year, 9,000,000 2011C options were
available for allocation representing 0.5% of the total share capital.

Events after the review period

Conclusion of co-operation consultations
Talvivaara  concluded  its  co-operation  consultations  on  7 January 2014. All
personnel  groups in  the Company  and its  subsidiaries Talvivaara  Sotkamo and
Talvivaara Exploration were within the scope of the consultations. Following the
consultation  process, Talvivaara decided to gradually lay off 246 employees for
an  indefinite period. The lay-offs support the Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo's
corporate  reorganisation  and  adjust  the  number  of personnel to the current
operating scheme under which ore production is temporarily suspended.

As  at the date  of the Company's  2013 financial statements, Talvivaara's total
headcount  is  505. Currently  86 employees  are  laid  off,  which is less than
anticipated when the co-operation consultations were concluded due to previously
subcontracted  work  having  been  taken  in-house  and  done by the Group's own

Participation in Fennovoima nuclear power project
Talvivaara  announced on 21 February 2014 its support for the Fennovoima nuclear
power  project,  but  noted  that  under  the  current circumstances the Company
focuses  all its  financial resources  on the  Sotkamo operation and the ongoing
corporate  reorganisation process.  For the  time being  Talvivaara is  not in a
position  to commit  to additional  funding of  the Fennovoima project, but will
reassess  its  ability  for  further  participation  once  more clarity into its
financing  situation  is  obtained  and  the  corporate  reorganisation  process

Management changes
Lassi   Lammassaari,  M.Sc.  (Environmental  Engineering)  was  appointed  Chief
Corporate   Development  Officer  as  of  27 February  2014. He  heads  a  newly
established   Corporate   Development  function,  which  focuses  on  industrial
engineering,  planning  and  development.  Lassi  Lammassaari  has  held several
positions  at  Talvivaara  since  2005, most  lately  as Senior Vice President -
Projects.  In his  new position  he is  a member  of the Executive Committee and
reports to CEO Pekka Perä.

Chief Operating Officer Darin Cooper resigned from his position on 7 March 2014
to  pursue  his  career  outside  the  Company.  Chief Technology Officer Pertti
Pekkala  subsequently  assumed  interim  responsibility  for  the Sotkamo mine's
operations  until a new  COO is appointed.  In addition, the Company's Technical
Executive  Committee, consisting of CEO  Pekka Perä, Chief Corporate Development
Officer  Lassi Lammassaari, CTO  Pertti Pekkala and  Environmental Manager Veli-
Matti  Hilla as a newly  appointed member, takes an  increasingly active role in
the management of the operations at the Sotkamo mine.

Non-Executive  Director  Kirsi  Sormunen  announced  her  resignation  from  the
Company's Board of Directors due to personal reasons on 7 March 2014.

Administrative injunctions
On  19 March 2014, the  Kainuu ELY  Centre issued  an administrative injunction,
requesting  Talvivaara  Sotkamo  to  carry  on  the  neutralization of metal and
sulphate containing waters at the site under all circumstances. Further, the ELY
Centre  requested  Talvivaara  Sotkamo  to  immediately  continue  and  complete
negotiations  on the  supply of  additional water  purification capacity  at the
site,  as well as on the construction  of new pond capacity for purified waters.
Should Talvivaara Sotkamo fail to comply with the request, the Kainuu ELY Centre
may consider having the investments completed at the cost of Talvivaara Sotkamo.
In  addition, the Kainuu ELY Centre required that the weekly utilization rate of
Talvivaara  Sotkamo's existing reverse osmosis plants  must stay on or above 60
per  cent, failing  which could  give rise  to an  administrative penalty of EUR
100,000. Talvivaara  Sotkamo has appealed the injunction to Vaasa Administrative

Loan and streaming holiday agreement with Nyrstar
On  1 April 2014, the  Company and  Talvivaara Sotkamo  entered into  a loan and
streaming  holiday agreement ('the Agreement')  with Nyrstar Sales and Marketing
AG  ("Nyrstar"). Under  the Agreement,  Nyrstar makes  available to Talvivaara a
loan  facility of up to EUR  20 million. Nyrstar makes the facility available in
several  tranches with the amount of each advance calculated with reference to a
corresponding  delivery by Talvivaara  Sotkamo of zinc  in concentrate under the
original zinc streaming agreement of February 2010.

In  the short term,  the Agreement enables  the continuation of  the Company and
Talvivaara   Sotkamo's   corporate   reorganisation  and  the  process,  whereby
Talvivaara   explores  the  options  of  identifying  potential  investor(s)  to
participate in a long-term, overall financial solution for the Group.

Subject  to Talvivaara securing the overall financial solution, the Company also
has  an option to enter  into a streaming holiday  for delivery volumes of up to
80,000 tonnes  of  zinc  in  concentrate.  During the streaming holiday, Nyrstar
commits,  outside  the  framework  of  the  original  contract, to purchase zinc
concentrate  from Talvivaara at market terms.  The streaming holiday, if used in
full, has a significant additional financing impact for the Company.

In  return for  the holiday,  the value  sharing mechanism  of the original zinc
streaming  agreement will be amended to reduce on a pro rata basis such that, if
the  full  holiday  period  is  elected,  the value sharing mechanism thereafter
becomes  nil. When  applied, the  value sharing  mechanism allows  Talvivaara to
receive  a  cash  consideration  for  its  deliveries  that  is  higher than the
extraction and processing fee determined in the zinc streaming agreement.

Nyrstar's  obligation to extend financing under  the loan facility will cease at
the  earlier  of  the  aggregate  amount  outstanding including accrued interest
exceeding  EUR 20 million or  the commencement of  a streaming holiday. The zinc
concentrate  deliveries  entitling  Talvivaara  to  the  full  loan  amount  are
estimated  to be  made during  the remainder  of 2014. As  at the  date of these
financial  statements, Talvivaara has drawn down  EUR 5.8 million of the Nyrstar
loan facility.

Corporate reorganisation - reports on the financial status completed
The  reports on the financial status of  the Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo were
completed  by  the  Administrator  of  the  corporate reorganisation on 14 April
2014. According  to the Administrator, an executable restructuring programme can
be  set up for both companies, provided  that financing solutions for an interim
period  and for  the longer  term are  achieved. The  Company together  with the
administrator continues active discussions for securing the additional financing
following  the loan and streaming holiday agreement entered into with Nyrstar on
1 April 2014.

Production update
Talvivaara produced 3,068t of nickel and 5,726t of zinc during Q1 2014. Year-to-
date production through 28 April 2014 has reached 4,203t of nickel and 8,032t of

During the first months of the year, metals production has been stable with good
leaching  performance from the two new heaps and high availability of the metals
plant.  The  steady  production  over  the  recent  months demonstrates that the
technologies  applied by Talvivaara  are functional and  have matured to a stage
where they can be considered reliable industrial processes.

Mining  and  materials  handling  processes  have  been suspended since November
2013. Subject to financing, re-start of these functions is planned to take place
in stages during the spring and the coming summer.

Short-term outlook

Market outlook
The LME nickel price has shown an approximately 30% recovery since the
implementation of the Indonesian nickel ore export ban in January 2014, moving
from levels below USD 14,000/t to above USD 18,000/t currently. The surplus in
nickel production that has been prevailing over the last few years is now
expected to turn into a deficit possibly as early as this year, which further
underpins the recent price development and may offer additional upside potential
going forward. Provided the Indonesian ore export ban stays in force, the nickel
price can be anticipated to subsequently start reflecting also the increasing
marginal cost of production across the nickel industry and lack of new committed
nickel projects to replace depleting supply from the existing operations.

Operational outlook
The operational outlook for Talvivaara is greatly dependent on the success to
closing, timing and extent of the short as well longer term financing solutions
currently under negotiation. With the Company's liquidity position allowing, the
key operational priority is to start reclaiming old primary heaps 2 and 3 as
soon as possible, preferably during Q2 2014. Moving these heaps to the secondary
pad will allow the so far poorly leached ore to be reconditioned and for
leaching to be restarted. There is significant unleached nickel in these two
heaps, which will improve production in the coming months prior to leaching from
any newly mined and stacked ore can start contributing to production. The
Company plans to re-start mining in July, provided sufficient financing is in
place at the time. Operationally, Talvivaara believes the pre-requisites for
continued production ramp-up are in place with substantial improvements having
been made over the recent months in bioheapleaching, as well as in mining and
materials handling prior to their suspension in November. Furthermore, the
metals plant is currently operating uneventfully.

Board of Directors proposal for profit distribution

The Board of Directors is proposing to the Annual General Meeting tentatively
scheduled to be held on 12 June 2014 that no dividend is declared in respect of
the year 2013.

Talvivaara Mining Company Plc
Board of Directors

(Applications for corp. reorganisation proceeding filed on 15 Nov 2013)

                                              Audited            Audited
                                                As at              As at
(all amounts in EUR '000)                   31 Dec 13         31 Dec 12*


Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment                 304,956            809,452

Biological assets                               6,641              9,125

Intangible assets                               6,582              7,014

Investments in associates                       6,968              5,694

Deferred tax assets                                 -             52,588

Other receivables                               8,412              2,940

Available-for-sale financial assets                 2                  2
                                              333,560            886,816

Current assets

Inventories                                   261,451            297,761

Trade receivables                              10,389             32,174

Other receivables                              12,047              7,980

Cash and cash equivalent                        5,867             36,058
                                              289,754            373,973
Total assets                                  623,314          1,260,788


Equity attributable to owners of the parent

Share capital                                      80                 80

Share premium                                   8,086              8,086

Other reserves                                764,603            539,559

Retained earnings                           (925,854)          (242,962)
                                            (153,085)            304,763

Non-controlling interest in equity          (134,378)              1,989
Total equity                                (287,463)            306,752

Non-current liabilities

Borrowings                                     30,592            506,028

Advance payments                              270,641            265,847

Other payables                                    270                228

Provisions                                     10,785             11,290
                                              312,288            783,393

Current liabilities

Borrowings                                    524,011             93,793

Advance payments                               15,456              7,857

Trade payables                                 37,426             25,578

Other payables                                 19,066             27,179

Provisions                                      2,531             16,238
                                              598,489            170,643
Total liabilities                             910,777            954,037
Total equity and liabilities                  623,314          1,260,788

* Equity attributable to owners of the parent company and non-controlling
interest has been restated as described in Note 44 to the consolidated financial
statements for 2013

(Applications for corp. reorganisation proceeding filed on 15 Nov

                                   Unaudited  Unaudited       Audited    Audited
                                       three      three        twelve     twelve
                                   months to  months to     months to  months to
(all amounts in EUR '000)          31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12*     31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12*
Net sales                             12,603     25,694        77,572    142,948

Other operating income                   481         65         1,864      4,061

Changes in inventories of finished
goods and work in progress            12,329    (6,425)        53,651     50,264

Impairment charges on inventories   (93,685)          -      (93,685)          -

Materials and services              (21,541)   (20,057)      (95,593)  (117,848)

Personnel expenses                   (7,742)    (7,470)      (30,879)   (28,132)

Depreciation, amortization,
depletion                           (13,193)   (15,424)      (53,197)   (53,698)

Impairment charges                 (499,300)          -     (499,300)          -

Other operating expenses            (18,680)   (33,390)      (62,234)   (81,183)
Operating profit (loss)            (628,728)   (57,007)     (701,801)   (83,588)

Finance income                           496         31           901        811

Finance cost                        (22,992)   (13,794)      (57,143)   (46,515)
Finance income (cost) (net)         (22,496)   (13,763)      (56,242)   (45,704)

Profit (loss) before income tax    (651,224)   (70,770)     (758,043)  (129,292)

Income tax expense                  (80,541)     11,380      (54,434)     25,381
Profit (loss) for the period       (731,765)   (59,390)     (812,477)  (103,910)
Attributable to:

Owners of the parent               (611,048)   (49,241)     (680,920)   (90,056)

Non-controlling interest           (120,717)   (10,149)     (131,557)   (13,854)
                                   (731,765)   (59,390)     (812,477)  (103,910)
Earnings per share for profit (loss) attributable to
owners of the parent (expressed in EUR per share)

Basic and diluted                     (0.43)     (0.19)        (0.48)     (0.35)

* Loss for the year attributable to owners of the parent and non-controlling
interest as well as earnings per share for loss attributable to owners of the
parent have been restated as described in Note 44 to the consolidated financial
statements for 2013


(Applications for corporate reorganisation proceeding filed on 15
Nov 2013)

                          Unaudited  Unaudited            Unaudited  Unaudited
                              three      three               twelve     twelve
                          months to  months to            months to  months to
(all amounts in EUR '000) 31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12*            31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12*
Loss for the period       (731,765)   (59,390)            (812,477)  (103,910)
Total comprehensive
income                    (731,765)   (59,390)            (812,477)  (103,910)
Attributable to:

Owners of the parent      (611,048)   (49,241)            (680,920)   (90,056)

Non-controlling interest  (120,717)   (10,149)            (131,557)   (13,854)
                          (731,765)   (59,390)            (812,477)  (103,910)
* Loss for the year and total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the
parent  and  non-controlling  interest  as  well  as earnings per share for loss
attributable to owners of the parent have been restated as described in Note 44
to the consolidated financial statements for 2013.

A.    Share capital
B.    Share issue
C.    Share premium
D.    Hedge reserve
E.    Invested unrestricted equity
F.    Other reserves
G.    Retained earnings
H.    Total
I.      Non-controlling interest
J.     Total equity
(all amounts in   A     B     C D       E        F         G     H       I     J
EUR '000)
1 Jan 12*        80   278 8,086 - 404,069   45,462 (151,129)  306,     15,  322,
                                                               847     733   580

Profit (loss)     -     -                           (90,056)  (90,    (13, (103,
for the period                                                056)    854)  910)
comprehensive     -     -     - -       -        -  (90,056)  (90,    (13, (103,
income                                                        056)    854)  910)
for the period


Stock options     - (278)     - -   5,197        -         -    4,       -    4,
                                                               920           920

Senior unsecured
convertible       -     -     - -            (251)         - (251)       - (251)
due 2013

Perpetual         -     -     - -       -    2,354   (1,777)   577     110   687
capital loan

Share issue       -     -     - -  81,482                  -   81,       -   81,
                                                               482           482

arrangement for   -     -     - -       -       94         -    94       -    94

Employee share
option scheme

- value of                                                      1,            1,
employee          -     -     - -       -    1,151         -   151       -   151
contribution by                                                87,           88,
and               - (278)     - -  86,679    3,348   (1,777)   973     110   082
distribution to

Total                                                          87,           88,
transactions      - (278)     - -  86,679    3,348   (1,777)   973     110   082
with owners
31 Dec 12*       80     - 8,086 - 490,749   48,810 (242,962)  304,      1,  306,
                                                               763     989   752
1 Jan 13         80     - 8,086 - 490,749   48,810 (242,962)  304,      1,  306,
                                                               763     989   752

Profit (loss)     -     -     - -       -        - (680,920) (680,   (131, (812,
for the period                                                920)    557)  477)
comprehensive     -     -     - -       -        - (680,920) (680,   (131, (812,
income for the                                                920)    557)  477)

with owners

Rights issue      -     -     - - 250,827        -         -  250,       -  250,
                                                               827           827

Senior unsecured
convertible       -     -     - -       -  (2,369)         -   (2,       -   (2,
bonds                                                         369)          369)
due 2013

Perpetual         -     -     - -       - (23,276)   (1,971)  (25,     (4,  (30,
capital loan                                                  247)    811)  058)

arrangement       -           - -       -     (93)         -  (93)       -  (93)
for Executive

Employee share
option scheme

- value of
employee          -     -     - -       -     (44)         -  (44)       -  (44)
contribution by                                               223,          218,
and               -     -     - - 250,827 (25,782)   (1,971)   074 (4,811)   263
distribution to

Total                                                         223,     (4,  218,
transactions      -     -     - - 250,827 (25,782)   (1,971)   074    811)   263
with owners
31 Dec 13        80     - 8,086 - 741,576   23,028 (925,854) (153,   (134, (287,
                                                              085)    378)  463)

* Equity attributable to owners of the parent company and non-controlling
interest has been restated as described in Note 44 to the consolidated financial
statements for 2013.


(Applications for corp. reorganisation proceeding filed on
15 Nov 2013)

                                         Unaudited Unaudited   Audited   Audited
                                             three     three    twelve    twelve
                                         months to months to months to months to
(all amounts in EUR '000)                31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12 31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12
Cash flows from operating activities

Loss for the period                      (731,765)  (59,390) (812,477) (103,910)

Adjustments for

Tax                                         80,541  (11,380)    54,434  (25,381)

Depreciation and amortization               13,193    15,424    53,197    53,698

Impairment charges on PPE                  499,300         -   499,300         -

Impairment charges on inventories           93,685         -    93,685         -

Other adjustments                            4,071    16,526  (16,175)   (2,814)

Interest income                              (496)      (31)     (901)     (811)

Fair value gains on financial assets at
fair value through profit or loss                -        11         -       (5)

Interest expense                            22,992    13,794    57,143    46,515
                                          (18,479)  (25,046)  (71,793)  (32,709)

Change in working capital

Decrease(+)/increase(-) in other
receivables                                (1,012)    19,043     6,523    29,336

Decrease (+)/increase (-) in inventories  (11,062)     4,166  (61,009)  (57,325)

Decrease(-)/increase(+) in trade and
other payables                               4,550  (12,440)   (2,006)  (37,843)
Change in working capital                  (7,524)    10,769  (56,491)  (65,832)
                                          (26,003)  (14,277) (128,284)  (98,540)

Interest and other finance cost paid       (7,488)  (15,279)  (26,025)  (28,654)

Interest and other finance income              211        78       346       554

Income taxes paid                              (5)         -      (17)         -

Net cash used in operating activities     (33,285)  (29,478) (153,980) (126,640)

Cash flows from investing activities

Investments in associates                    (258)      (93)   (1,274)   (5,066)

Purchases of property, plant and
equipment                                  (7,379)  (29,531)  (60,051)  (97,171)

Purchases of biological assets                   -      (55)     (262)      (55)

Purchases of intangible assets                   -      (12)     (221)     (225)

Proceeds from sale of property, plant
and equipment                                    -         -         -        18

Proceeds from sale of biological assets      1,015       207     1,194       308
Net cash used in investing activities      (6,622)  (29,484)  (60,615) (102,191)

Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from share issue net of
transactions costs                               -         -   247,390    81,108

Realised stock options                           -         -         -     4,920

Related party investment in Talvivaara
shares                                           -         -     (186)         -

Proceeds from interest-bearing
liabilities                                      -         -         -   130,000

Proceeds from advance payments                   -     9,731    19,488    32,080

Buy-back of convertible bonds                    -         -         -   (8,168)

Payment of interest-bearing liabilities      (690)   (2,017)  (82,288)  (15,070)
Net cash generated from financing
activities                                   (690)     7,714   184,404   224,871

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents                               (40,597)  (51,248)  (30,191)   (3,961)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
of the period                               46,463    87,306    36,058    40,019
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the
period                                       5,867    36,058     5,867    36,058

1. Basis of preparation

This year-end report has been prepared in compliance with IAS 34.

The  interim financial information set out herein  has been prepared on the same
basis  and using the same accounting policies  as were applied in drawing up the
Group's  statutory  financial  statements  for  the year ended 31 December 2012
taking  into account the corporate  reorganisation proceedings that commenced in
respect  of the Company on 29 November 2013 and in respect of Talvivaara Sotkamo
on  17 December  2013.  The  reorganisation  proceedings  are  governed  by  the
Reorganisation  Act.   The  reorganisation  proceedings  and their impact to the
preparation of the 2013 financial statements are explained in more detail in the
audited consolidated financial statements under Note 1.

As  described elsewhere in  this earnings release  and in Note  1 to the audited
consolidated financial statements authorised for issue on April [29], 2014 under
the  heading Going  concern, the  financial statements  have been  prepared on a
going  concern basis despite the company's  challenging liquidity position as at
the  date  of  the  authorisation  of  the  financial  statements,  the Board of
Directors,  the Directors, Management  and the Administrator  do not contemplate
the liquidation of the Company or Talvivaara Sotkamo.

Further,  the ongoing reorganisation proceedings and the Administrator's and the
District  Court's  role  have  been  considered  in  the preparation of both the
consolidated and parent company financial information as described under Note 1
to the audited consolidated financial statements under Basis of Presentation.
This year-end report should be read in conjunction with our audited consolidated
financial statements for year 2013 authorised for issue on 29 April 2014.

2. Property, plant and equipment

                             Machinery Construction   Land     Other
                                and         in         and    tangible
(all amounts in EUR '000)    equipment   progress   buildings  assets    Total
Gross carrying amount at 1
Jan 13                         376,741      114,378   281,208  229,479 1,001,807

Additions                          539       49,457         8        -    50,004

Deductions                           -      (2,652)         -        -   (2,652)

Transfers                       29,802     (56,030)    13,562   12,666         -
Gross carrying amount at 31
Dec 13                         407,082      105,153   294,778  242,145 1,049,159
Accumulated depreciation
and impairment losses at 1
Jan 13                          96,675            -    44,918   50,761   192,354

Depreciation for the period     31,112            -    12,784    8,655    52,550

Impairments                    165,634       67,305   147,767  118,594   499,300
Accumulated depreciation
and impairment losses at 31
Dec 13                         293,421       67,305   205,469  178,010   744,204
Carrying amount at 1 Jan 13    280,066      114,378   236,290  178,718   809,452
Carrying amount at 31 Dec 13   113,661       37,848    89,309   64,135   304,955

The decline in the nickel market price, challenges related to the production and
water  management together with the Company's  weakened liquidity and the filing
for  corporate  reorganisation  by  the  Company  and  Talvivaara Sotkamo on 15
November  2013 were  identified  as  impairment  indicators  by  management and,
following  an  impairment  test  performed  for  Talvivaara's  mining  assets in
Sotkamo, an impairment charge of EUR 499 million was made at the year-end 2013.
Accordingly, the carrying amount of the PP&E was written down to its recoverable
amount of EUR 305 million.  Impairment charges and judgement applied are further
discussed  in  the  audited  consolidated  financial statements for year 2013 in
notes 6 and 9.

3. Trade receivables

(all amounts in EUR '000)

                          31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12
Nickel-Cobalt sulphide        9,977    25,254

Zinc sulphide                   375     6,912

Copper sulphide                  37         8
Total trade receivables      10,389    32,174

4. Inventories

(all amounts in EUR '000)

                              As at 31 Dec 13 As at 31 Dec 12
Raw materials and consumables          24,800          21,077

Work in progress                      234,193         272,775

Finished products                       2,457           3,909
Total inventories                     261,451         297,761

In  late 2013, the  decision was  taken to  no longer  actively leach the oldest
parts  of the  secondary heaps  and to  disconnect them  from the leach solution
circulation in the near future. Accordingly, it was concluded that the remaining
metals  in  these  heap  sections  would  no  longer be recoverable and that the
estimated  cost of  completion relative  to the  metal contents  and anticipated
recoveries  in the actively  leached heap sections  would therefore increase. In
view  of the anticipated metal prices in  the foreseeable future, it was further
concluded  that the net  realizable value of  the actively leached inventory was
less  than its estimated cost of completion. As a result, the Company recognised
a  write-down of EUR 93.7 million for the  work in progress inventory. As at 31
December  2013, the  carrying  amount  of  work  in progress inventory after the
write-down was EUR 234 million, reflecting its net realisable value.

The  write-down of finished products recognised  as expense amounted to EUR 0.9
million in 2013 (2012: EUR 0.1 million). In addition, Talvivaara had earlier, as
at  30 September 2013, recognised a write-down of  work in progress inventory of
EUR 3.6 million.

Write-downs  of  inventories  are  further  discussed  in  Notes 6 and 17 to the
audited consolidated financial statements for year 2013.

5. Borrowings

(all amounts in EUR '000)

Non-current                                 As at 31 Dec 13 As at 31 Dec 12
Capital loans                                             -           1,405

Investment and Working Capital loan                       -          51,600

Senior Unsecured Bonds due 2017                           -         108,683

Revolving Credit Facility                                 -          69,451

Senior Unsecured Convertible Bonds due 2015               -         225,875

Finance lease liabilities                            17,000          30,748

Other                                                13,593          18,266
                                                     30,592         506,028
Capital loans                                         1,405               -

Perpetual capital loan                               35,106               -

Investment and Working Capital loan                  57,855           6,430

Senior Unsecured Convertible Bonds due 2013               -          75,805

Finance lease liabilities                             7,032          11,558

Revolving Credit Facility                            70,000               -

Senior Unsecured Bonds due 2017                     110,000               -

Senior Unsecured Convertible Bonds due 2015         242,613               -
                                                    524,011          93,793
Total borrowings                                    554,603         599,821

Of  the above tabled borrowings and capital loans, all others except the finance
lease  liabilities are reorganisation debts that  may be restructured as part of
the  corporate reorganisation programme. The  secured borrowings, which comprise
the  Revolving Credit Facility and the  Investment and Working Capital Loan, may
only be reduced if and to the extent the security pledged to them does not cover
their  nominal amount.  Finance lease  liabilities are reorganisation debts only
to  the extent  there were  unpaid, overdue  lease payments  at the  time of the
Company  and Talvivaara Sotkamo's application  for corporate reorganisation. The
amount  of such overdue  lease payments was  approximately EUR 1.15 million. All
amounts  of reorganisation debts remain  subject to change at  the time of these
financial  statements and may  only be finalized  as the eventual reorganisation
programmes are authorised.

The  majority  of  the  Group's  long-term  borrowings have been reclassified as
current  following breach  of covenants  or events  of default stemming from the
Company  and Talvivaara Sotkamo applying  for corporate reorganisation. However,
as  the restructuring plan which  is expected to be  developed and authorised as
part  of  the  ongoing  corporate  reorganisation  proceedings  has not yet been
prepared, there is uncertainty about the repayment amounts and maturities of the
borrowings.  Further, the breach of covenants or events of default have resulted
in  the measurement  of borrowings  at their  nominal  value.  As a  result, the
unamortised  transaction costs have  also been recognised  as expenses. Detailed
information is disclosed in notes 5 and 23 to the audited consolidated financial
statements for year 2013.

6. Advance payments

(all amounts in EUR '000)

Non-current                    As at 31 Dec 13 As at 31 Dec 12
Deferred zinc sales revenue            216,713         219,385

Deferred uranium sales revenue          53,928          46,462
                                       270,641         265,847

Deferred zinc sales revenue             15,456           7,790

Other                                        -              67
                                        15,456           7,857
Total advance payments                 286,097         273,704

7. Provisions

(all amounts in EUR '000)

                           Gypsum      Water
                             pond    balance Environmental     Mining
                          leakage management   restoration        fee    Total
As at 31 Dec 2011               -          -         5,925        110    6,035
Charged/(credited) to
the income statement:

Additional provisions      12,156      9,082           216         44   21,497

Unwinding of discount           -          -           (5)          -      (5)
As at 31 Dec 2012          12,156      9,082         6,136        155   27,528
Charged/(credited) to
the income statement:

Additional provisions           -      3,965           694          7    4,666

Unused amounts reversed     (579)          -             -          -    (579)

Unwinding of discount           -          -            19          -       19

Used during the period    (7,802)   (10,516)             -          - (18,318)
As at 31 Dec 2013           3,775      2,531         6,849        162   13,316
The non-current and current portions of provisions are as follows:

(all amounts in EUR '000)         As at 31 Dec 13   As at 31 Dec 12

Gypsum pond leakage                         3,775             5,000

Environmental restoration                   6,849             6,136

Mining fee                                    161               154
                                           10,785            11,290


Gypsum pond leakage                             -             7,156

Water balance management                    2,531             9,082
                                            2,531            16,238
Total                                      13,316            27,528

8. Changes in the number of shares issued

                                            Number of
As at 31 Dec 12                             272,309,640

Rights issue                              1,633,857,840
As at 31 Dec 13                           1,906,167,480

9. Contingencies and commitments

(all amounts in EUR '000)

The future aggregate minimum lease payments under non cancellable

operating leases

                                             As at 31 Dec 13 As at 31 Dec 12
Not later than 1 year                                  1,812           1,910

Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years             552           1,036

Later than 5 years                                        29              47
                                                       2,393           2,993

Capital commitments
At  31 December 2013, the Group had commitments  of EUR 1.2 million (31 December
2012: EUR 15.1 million) principally relating to the completion of the Talvivaara
mine  and  improving  its  environmental  safety  as well as the reliability and
expansion  of production capacity. These commitments  are for the acquisition of
new property, plant and equipment.
10. Deferred tax asset

Talvivaara  has  in  its  historical  financial  statements  and through the 30
September 2013 interim closing continued to recognise deferred tax assets on tax
loss  carry forwards in its consolidated balance sheet.  As at 31 December 2013
the  Company undertook a review of the  amount of deferred tax assets recognised
on tax loss carry forwards in order to assess the recoverability of the recorded
deferred  tax assets.  Based on the  detailed review, management concluded that,
due  to the historical losses of the mine project, the experienced delays in the
ramp-up  process, the material uncertainties related to the Company's ability to
obtain  further funding and its  ongoing corporate restructuring proceedings, it
has  de-recognized deferred tax assets in the  amount of EUR 75.5 million in its
FY  2013 results, leaving  the Company  with a  zero net  deferred tax position.
Detailed  information is disclosed in notes 6 and 26 to the audited consolidated
financial statements for year 2013.
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc

Key financial figures of the Group

                                           Three     Three     Twelve    Twelve
                                       months to months to  months to months to
                                       31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12  31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12
Net sales                     EUR '000    12,603    25,694     77,572   142,948

Operating loss                EUR '000 (628,728)  (57,007)  (701,801)  (83,588)

Operating loss percentage              -4988.7 %  -221.9 %   -904.7 %   -58.5 %

Loss before tax               EUR '000 (651,224)  (70,770)  (758,043) (129,292)

Loss for the period           EUR '000 (731,765)  (59,390)  (812,447) (103,910)

Return on equity                        -779.2 %   -17.7 %  -8424.0 %   -33.0 %

Equity-to-assets ratio                   -46.1 %    24.3 %    -46.1 %    24.3 %

Net interest-bearing debt     EUR '000   548,736   563,763    548,736   563,763

Debt-to-equity ratio                     190.9 %   183.8 %    190.9 %   183.8 %

Return on investment                    -113.2 %    -4.9 %   -128.7 %    -6.7 %

Capital expenditure           EUR '000     7,379    29,598     60,535    97,451

Property, plant and equipment EUR '000   304,956   809,452    304,956   809,452

Borrowings                    EUR '000   554,603   599,821    554,603   599,821

Cash and cash equivalents     EUR '000     5,867    36,058      5,867    36,058

(1)) Trading price is calculated on the average of EUR/GBP exchange rates
published by the European Central Bank during the period.
(2)) Trading price is calculated on the EUR/GBP exchange rate published by the
European Central Bank at the end of the period.
(3)) Market capitalization is calculated on the EUR/GBP exchange rate published
by the European Central Bank at the end of the period.

Share-related key

                                     Three       Three        Twelve      Twelve
                                 months to   months to     months to   months to
                                 31 Dec 13   31 Dec 12     31 Dec 13   31 Dec 12
Earnings per
share(4)           EUR              (0.43)      (0.19)        (0.48)      (0.35)

Equity per share*  EUR              (0.19)        1.15        (0.19)        1.15

Development of
share price
at London Stock

Average trading
price(1)           EUR                0.07        1.35          0.12        2.50

                   GBP                0.06        1.09          0.10        2.02

Lowest trading
price(1)           EUR                0.03        1.03          0.03        1.03

                   GBP                0.03        0.83          0.03        0.83

Highest trading
price(1)           EUR                0.11        1.99          1.34        4.43

                   GBP                0.09        1.61          1.14        3.59

Trading price at
end of the
period(2)          EUR                0.08        1.25          0.08        1.25

                   GBP                0.07        1.02          0.07        1.02

Change during the
period                             -19.7 %     -32.8 %       -93.2 %     -48.8 %

ratio                                 neg.        neg.          neg.        neg.

capitalization at
the end of the
period(3)          EUR '000        159,759     341,597       159,759     341,597

                   GBP '000        133,622     278,777       133,622     278,777

Development in
trading volume

Trading volume     shares          488,298      23,737       776,597     103,218

In relation to
weighted average
number of shares                    34.1 %       8.9 %        54.2 %      38.7 %

Development of
price at OMX

Average trading
price              EUR                0.07        1.31          0.11        2.31

Lowest trading
price              EUR                0.03        1.08          0.03        1.08

Highest trading
price              EUR                0.11        2.00          1.39        4.35

Trading price at
the end
of the period      EUR                0.08        1.24          0.08        1.24

Change during the
period                             -26.8 %     -34.5 %       -93.9 %     -50.2 %

ratio                                 neg.        neg.          neg.        neg.

capitalization at
the end of the
period             EUR '000        145,059     338,209       145,059     338,209

Development in
trading volume

Trading volume     shares        1,833,128      62,472     3,086,423     209,565

In relation to
average number of
shares                             128.0 %      23.4 %       215.6 %      78.5 %

Adjusted average
number of shares             1,431,677,258 266,846,084 1,431,677,258 266,846,084

Fully diluted
number of shares             1,530,295,193 265,742,084 1,530,295,193 265,742,084

Number of shares
at the
end of the period            1,906,167,480 272,309,640 1,906,167,480 272,309,640

(1)) Trading price is calculated on the average of EUR/GBP exchange rates
published by the European Central Bank during the period.
(2)) Trading price is calculated on the EUR/GBP exchange rate published by the
European Central Bank at the end of the period.
(3)) Market capitalization is calculated on the EUR/GBP exchange rate published
by the European Central Bank at the end of the period.
(4)) 2012 figures restated as described in note 44 to the audited consolidated
financial statements for year 2013

Employee-related key figures

                                         Three     Three    Twelve    Twelve
                                     months to months to months to months to
                                     31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12 31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12
Wages and salaries          EUR '000     4,204     5,982    23,274    23,080

Average number of employees                558       584       603       547

Number of employees at the
end of the period                          549       588       549       588

Other figures

                                            Three     Three     Twelve    Twelve
                                        months to months to  months to months to
                                        31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12  31 Dec 13 31 Dec 12
Share options outstanding
at the end of the period               16,289,000 5,958,837 16,289,000 5,958,837

Number of shares to be issued
against the outstanding share options  16,289,000 5,958,837 16,289,000 5,958,837

Rights to vote of shares to be issued
against the outstanding share options       0.8 %     2.1 %      0.8 %     2.1 %

Talvivaara Mining Company Plc

Key financial figures of the Group

Return on equity          Loss for the period
                          (Total equity at the beginning of period + Total
                          equity at the end of period)/2

Equity-to-assets ratio    Total equity
                          Total assets

Net interest-bearing debt Interest-bearing debt - Cash and cash equivalent

Debt-to-equity ratio      Net interest-bearing debt
                          Total equity

Return on investment      Loss for the period + Finance cost
                          (Total equity at the beginning of period + Total
                          equity at the end of period)/2 + (Borrowings at the
                          beginning of period + Borrowings at the end of

Share-related key figures

Earnings per share        Loss attributable to equity holders of the Company
                          Adjusted average number of shares

Equity per share          Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company
                          Adjusted average number of shares



Talvivaara 2013 Annual Results Review 30.4.14.pdf