Source: Jyske Realkredit A/S

The Merger of BRFkredit and Jyske Bank is completed

To NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S

30 April 2014

Announcement no. 43/2014



The Merger of BRFkredit and Jyske Bank is completed

The terms of the merger agreement have been met and the Authorities have approved all applications relevant to the merger as of this date. The merger is thus completed.


In connection with the merger a number of changes in management has been implemented. The previous board of directors has resigned, and at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on April 30, 2014 Sven A. Blomberg (Chairman), Per Skovhus (Vice Chairman), Niels Erik Jakobsen and Jørgen Christensen were elected as new board members. At the same time Sven A. Blomberg resigned as CEO and Carsten Tirsbæk Madsen is appointed new CEO of BRFkredit a/s

For enquiries regarding this notice please refer to The Chairman Sven A. Blomberg on phone 45 26 25 00.



Yours faithfully

Sven A. Blomberg                                                         Carsten Tirsbæk Madsen
Chairman of The Board                                                 CEO








Please observe that the Danish version of this announcement prevails.