Source: Telia Company AB

Changes in the senior management at TeliaSonera

Henriette Wendt has been appointed Head of Group Corporate Development. It is a
new function and part of TeliaSonera’s Group Executive Management with
responsibility for, among other things, strategy, business development, mergers
and acquisitions across the group.
Henriette Wendt is currently Head of Corporate Strategy and Participation
Management at Swisscom. She will join TeliaSonera at the end of August at the

“I am very happy to announce Henriette Wendt as our new Head of Corporate
Development. Her experience from senior positions in the field of strategy and
business development at Swisscom and Motorola in the past ten years will be very
valuable for TeliaSonera going forward,” said Johan Dennelind, TeliaSonera’s
president and CEO.

Also, Karin Eliasson has decided to leave her position as Head of Group Human
Resources for a new assignment. The recruitment process for her replacement is

“I thank Karin Eliasson for her contribution over the years and wish her all the
best in the future,” said Johan Dennelind.

In addition Ingrid Stenmark has been appointed Head of the CEO Office. Among
other things the CEO Office is responsible for TeliaSonera’s shareholding’s in
the associate companies MegaFon and Turkcell. Ingrid Stenmark has been with the
company many years and has held various senior positions, including acting
General Councel during the autumn of 2013. In her new role she will report to
the CEO, but not be part of the Group Executive Management.
For more information, please contact the TeliaSonera press office 46 771 77 58
30, or visit TeliaSonera
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TeliaSonera provides network access and telecommunication services in the Nordic
and Baltic countries, the emerging markets of Eurasia, including Russia and
Turkey, and in Spain. TeliaSonera helps people and companies communicate in an
easy, efficient and environmentally friendly way. Our ambition is to be number
one or two in all our markets, providing the best customer experience, high
quality networks and cost efficient operations. TeliaSonera is also the leading
European wholesale provider with a wholly-owned international carrier network.
In 2013, net sales amounted to SEK 101.7 billion, EBITDA to SEK 35.6 billion and
earnings per share to SEK 3.46. The TeliaSonera share is listed on NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm and NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. Read more at                 (