Source: Medivir AB

Interim Report, January – March 2014*

Financial summary for the first quarter

  · Net turnover totalled SEK 208.2 million (SEK 178.1 m), SEK 161.7 million of
which comprised royalties for simeprevir.
  · A deferred tax receivable and a tax income of SEK 196.8 million are reported
during the quarter, corresponding to a capitalisation of the entire loss carry
forward related to Medivir AB, as of 31 March 2014.
  · The profit/loss after tax was SEK 283.8 million (SEK 71.1 m).
  · Basic and diluted earnings per share totalled SEK 9.08 (SEK 2.27) and SEK
9.01 (SEK 2.24), respectively.
  · The cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK -57.8 million (SEK
-19.1 m), while liquid assets and short-term investments totalled SEK 341.8
million (SEK 264.4 m) at the period end.

|Summary of the Group’s figures,| Q1  | Q1  |Full year|
|continuing operations (SEK m)  |2014 |2013 |  2013   |
|Net turnover                   |208.2|178.1|    446.1|
|Gross profit                   |182.1|160.2|    374.3|
|Operating profit before        | 96.7| 90.5|     76.4|
|depreciation and amortisation  |     |     |         |
|(EBITDA)                       |     |     |         |
|Operating profit (EBIT)        | 88.6| 76.7|     25.2|
|Profit/loss before tax         | 90.3| 76.6|     27.7|
|Profit/loss after tax          |283.8| 71.1|     16.0|
|Operating margin, %            | 42.6| 43.1|      5.6|
|Basic earnings per share, SEK  | 9.08| 2.27|     0.51|
|Diluted earnings per share, SEK| 9.01| 2.24|     0.51|
|Cash flow from operating       |-57.8|-19.1|     43.0|
|activities                     |     |     |         |
|Liquid assets and short-term   |341.8|264.4|    402.2|
|investments at the period end  |     |     |         |

Significant events during Q1

  · Simeprevir was approved in Russia and received a positive recommendation
from the European Medicines Agency’s advisory committee, the Committee for
Medicinal Products in Human Use (CHMP), for the treatment of adults with chronic
hepatitis C.
  · Interim results (SVR4) presented from a phase II all-oral combination study
of simeprevir and samatasvir (IDX719).
  · Final results (SVR12) presented from a phase IIa study evaluating simeprevir
and daclatasvir in hepatitis C patients of genotype 1.
  · Final results presented from the phase III ATTAIN study (treatment with
simeprevir and telaprevir).
  · A renewed assessment of Medivir AB’s fiscal loss carry forward resulted in
Medivir reporting a deferred tax receivable in the Balance Sheet and a tax
income in the Income Statement for the period.
  · The Board of Directors has begun the process of recruiting a new President
and CEO. Maris Hartmanis will remain in that role until his successor has taken
up the position.

Significant events after the end of Q1

  · Final, positive results were reported from the COSMOS study of simeprevir
and sofosbuvir in cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients.
  · Two phase III studies evaluating treatment of hepatitis C-infected patients
with simeprevir and sofosbuvir have been initiated.

* All figures refer to the Group, unless otherwise stated. Comparisons in the
Interim Report are, unless otherwise stated, with the corresponding period in
2013. Cross Pharma was divested from the Group on 30 June 2013

The CEO’s comments on Q1 2014

Market uptake for Simeprevir was very good and Medivir received SEK 162 million
in royalties for the quarter
The year started well and one of the most important events during the quarter
was the approval of simeprevir by the Russian Ministry of Health. Russia has the
world’s third highest prevalence of hepatitis C, according to the World Health
Organization (WHO), with approximately 3.7 million people infected. In January
alone, 4,858 new cases of hepatitis C were diagnosed in Russia and there is a
substantial need for a safe and effective treatment alternative like simeprevir.

We were also delighted when the European Medicines Agency’s advisory committee,
the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), recommended Marketing
Authorisation in the EU for the use of simeprevir in combination with other
antiviral medicinal products. The recommendation applies to the treatment of
chronic hepatitis C in adult patients. We anticipate receiving European approval
before the summer in what will be the next important step forward for Medivir,
in that the company holds the sales rights for the Nordic market. The sales
development in the markets in which simeprevir has already been launched by our
partner, Janssen – Japan, the USA and Canada – was strong during the first
quarter of the year. Royalties from Janssen’s global sales during the first
quarter totalled SEK 161.7 million, demonstrating very good market uptake.

The development of a completely interferon- and ribavirin-free treatment is one
of the important goals for the future in the hepatitis C area. Our partner,
Janssen, is currently conducting a number of studies, both internally and in
partnership with other companies, in order to achieve this goal. Two new phase
III studies were recently initiated: the first is OPTIMIST, which entails an
interferon- and ribavirin-free combination treatment with simeprevir and
sofosbuvir over an eight- or twelve-week period. Janssen also presented positive
and unique results from the phase II COSMOS study at the EASL conference. Strong
data on European patients, based on subgroup analyses from the earlier phase III
studies, and final efficacy data for patients infected with genotype 4 HCV, were
also presented.

Our own in-house research projects are proceeding according to plan towards
their goals for 2014. Our strategic work has a strong focus on the growing
requirement to ensure, at an early stage in the research process, that we can
demonstrate both the medicinal benefits and cost-effectiveness of a potential
new pharmaceutical product in comparison with existing treatments.

Our pharmaceutical portfolio comprises 16 prescription pharmaceuticals that are
marketed in the Nordic region. Our own pharmaceutical sales experienced a slight
downturn during the first quarter, primarily due to fewer unit sales for
Mollipect as a result of a weak influenza and common cold season. The
pharmaceutical portfolio as a whole generated a turnover of SEK 46.4 million.
April saw the market relaunch of Suscard – an established pharmaceutical for the
treatment of angina pectoris.

We have a strong focus on specialist pharmaceuticals in the growth phase. Our
innovation and launch competence in the specialist care sector are both
important components of our endeavours to generate sustainable profitability.
One step towards this goal was taken in April with the Nordic market launch of
Adasuve – a new specialist pharmaceutical for the treatment of agitation
associated with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Medivir has strengthened the company’s marketing and sales organisation during
the quarter, and the organisation, which now has a presence in Norway, Denmark
and Finland, as well as Sweden, has been working intensively on the product
launch of Adasuve. The organisation is also well-prepared for the launch of
simeprevir in the Nordic region, which we expect to take place towards the end
of the second quarter.

Maris Hartmanis,
President & CEO

For further information, please contact:
Rein Piir, EVP Corporate Affairs & IR, +46 (0) 708 537292
Maris Hartmanis, President & CEO, +46 (0) 8 407 64 30

Conference call for investors, analysts and the media
The Interim Report for the first quarter of 2014 will be presented by Medivir’s
President & CEO, Maris Hartmanis, and members of Medivir’s management group.
Time: Thursday, 8 May 2014, at 12.30 (CET).

Phone numbers for participants from:
Sweden +46 (0) 8 519 993 52
Europe +44 (0) 20 766 020 81
USA +1 877 788 9023

The conference call will also be streamed via a link on the website:

Financial calendar
The Interim Report for January-June will be published on 21 August 2014.