Source: SAAB AB

Result in Swiss referendum announced

Further to the decisions by the Swiss Parliament in 2013 to procure 22 Gripen E,
a national referendum was held today in Switzerland on the funding law for
Gripen. The result was ‘no’ which means that the Gripen E procurement process in
Switzerland stops. For Saab, the Gripen E programme continues according to plan,
with development and production of 60 Gripen E for Sweden ongoing and deliveries
scheduled for 2018.
In February 2013, Saab signed a framework agreement with the Swedish Defence
Materiel Administration (FMV) concerning the development and production of 60
Gripen E to Sweden and potentially 22 to Switzerland. Today’s referendum result
on the funding law for Gripen means that the Swiss procurement process of 22
Gripen E stops. The Swedish development and production orders placed in 2013
continue, with delivery of Gripen E to Sweden commencing in 2018. The
negotiations regarding 36 Gripen NG to Brazil are ongoing and according to plan
with the ambition from both parties that an agreement should be signed in 2014.

“Our focus is helping countries protect their ways of life, which we do by
serving the global market with world-leading products, including Gripen. We have
seen in Switzerland support for Gripen, including through its evaluation and
selection over competitors and in the votations in the Swiss Parliament last
year,” says Håkan Buskhe, President and CEO of Saab.

“We respect the process in Switzerland and do not comment on today’s outcome in
the referendum. Following selection in 2011, hundreds of business relationships
in Switzerland have been created through the Swiss Industrial Participation
programme, which was created in relation to the Gripen E procurement. These are
relationships we look forward to continuing as long as possible,” adds Håkan

Under the industrial participation programme, over 500 contracts with 125 Swiss
businesses have been arranged. Some of these are with Saab but most are with
partners and suppliers to Saab. This shows very clearly that there are strong
and long-lasting relationships between Sweden and Switzerland. Saab will
continue working with Swiss companies and contracts placed will be honoured,
subject to their terms and conditions.

Gripen is the backbone of five nations' air defences: Sweden, South Africa,
Czech Republic, Hungary and Thailand. In addition, The Empire Test Pilot School
(ETPS) in the UK uses Gripen in its training programme for future test pilots.

Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and
solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab has operations
and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new
technology to meet customers’ changing needs.

For further information, please contact:
Saab Press Centre, +46 (0)734 180 018,

The information is that which Saab AB is required to declare by the Securities
Business Act and/or the Financial instruments Trading Act. The information was
submitted for publication on May 18 2014 at 18.30 (CET).