Source: Innotap

Innotap Embraces CAISO Market as Increased Realtime Volatility is Expected in the Region Due to Climate Changes

Innotap, the leading provider of realtime decision support apps for energy and commodity traders, has today announced plans to extend its support for the CAISO market.

KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., May 20, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - California is experiencing climate changes with hotter temperatures and prolonged drought conditions that can cause sudden weather swings which are nearly impossible to predict. Resulting wildfires cause transmission lines to be deenergized, and low snowpack and lack of water limit available hydro resources. This creates significant challenges to effectively manage the electricity grid in this region.

"As a result, volatility in realtime electric markets is inevitable," said Joe Mac Crory, VP of Innotap." Weather forecasting and day ahead modeling are essential tools for power marketers. But without a high performance realtime tool, you're missing half the picture."

To better serve its customers in this market, Innotap is evolving its current CAISO Realtime set of apps while working on new analytics capabilities. Jeff Foose, Managing Member of Aeris Capital LLC and Strategic Advisor to Innotap, said, "Our customers consistently tell us that our RealDeal Dashboards is the best platform to support their realtime power analytic needs. When Innotap's new enhanced analytics platform is made available, our users will have an even greater competitive advantage in volatile markets." These users trade CAISO financial products on the IntercontinentalExchange (NYSE:ICE) (Atlanta, GA) and CME Group (Chicago, IL).

The most recent feature added to Innotap's CAISO offering includes support for the new Fifteen Minute Market (FMM) Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) mandated by FERC Order 764. Concurrent with the CAISO FMM implementation on May 01, 2014, Innotap released its new FMM LMP app to assist its customers in realtime decision making. Mac Crory commented, "FMM has made the CAISO market more flexible and allows traders to take advantage of realtime price movement that would not be there otherwise."

Ron Swartz, Founder and CEO of Innotap, said, "Innotap is demonstrating its leadership in this ever changing realtime market. To meet with our customers and other CAISO market participants, we're sponsoring the Infocast 2nd Annual California Energy Summit in San Francisco on May 28-30, 2014."

Anne Marie Magness, Innotap's Operations and Business Development Manager, added, "While there, we will have a full running demo of the Innotap® RealDeal® Dashboards and PowerFeed™ for Excel®, and look forward to meeting all interested parties."

Online demonstrations can be scheduled with Anne Marie Magness by calling 855-GET-INNOTAP (855-438-4666) or emailing her at

About Innotap

Innotap is the leading provider of realtime decision support apps for energy and commodity traders who require low-latency data and trading solutions. Innotap's mission is to provide its customers with the ability to easily access, visualize, process, analyze and exploit big data sets fast enough to capture opportunities before energy/commodity markets change. Innotap aggregates and delivers data from various data suppliers, including Independent System Operators (ISOs) and Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) in North America to enable intra-day liquidity and competitive electricity markets.

© 2014 Innovation Tap LLC. All rights reserved. Innotap, InstaTrend, RealDeal, PowerFeed and DecisionDock are registered trademarks or trademarks of Innovation Tap LLC. Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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