Source: MOP Environmental Solutions, Inc.

MOP Environmental Launches MOP Plus Product

MOP Environmental Solutions, Inc. today announced the launch of its newest product, "MOP Plus." MOP Plus is a proprietary blend of super absorbing ingredients including patented MOP absorbents.

FAIRFIELD, Conn., May 21, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - MOP Environmental Solutions today announced the launch of its newest product, "MOP Plus." MOP Plus is a proprietary blend of super absorbing ingredients including patented MOP absorbents. MOP Plus is specifically formulated for the oil and gas industry in response to the need for an affordable way to address the waste problem associated with oil or water based cuttings as well as any other application where drying out substrates/cuttings is required.

MOP Plus has distinct advantages because it is the most effective, true and proven absorbent compared to existing medias used such fly ash, sand, clay, saw dust, lime, etc. Vigorous testing of MOP Plus has shown that when it comes to remediation (drying out substrates/solids), MOP Plus is more cost effective than the commonly used medias previously referenced. Furthermore, MOP Plus brings the safety of the workers to the forefront as it is safer to work with when compared to fly ash (carcinogenic) and other medias (contain fine particulates).

Increased efficiency of MOP Plus compared to the medias currently used equates to a dramatic and exponential reduction in transportation costs associated with the delivery of remediation medias to and from the drill site. This reduction in trucking brings about not only improved logistics, direct and tangible money savings to operators and overall well costs, but also reduces a companies (operators) carbon footprint. MOP Plus's unique properties easily and quickly absorb free standing oil based (diesel and synthetic) muds as well as dehydrate cuttings produced with these oil based fluids. MOP Plus, by engineering and design, is safe for land farm spreading (used in certain states as part of oil based cuttings remediation), giving customers/operators more options following the dehydration of drill cuttings.

"We are very excited about this new addition to the MOP family of products," said Jamie O'Brien, CEO and President of MOP Environmental Solutions, Inc. "MOP Plus allows us to guarantee a drill company (operator) that our solution to this every day and costly challenge will be a safe and far more cost effective solution for them and better for the environment."

VP of Operations James Reck said "For shareholders this news will come as a welcome addition to MOP's range of services. MOP Plus puts us squarely in the market to address every day maintenance challenges for these rigs, creating a market that is not dependent on an accidental spill but rather a cost effective and appealing on-going solution to an everyday expense. Based on the current drilling rig activity in the major shale plays across the country and the tremendous advantages of MOP Plus, the opportunity to establish a strong recurring revenue stream is tremendous."

MOP Environmental Solutions, Inc. (MOPN) is a publicly traded company. MOP Maximum Oil Pickup sorbents are among the most effective oil spill recovery products on the market.

MOP's patented products are made from recycled and fully biodegradable materials.


For More Information

MOP's website is



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