TRUSTBUDDY: Interim report first quarter 2014

The Board of TrustBuddy International AB (publ.), listed on NASDAQ OMX First North, leaving the following quarterly report for January-March 2014

TrustBuddy International AB

First quarter, January - March 2014

  • Net revenues amounted to SEK 28.1 (18.5) million, up 52%
  • Operating earnings before depreciation; EBITDA amounted
    to SEK -0.5 (1.8) million
  • Operating earnings EBIT amounted to -1.4 (1.1) million
  • Earnings after tax amounted to SEK -1.3 (0.7) million
  • Cash flow from operating activities after changes in working
    capital was SEK -80.0 (1.0) million

(Figures in brackets refer to the corresponding period last year)

Recalculation of previous periods

In this report, figures for previous periods have been restated.
See also in the attached interim report, page 6 section Adjustment
of accounts for previous periods and page 14 Recalculation bridges. 


TrustBuddy AB
Summary of the operating subsidiary

The operating activities of TrustBuddy International AB are conducted through it´s subsidiary TrustBuddy AB org. No. 556794-5083 from offices in Stockholm and with support functions in each market and country. Figures reported below, refers only to TrustBuddy AB including affiliates.

First quarter, January – March 2014

  • Net revenues amounted to SEK 28,1 (18,5) million, increase of 52 %
  • Earnings, EBITDA, amounted to SEK 0,8 (3,1) million

Volume and number of loans

First quarter, January – March 2014

  • Total number of loans: 60 488 st (+88% compared to corresponding period, prev year)
  • Total amount lent : SEK 189,7 Mkr (+57% compared to corresponding period, prev year) 


For more information please contact:

Jens Glasø, CEO, TrustBuddy International AB (publ)

+47 40 40 47 50,


About TrustBuddy International AB (publ)

TrustBuddy International AB (publ) is one of the first in the world to focus on arranging loans and capital provision between buddies in Scandinavia in an organised manner. The company is listed at NASDAQ OMX First North in Stockholm. Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag is TrustBuddy International AB (publ)'s Certified Adviser, phone number: +46 8 463 80 00.

