Source: Novarum Futuris, INC

The First Trillionaire, Novarum Futuris, INC has Started Its Private Billion Dollar Raise - Guidance of potential dividends of $7,272 Per Share after 3 years.

Novarum Futuris, INC kicked off its six-city tour to raise funds for one of the largest initial private offerings for a single company in US History.

DOVER, Del., May 22, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - They are taking advantage of the new rules that were adopted by the SEC about public advertisements of private company share offerings; which is allowed as long as it is only targeted toward accredited investors.

Their six-city tour is all about providing investors with the information and guidance they need to decide on whether or not to purchase their reserved shares at or before the final funding event in New York, NY.

The tour started yesterday (May 21) in Palo Alto, CA and will continue with stops in Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Miami, and finally in New York, NY.

Investors then have the chance to make their final decision on whether they will complete the investment on the number of shares they have reserved. This decision can be made before, during, or five business days after their funding forum in New York, NY on July 12th, 13th, and 14th.

The company expects to sell the 10,000,000 shares they are allowing investors to reserve. The reserve price is $1 per share and can be reserved at The final price per share is set at $100.

The company also released some guidance as what investors can expect from their investment in the future. After three years of funding they have estimated that dividends could reach $7,272 per share with a potential for tremendous growth moving forward. They are requiring a minimum investment of 250 shares ($25,000), which if their guidance is accurate would provide the basic investor with dividends totaling $1,818,000. It is an incredible number but Novarum Futuris, INC believes that their products and services can support that return on investment.

If someone was holding the right number of shares they could become the first Trillionaire if the estimates become accurate; which is currently not expected until at least 25 years from now.

Novarum Futuris, INC did not provide guidance on what they expect each share or the company to be worth on the open market. They did assert that their main goal is to provide investors with large dividends and allow investors to have a heavy involvement in the company moving forward.

The company is tightly lipped on the product that they are bringing to the market. They did release that their business model is not only about the product, but as well as the placement of the product. They expect it to be accessed daily on multiple levels by over two hundred million individuals in the United States. They are not providing guidance at this point on any international plans.

In order for investors to attend one of their conferences they must download an NDA and Share Reserve Form from Once that step is completed the potential investor will receive the complete business prospectus as well as an invitation to their investment forums. Attendance is not required.

The company is allowing for multiple exit strategies for investors including a 5% return on investment if they choose to sell their shares back to the company after two years, and 10% after 3 years of funding.

The team at Novarum Futuris, INC seems to be really excited about the upcoming tour, and believe they will be successful in their financial raise. While they have their top-level goal they did explain that they have a plan B, C, and D if all shares are not sold.

The company reiterated that these are forward looking statements and should be taken as such and could change due to market conditions and other variables.

Potential investors can visit to start the process.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit