Source: DFDS A/S


Copenhagen, 2014-06-02 15:13 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Announcement no. 37

DFDS A/S has in week 22 purchased 5,769 own shares equal to DKK 2.6m as part of the share buy-back programme of DKK 200m launched 28 February 2014, re. company announcement no. 8/2014. 

The accumulated share buy-back amounts to 49.8% of the programme.  

Purchase of own shares, week 22 
Period, 2014 No. of shares Average  purchase price Value, DKK
26 May 2,098 445 933,586
27 May 2,098 444 931,119
28 May 1,573 446 700,978
29 May n.a. n.a. n.a.
30 May n.a. n.a. n.a.
Total 5,769 444.7 2,565,682

Following the purchase, DFDS’ holding of own shares is 796,128 equal to 6.0% of the Company’s total no. of shares of 13,300,000. Excluding own shares, the no. of shares is 12,503,872. 

The share buy-back programme is organised in compliance with the EU Commission’s Regulation 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003 (Safe Harbour regulation for share buy-backs).


         Torben Carlsen, CFO
         +45 33 42 32 01
         Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR
         +45 33 42 33 59
