Source: Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S

Reprimand to Zealand Pharma A/S


  Copenhagen, 6 June 2014

Annual Report available on the website prior to disclosure


NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has reprimanded Zealand Pharma A/S that the annual report was available on the company’s website prior to the disclosure cf. rule 3.1.1 in Rules for issuers of shares.


The complete decision is available in Decisions & Statements on the following link:


In order to ensure more transparency about the decisions from the exchange, the exchange publish decisions concerning a reprimand or a fine, with the identity of the issuer. This is stated in Rules for issuers of investment undertakings on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen, rule 5.




For further information, please contact: Pernille Gram, Surveillance, tel. 33 93 33 66




