Source: NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB

NeuroVive’s research into energy regulation wins award at international research symposium

NeuroVive, a leading mitochondrial medicine company, participated in the
international research symposium Mitochondrial Medicine 2014 held in Pittsburgh,
USA, on 4-7 June. NeuroVive presented research containing underlying scientific
data on its energy regulators (NVP015). The paper was selected for oral
presentation and won second prize in competition with more than 120
“NeuroVive’s new pharmaceutical substances attracted considerable interest at
the conference, and there is no existing treatment for diseases caused by
mitochondrial energy production dysfunction. Overall, this validates our focus
on this new drug class through animal testing, toxicology and clinical studies,”
commented Jan Nilsson, NeuroVive’s COO.

“It’s incredible to move from an academic idea to tangible results in the way
we’ve done with energy regulators. Our partnerships with the chemists at
Selcia/Mitopharm Ltd and the Mitochondrial Medicine Unit at Lund University have
been crucial to the effective development of these new pharmaceutical
substances. NeuroVive researcher Johannes Ehinger was able to put our findings
across very successfully in his presentation at the symposium,” commented Eskil
Elmér, NeuroVive’s CSO.

NeuroVive’s energy regulators
In simplified terms, the mitochondria can be considered as the energy factory of
cells. Diseases and medical conditions that affect mitochondrial function can
cause heart and brain damage, and injure other organs with high energy
requirements. The enzyme complex I is a central component in mitochondrial
energy production. This first link in the respiratory chain is often affected in
congenital dysfunction of energy production and in different medical conditions,
and is sensitive to adverse events from pharmaceuticals. Succinic acid is a
nutrient that is able to circumvent complex I in the respiratory chain,
restoring energy production. However, succinic acid is normally unable to
transit the cell wall independently. Alongside Selcia/Mitopharm Ltd.,
researchers linked to NeuroVive have resolved this problem by chemically
altering succinic acid in various ways, with the result that the compound is
able to transit the cell wall and then be freed up and utilized in mitochondrial
energy production. The efficacy and potential adverse events from the new
pharmaceutical substances must be examined in animal studies before they can be
trialed on humans. One of the substances is now in a formulation suitable for
animal studies and the first major validation study will be completed in 2014.

UMDF’s annual symposium
The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (UMDF) is an American non-profit
organization that supports research and training relating to diagnostics and
treatment of mitochondrial disease. UMDF was founded in 1996 and has raised
close to USD 11 m for research into mitochondrial medicine. UMDF’s annual
symposium brings together close to 600 participants every year, including
leading researchers and medical professionals in mitochondrial medicine. The
symposium is both a scientific conference and a meeting point for patients and
patient organizations. Mitochondrial Medicine 2014 was held in Pittsburgh on 4-7

NeuroVive made three presentations at the conference, presenting scientific data
on the effect of energy regulators on human cells, the effect on adverse events
from diabetes medication Metformin and the animal model developed for validation
of the efficacy of the new pharmaceutical substances in mitochondrial disease.
There’s more information on UMDF and the conference at

About NeuroVive Pharmaceutical
NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ), a leading mitochondrial medicine company, is
developing a portfolio of products to treat acute cardiovascular and
neurological conditions through mitochondrial protection. These medical
conditions are characterized by a pressing medical need and have no approved
pharmaceutical treatment options at present. NeuroVive’s products CicloMulsion®
(heart attack) and NeuroSTAT® (traumatic brain injury) are currently being
evaluated in phase III and phase II studies, respectively. NeuroVive’s research
programs also include products for the treatment of anti-viral indications
(Hepatitis B/C), brain cell injury in stroke patients, and drug candidates for
cellular protection and treating mitochondria-related energy regulation
diseases. NeuroVive’s shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX, Stockholm, Sweden.

Current status of NeuroVive’s products


NeuroVive’s product CicloMulsion® is the first cyclophilin inhibitor developed
for the treatment of reperfusion injury. The product’s potential in the
treatment of myocardial infarction is currently being evaluated in a clinical
phase III study. The last of a total of 972 patients was enrolled on 16 February
2014. The results of the study are due to be announced in 2015 following the
completion of the one-year follow-up of all patients and the presentation of the
study data.

NeuroVive is developing NeuroSTAT® for the treatment of patients with severe
traumatic brain injury. NeuroSTAT® is currently being evaluated in a clinical
phase IIa study at Copenhagen University Hospital. The study focuses on safety
and pharmacokinetics, and 5 of 20 planned patients have been enrolled so far. A
phase III study is currently being planned and designed. NeuroVive has secured
orphan drug designation for NeuroSTAT® for moderate and severe traumatic brain
injury in the US and EU, which implies market exclusivity for seven years in the
US and ten years in the EU, from the date NeuroVive obtains market

The recently acquired cyclophilin inhibitors are part of a family of molecules
known as Sangamides, and are based on a new and unique chemistry platform of
what are termed polyketides. NVP018 is NeuroVive’s primary drug candidate in the
company’s new portfolio of potent cyclophilin inhibitors. It has undergone
extensive pre-clinical development and has been developed for the treatment of
Hepatitis B/C. The product has demonstrated high potency against virus
replication and has a positive safety and pharmacokinetic profile. Cyclophilin
inhibitors have broad-based applications and NeuroVive is currently evaluating
NVP018’s potential for other anti-viral indications.

NVP019 is based on the same active substance as NVP018 and is being developed as
the next generation cyclophilin inhibitor for acute heart and nerve cell damage,
but also for other acute heart conditions and acute conditions where general
protection of the vital organs is central to the progression of the disease. An
intravenous preparation form will be evaluated for this purpose in collaboration
with external parties such as Hospices Civils de Lyon within the framework of
the OPeRa program.

Other products
More information about all products developed by NeuroVive can be found at

For Investor Relations and media questions, please contact:
Ingmar Rentzhog, Laika Consulting, Tel: +46 (0)46 275 62 21 or
It is also possible to arrange an interview with NeuroVive’s CEO Mikael
Brönnegård at the above contact.

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ)
Medicon Village, SE-223 81 Lund, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)46 275 62 20 (switchboard), Fax: +46 (0)46 888 83 48,

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) is required to publish the information in
this news release under The Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was
submitted for publication on 10 June 2014, at 08.30 a.m. CET.
NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) is a leading mitochondrial medicine company.
The company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Small Cap, under the ticker
symbol NVP. The share is also traded on the OTC market in the US, under the
ticker symbol NEVPF:US.