Source: Nexam Chemical Holding AB

Nexam Chemical introduces a new product: NEXIMID® HT-R

Nexam Chemical introduces a new resin that is primarily intended for use within
the aerospace industry, but also in the general industry and transport sectors.
The new resin, NEXIMID® HT-R, can be used in volume production of high
-temperature composites by Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM).
NEXIMID® HT-R is a polyimide resin which is based on Nexam Chemical’s
crosslinkers NEXIMID® 100 (PEPA) and the Nexam unique NEXIMID® 400 (EBPA).

The resin is a new product on the market and has a unique combination of

  · Temperature performance, with a high softening temperature of 360-400o C
  · Low viscosity at processing, which enables superior processing properties

The above unique combination of advantages makes it possible to manufacture high
-temperature composites with RTM, which is beneficial from both a time and cost
perspective for the users.

The resin is produced at Nexam Chemical’s production unit in Scotland, UK, and
will be marketed and sold globally, but primarily on the European, North
American and Japanese markets.

NEXIMID® HT-R has been evaluated together with Swerea SICOMP
( in the EU-financed Clean-Sky project Hictac. Swerea
SICOMP is one of Europe’s leading research institutes in the field of polymer
fibre composites.

Dr. Patrik Fernberg from Swerea SICOMP, Piteå, Sweden, will present results from
their tests at the conference 16th European Conference on Composite Materials
(ECCM16) in Seville, Spain, the 26th of June 2014. For more information, click
here (

"It is a break-through to come out on the global market with this type of high
-temperature resin. That it is produced in Europe will also provide market
advantages. The resin has, in our opinion, the potential to become a standard
material suited for large production runs, in areas such as civil aviation and
industrial applications. Patent applications relating to the resin has been
filed”, says Jan-Erik Rosenberg, Commercial & Market Development Director, Nexam

Polyimide resins are used in the most durable and high-performance composites
available today. The overall global market demand for polyimide resins is
approximately 60,000 tons annually and the market is growing. There are many
application areas for polyimide based composites, for example in aerospace,
general industry, transport and electronics (both consumer and industrial).

Note: This press release has been translated from Swedish. The Swedish text
shall govern for all purposes and prevail in case of any discrepancy with the
English version.
For more information, please contact:
Lennart Holm, Chairman of the Board: +46 (0)706 30 8562
Per Palmqvist Morin, CEO, +46 (0)706 55 55 82
About Nexam:
Nexam is a Swedish company with a world-leading technology within its area for
heat-activated crosslinking of plastics and polymers. The company develops,
manufactures and markets unique heat-activated crosslinkers to the plastics
­market. A company description and more information about the business will be
found on The company’s Certified Adviser is Remium Nordic AB.