Source: The Official Board

The Official Board Releases iPhone Application

Application provides instant alerts on executive personnel changes and access to corporate organizational charts.

PARIS, June 12, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - The Official Board, which manages one of the world's largest databases of corporate organizational charts and executive contacts, today announced the release of The Official Board iPhone application. The application, which is available immediately to subscribers, offers instant alerts to executive personnel changes at all large and medium-sized companies globally. It also provides access to corporate organizational charts and executive biographical summaries at these companies.

"We know that our subscribers are on the go, very busy and need instant and verified information on executive personnel changes, executive biographies and corporate organizational charts," said Thomas Lot, The Official Board's Founder and CEO.

The Official Board is offering a basic subscription, which provides access to executive personnel information and corporate organizational charts at the world's most popular 5,000 companies, for free. An expanded Pro version of the application, providing access to this information for 50,000 companies, is available for less than $1 a month.

The Official Board is a membership site that maintains one of the world's most comprehensive database directories of global corporate organizational charts and executive personnel biographies. Its services are utilized by 98% of Fortune 1000 companies. For more information and to download the iPhone application, consult the company's website at:

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