Source: Vestjysk Bank A/S

Cancellation of charge of price manipulation


The Danish FSA
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
The Oslo Stock Exchange




13 April 2014




Company announcement:
Cancellation of charge of price manipulation

In regard to the Company Announcement of 9 July 2013, it is hereby announced, that Vestjysk Bank today has received an announcement from the Public Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime (SØIK) where he has decided to cancel the charge of price manipulation. The reason for this cancellation is that the Public Prosecutor expects that the Bank will be found not guilty.

The subject of the case regarded whether Vestjysk Bank’s acquisition of shares in The Sparekassen Himmerland, to prices between 590 and 570 in three trading days of September 2008, happened in a way, where the price of the shares was secured in a way, where the price could not fall below this level and that this matter could have led to a misguidance of the market.

Any inquiries regarding the present announcement should be addressed to Michael N. Petersen, Acting CEO, at tel. +45 96 63 21 52.


Vestjysk Bank A/S

Michael Nelander Petersen
Acting CEO
