Conclusion of a major contract.

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. („Company”) herewith advises that on
June 17, 2014 the Company received contract dated June 12, 2014 concluded by the
Company with Fibria International Trade GmbH seated in Lustenau/Austria
(„Supplier”) for delivery of cellulose by the Supplier (“Supply Contract”).

The term of the Supply Contract is from January 1, 2014 through December 31,
2014. Under the Contract, the Supplier agreed to deliver and the Company agreed
to purchase 90.000 metric tons of cellulose. The total volume of cellulose
supplied under the contract may be increased or reduced by up to 10%.

Under the Contract, the Supplier agreed to deliver and the Company agreed to
purchase cellulose of the approximate value of PLN 170,000,000.

The price per metric ton has been agreed to be based on the FOEX PIX in US
dollars for Europe and subject to discounts agreed by the parties to the

There are no contractual penalties or conditions precedent stipulated in the

The Supply Contract has been deemed to be of major importance due to the value
of obligations incurred by the Company thereunder, which exceeds 10% of equity
od the Company.
For additional information, please contact:

Wolfgang Lübbert, President of the Management Board of Arctic Paper, tel.
+49 405 148 5310

This information is disclosed pursuant to the Minister of Finance directive of
February 19, 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of
securities, and on conditions of equivalence of information required to be
provided under non-Member State law, §5, clause 1, item 3, and was submitted for
publication on 17 June 2014 at 9:00 am CET, in reference to Arctic Paper’s
current report no. 13/2014 filed with the Warsaw Stock Exchange