Source: Ekspress Grupp

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AS Ekspress Grupp held on 20 June, 2014

Tallinn, Estonia, 2014-06-20 12:37 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

On 20 June, 2014, the  Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of AS  Ekspress Grupp was held in Tallinn, Narva mnt 11E.  

Out of 29 796 841 votes 22 656 789 votes were represented at the Meeting, i.e. 76,04% of the votes.


The General Meeting of the Shareholders of AS Ekspress Grupp adopted the following resolutions:


1.     Approval of the Annual Report for the Financial Year 1 January 2013 - 31 December 2013 

To approve the Annual Report for the Financial Year 1 January 2013 - 31 December 2013 of AS Ekspress Grupp.


2.     Approval of the 2012 Profit Distribution Proposal

To approve the Profit Distribution Proposal, according to which the legal reserve will be increased by 54 thousand Euros from the 2013 net profit, which is 1081 thousand Euros, dividends will be paid to the shareholders 1 (one) euro cent per share and 729 thousand Euros will be allocated to the retained earnings of the previous periods. The right to participate in distribution of profits applies to shareholders who have been registered in the list of AS Ekspress Grupp shareholders as of 9 July 2014 at 23:59. Dividends will be transferred to shareholder’s bank account on 2 October 2014.


3.     Removal of Members of the Supervisory Board

To remove Ville Jehe (personal identification code 36910010325) and Aavo Kokk (personal code 36410042742) from the Member of the Supervisory Board.


4.     Election of the new Members of the Supervisory Board

To elect Indrek Kasela (personal code 37112100291) and Jaak Ennuste (personal code 36409210319) as new Members of the Supervisory Board.


5.     Extention of the authority of Members of the Supervisory Board 

To extend the authority of Kari Sakari Salonen (date of birth 11.02.1960), Harri Helmer Roschier (date of birth 11.02.1957), Viktor Mahhov (personal code 36712140214) and Hans Luik (personal code 36103200263) as the Members of the Supervisory Board up to 20 May, 2019.


6.     Appointment of the auditor and establishment of the procedure of payment

To appoint the audit firm AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registry code 10142876) to perform the audit of AS Ekspress Grupp for the financial years 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2016. The auditing services shall be paid for on the basis of the contract to be signed with the audit firm.



         Additional information:
         Gunnar Kobin
         Chairman of the Management Board
         GSM: +372 5188111
