Central New York Entrepreneur Prepares to Join National Leaders at Clinton Global Initiative

W. Michael Short, founder of Short Enterprises and Editor-in-Chief of the Short Report; President Bill Clinton, Founding Chairman of the Clinton Global Initiative and 42nd President of the Unites States; Hillary Rodham Clinton, former U.S. Secretary of State; Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation; John Hickenlooper, Governor, State of Colorado; Sara Horowitz, Founder and Executive Director, Freelancers Union; Tony Hsieh, Chief Executive Officer,, Inc.; Eric Spiegel, President and CEO, Siemens Corporation; Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Darren Walker, President, Ford Foundation; and Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers, are among nearly 1,000 attendees convening in Denver on June 23rd-25th to work together to find solutions that accelerate economic recovery in the United States.

SYRACUSE, N.Y., June 20, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Central New York native and entrepreneur, W. Michael Short, is preparing to join national leaders from across the United States in the prestigious invitation-only Clinton Global Initiative America meeting on June 23rd-25th in Denver, Colorado, with generous sponsorship support from Upstate New York's prominent Hand & Wrist Center at Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists.

CGI's Founding Chairman President Bill Clinton, Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton will host the fourth Clinton Global Initiative America meeting, convening top CEOs, mayors, foundation heads, and other national leaders to advance solutions that improve the economic recovery and long-term competitiveness of the United States.

Short will join nearly 1,000 business, government, and civil society leaders in addressing urgent domestic issues such as enhancing access to high-quality education and training, increasing employment opportunities, and financing improvements to the nation's aging infrastructure. This will be the first time that CGI America convenes in Denver.

CGI America is an annual working meeting that encourages leaders to collaborate across sectors to create Commitments to Action: new, specific, and measurable plans to address some of the United States' most pressing challenges. At last year's meeting in Chicago, participants announced a record 74 new Commitments to Action.

Since CGI America's launch in 2011, participants have made over 300 commitments valued at more than $15 billion when fully funded and implemented. Commitments created at previous meetings range from projects that increase loans for small and women-owned businesses, to campaigns that connect veterans with 21st-century jobs, to solutions that increase the resilience and energy efficiency of storm-battered communities.

Short, a 27-year-old graduate of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs and a former graduate fellow in Syracuse University's Office of Community Engagement & Economic Development, will be participating in the Community Investing Working Group, which will focus on actionable strategies to broaden the domestic social finance market in order to use private capital in areas of small business lending, affordable housing, health and community, and economic development. The working group's agenda is driven by the belief that innovative social investment practices can transform the traditional community finance sector even though the current market faces varied challenges in attracting mainstream private investors.

Short, along with other national leaders, will identify approaches to accelerate domestic development and deployment of investment platforms and products. They will also seek to find ways to improve industry education and advance market structures to scale successful community initiatives.

"The Community Investment Working Group is a perfect opportunity to identify new partners for future projects to benefit communities across the country and discuss pressing issues with other international experts in the field," said Short. "I am especially pleased to see that the working group is again being managed by Nicholas Salter who does an inspiring job bringing the right people together and in facilitating meaningful conversations on substantive topics."

To make the most of this unique opportunity, Short Enterprises has partnered with Upstate New York's regional leader in providing quality orthopedic hand, wrist, and arm care to patients - the Hand & Wrist Center at Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists. With a team of world-renowned orthopedic physicians, surgeons, and support staff, the organization offers state-of-the-art medical care, from diagnosis and treatment to rehabilitation and recovery.

"Securing the generous support of SOS Hand & Wrist was crucial to make this opportunity a reality and underscores their commitment to the community," said Short. "Attending CGI will help us identify new national and international partnerships and opportunities for our many community partners who work daily to make Upstate New York a better place."

Working with SOS and other community partners such as Mary Alice Smothers of the Westside Family Resource Center and her nationally recognized work with impoverished youth, Virginia Carmody of the Onondaga County Literacy Coalition at ProLiteracy and her vision of 100% literacy in Onondaga County, and the Huntington Family Centers and their work to provide year round youth, family, and adult services in what was once the 9th poorest neighborhood in the United States, Short Enterprises will explore and pursue opportunities for creating a Commitment to Action that supports the communities of Upstate New York.

"It continues to be a great pleasure working with Short Enterprises to identify and explore opportunities to strengthen our programming to enrich the lives of struggling youth and families in our community," said Smothers, who was recently recognized with a lifetime achievement award for her work in Central New York from PEACE, Inc.

"As an organization dedicated to the growth of thriving communities, both economically and socially, Short Enterprises has always found innovative means to help community oriented organizations, businesses, and startups in all fields to reach for their greatest potential while supporting the communities in which they are located and serve," said Aishik Barua, Short Enterprises Communications Manager. "Having CGI by our side to help support this dedication is a humbling acknowledgment."

For any further information, please contact Aishik Barua, Short Enterprises Communications Manager, at barua(at)short(dot)enterprises or 917-951-1898.


Short Enterprises is an interdisciplinary public relations and development consulting firm, which brings together the right partners, tools, and resources required to successfully guide high profile development projects, initiatives, and product launches. The firm was founded in 2011 with a focus on innovative sustainable development practices and the effective utilization of leveraged resources, mutually beneficial partnerships, and collaborative opportunities. The firm has assisted clients in procuring over $5 million in development-related grants, incentives and other equivalents in pursuit of projects that address key social, environmental and community challenges. In 2013, Short Enterprises was awarded "Best of Syracuse," and in 2014 the firm was recognized as one of "Syracuse's Finest." Short Enterprises also launched its publication, Short Report, in 2014 in collaboration with a number of international partners to feature and highlight the next generation of promising startups, growing businesses, dynamic public-private partnerships, and noteworthy sustainable initiatives from around the world. For more information, visit us online.


The Clinton Global Initiative America (CGI America), a program of the Clinton Global Initiative, addresses economic recovery in the United States. Established in June 2011 by President Bill Clinton, CGI America brings together leaders in business, government, and civil society to generate and implement commitments to create jobs, stimulate economic growth, foster innovation, and support workforce development in the United States. Since its first meeting, CGI America participants have made over 300 commitments valued at more than $15 billion when fully funded and implemented. To learn more, visit

Established in 2005 by President Bill Clinton, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), an initiative of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, convenes global leaders year-round and at its Annual Meeting to create and implement solutions to the world's most pressing challenges. CGI also convenes CGI University, which brings together undergraduate and graduate students to address pressing challenges in their communities and around the world. To date, members of the CGI community have made more than 2,800 Commitments to Action, which are already improving the lives of more than 430 million people in over 180 countries. When fully funded and implemented, these commitments will be valued at $103 billion.

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