Nomination Committee’s proposal for Board of Directors in Clas Ohlson

Before the Clas Ohlson AB Annual General Meeting on Saturday 13 September 2014,
the Clas Ohlson Nomination Committee today announces its proposal for the Board
of Directors’ composition.
The Board of Directors shall consist of eight members.

The Nomination Committee proposes re-election of the Board members Klas Balkow,
Kenneth Bengtsson, Björn Haid, Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae, Cecilia Marlow, Edgar
Rosenberger and Katarina Sjögren Petrini. Göran Sundström is proposed as a new
Board member. The Nomination Committee proposes that Kenneth Bengtsson be
elected Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Anders Moberg has explained that, after 11 years as a Member of the Board and
ten years as Chairman of the Board, he will not be standing for re-election.
Urban Jansson has announced that after nine years as a Member of the Board, and
due to EU regulations limiting the number of directorships a person may hold in
certain financial companies, which are expected to become legally effective as
of 2 August 2014, he will not be standing for re-election.

Göran Sundström, born 1962, is the founder and Managing Director of Sundström &
Partner AB. He has 25 years of experience of financial consultancy from his own
business and on behalf of a number of major Nordic investment banks focusing on
mergers and acquisitions, capital procurement, IPOs and strategic issues. He is
Chairman of the Board of Logitall AB and member of the board of Parks & Resorts
Scandinavia AB and Sundström & Partner AB.

The Nomination Committee consists of:

Anders Moberg, Chairman of the Board of Clas Ohlson AB

Carl von Schantz, representative of the Haid family

Göran Sundström, representative of the Tidstrand family

Johan Held (Chairman of the Nomination Committee), AFA Försäkring

Ricard Wennerklint, If Skadeförsäkring AB

The Nomination Committee’s work complies with the requirements as set forth in
the Swedish Corporate Governance Code.

For more information of respective Board member as well as the full proposal
from the Nomination Committee, please see

For further information, please contact:

Johan Held, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, phone +46 70 610 15 81
Clas Ohlson was founded in 1918 as a mail order business based in Insjön,
Dalarna, Sweden. Today, the company is trading in five countries offering
outstanding service via its approx. 200 stores, web shop, catalogue and
telephone sales channels. Clas Ohlson helps its customers solve every day
practical problems with a wide range of affordable products in five product
areas: Hardware, Electrical, Home, Multimedia and Leisure. The company is listed
on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange, has sales of approx. 6.8 billion SEK and over
4,700 employees. Visit Clas Ohlson at

