Source: Inmar

Inmar and Innovation Quarter Leaders to Teach "Masters of Innovation" Program for Interns

The program is part of the City of Arts and Innovation Intern Experience in which twenty businesses from across Winston-Salem collaborated in 2014 to form CAIIE to enhance the intern experience at their respective companies.

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., June 26, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Inmar and Wake Forest Innovation Quarter leadership will speak to members of the City of Arts and Innovation Winston-Salem Intern Experience (CAIIE) from 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., Monday, June 30. David Mounts, Chairman and CEO, Inmar, and Eric Tomlinson, DSc, PhD, President of Wake Forest Innovation Quarter and Chief Innovation Officer of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, will conduct the "Masters of Innovation" program.

The program will be held at Inmar's new headquarters and Team Support Center, 635 Vine Street, Winston-Salem. Following the Masters of Innovation program, the group will take a short walk to Flywheel, the city's new co-working space. During the mixer, which will run from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., interns will have the opportunity to network and mingle with area executives in attendance.

The Masters of Innovation program is just one of many enrichment experiences planned for interns at Winston-Salem businesses this summer. Twenty businesses from across Winston-Salem came together for the first time this year to form CAIIE to enhance the intern experience at their respective companies. The CAIIE provides opportunities for the interns to network, attend community events, collaborate on service projects and learn about business during their stay. More than 175 students from universities across the U.S. are a part of this year's program.

Mr. Mounts and Dr. Tomlinson will speak with the interns about environments that foster innovation, as well as provide examples of innovation and current disruptive trends that will influence innovation. Central to their message is that not all innovation is the result of "genius," but rather a constructive dissatisfaction with the current state and an ability to listen carefully to identify needs. They will also discuss where Winston-Salem falls in the pantheon of innovation.

"We are very pleased to be working with area businesses to provide a rich experience for all of our Winston-Salem interns," says Mr. Mounts. "It is exciting to watch the interaction among the students and to showcase all of the opportunities available to live, work and play in Winston-Salem."

Dr. Tomlinson adds that, "Tremendous innovation is occurring at Innovation Quarter and businesses across our city. The intern experience is far more constructive and fulfilling when they are provided the opportunity to become immersed in the area's businesses, arts, and social and community events in addition to their work as an intern."

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