Source: TrustBuddy AB

TrustBuddy: New CTO Marius Garbielsen lined up for new TrustBuddy product areas

TrustBuddy is proud to announce that Norwegian banking executive Mr. Marius Gabrielsen joins the TrustBuddy management team to strengthen its forthcoming new business division. Mr. Gabrielsen comes from a long career in Scandinavian banking and on-line payment services, with his latest assignments as Head of Products and Payments at Sparebanken Sør bank in southern Norway, and previous work with Teller AS; the largest payment transaction company in Scandinavia.

CEO Jens Glasø comments:

"We strongly believe that Mr. Gabrielsen has the ability to make the new TrustBuddy division the game-changer we've set it up to be. His solid background covering both technical and financial qualities, and his great previous results, was exactly what we have been looking for. His experience with both banking and on-line payment systems means that he will be able to fulfil several roles in our continuous roll-out of new products and services, and we have strong belief in his ability to create immediate results, and in moving TrustBuddy on to new levels."

Mr. Gabrielsen will have his primary base in the Stockholm and Kristiansand offices of TrustBuddy, starting no later than 1 October 2014.


For more information please contact:

Jens Glasø, CEO, TrustBuddy International AB (publ)

+47 40 40 47 50,


About TrustBuddy International AB (publ)

TrustBuddy International AB (publ) is one of the first in the world to focus on arranging loans and capital provision between buddies in Scandinavia in an organised manner. The company is listed at NASDAQ OMX First North in Stockholm. Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag is TrustBuddy International AB (publ)'s Certified Adviser, phone number: +46 8 463 80 00.