Amber Grid - Logotipas Trumpa Versija (1).png
Source: Amber Grid

Resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Amber Grid

The Extraordinary General Meeting of AB Amber Grid (hereinafter - the Company) held on 30 June 2014 adopted the following resolutions:

1. Confirmation of the resignation of the members of the Board of Directors of AB Amber Grid.


To confirm the resignation of Dr. Rainer Link, Member and Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Mario Nullmeier, Member of the Board of Directors.

2. Revocation and election of the members of the Board of Directors of AB Amber Grid.


1. To revoke the members of the Board of Directors Mr Nikolay Vasilyev and Dr Aleksandr Frolov from their current positions of members of the Board of Directors.

2.  For the remaining term in office of the Board of Directors AB Amber Grid (i.e. until the date of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2016) to elect to the positions left vacant following the resignation or revocation of members of the Board of Directors of AB Amber Grid the following candidates:

i) Nerijus Datkūnas;

ii) Dainius Bražiūnas;

iii) Agnė Petravičienė.

3.  To consider the newly elected member of the Board of Directors of AB Amber Grid Mr Nerijus Datkūnas to be an independent member of the Board of Directors.

4.  To set in respect of the independent member of the Board of Directors an hourly compensation of LTL 150 (one hundred and fifty litas) exclusive of VAT for his activities as an independent member of the Board of Directors actually carried out. To set forth that the monthly compensation of the independent member of the Board of Directors shall be limited to the maximum amount of LTL 2,500 (two thousand and five hundred litas) per month exclusive of VAT.

5.  To conclude with the independent member of the Board of Directors a Contract of Activities of Member of the Board of Directors and to authorise the General Manager of AB Amber Grid to sign the aforesaid Contract for and on behalf of the Company.

6.  To set forth that other newly elected members of the Board of Directors, except for the independent member of the Board of Directors, for their activities as members of the Board of Directors shall not be paid any compensation.

7. To conclude with all the newly elected Members of the Board of Directors Confidentiality Agreements and to authorise the General Manager of AB Amber Grid to sign the aforesaid Agreements for and on behalf of the Company.

8.  To instruct the General Manager of AB Amber Grid to take all the necessary steps related with the unregistering of the former members of the Board of Directors and with the registration of the new members of the Board of Directors with the Republic of Lithuania Register of Legal Entities. The General Manager of AB Amber Grid shall be entitled to transfer the trust to do any of the above actions to any other persons (by issuing proxies).

The resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company are posted on the Central Database of Regulated Information and the Company website

Authorised person:

Tomas Suslavičius

Head of Legal and Administrative Department

tel. +370 (5) 232 7732

fax. +370 (5) 236 0850
