Source: Bank Associates Merchant Services

Bank Associates Merchant Services (BAMS) Announces New American Express® Full Acquiring Program

Bank Associates Merchant Services (BAMS) announced today that it will be offering one-stop handling of all aspects of the relationship, and offering attractive pricing for new qualifying merchants.

NEW YORK, N.Y., July 1, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Effective June 1st, 2014, Bank Associates Merchant Services (BAMS) and its Sales Channels will be able to sign and fully service merchants to accept American Express® Cards the same way we do all the other payment cards today.

American Express®, a leader in electronic payment cards across the world, has traditionally been treated as a separate network with their own rules and limitations. BAMS is currently among a group of payment processors with the capability to offer potentially lower American Express® pricing as well as additional features and benefits including next day deposits.

Eligible merchants processing must process up to $1 million in AXP annual charge volume. Several other eligibility requirements may apply. Qualifying merchants processing payment cards within the United States can take advantage of streamlining payment card transaction deposits for all payment cards, including American Express®. The potential reduced costs from the new program will allow business owners to save time and focus resources on marketing, customer service, and the other numerous tasks critical to running a successful small business.

As published on the American Express® Investor Relations page, Ed Jay, Executive Vice President, Merchant Services - Americas, American Express says, "The program will help deliver a smart and easy solution for U.S. small merchants to enjoy the benefits of American Express® Card acceptance while making it convenient for consumers to Shop Small® year round."

It is the first time in payment processing history where merchants are able to go to a single processor for all of their acquiring needs. In the few short weeks that the program has been available to the public, BAMS has already received tremendously positive feedback from hundreds of new merchants.

About BAMS:

BAMS offers credit and debit authorization services and bankcard settlement processing to direct merchant customers. The BAMS team of Merchant Account Specialists is committed to helping each client gain every opportunity for growth and profitability in today's ever-changing global economy. With a commitment to offering customers a compelling value for their business based on superior quality and service, BAMS optimizes a merchant's mix of payment options to ensure an increase to their bottom line.

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