Source: Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S

Nordic Surveillance quarterly report April-June 2014 (4/14)

Please find attached the Nordic Surveillance report for the second quarter 2014.

Any queries regarding the report will be answered by Joakim Strid, Head of Surveillance Nordics, at + 46 8 405 7030.

Joakim Strid
Head of Surveillance Nordics


NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchanges provide a high quality environment for issuers, trading members and investors. The market surveillance within the Exchanges ("Nordic Surveillance") has the primary goal of working to maintain and enhance the integrity and confidence in the Exchanges. Nordic Surveillance is divided into trading and issuer surveillance.

This quarterly report describes the main day-to-day activities and achievements within Nordic Surveillance. The rules of the exchange as well as the methodology of the surveillance are in substance harmonized between the NASDAQ OMX exchanges in the Nordic countries (“NASDAQ OMX Nordic””). Due to national regulations however, there might be differences. For the reader to be able to distinguish the differences, some of the articles will be marked with flags to highlight this circumstance. ”The Exchange” refers to NASDAQ OMX as relevant in each local jurisdiction.

The report alongside our annual reports is available on the web site of Nordic Surveillance:

