Source: Grow To Win Marketing

Marketing CEO Writes Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook Profitability

Spence Rogers, CEO of Grow To Win Marketing, writes an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg. The letter makes some suggested improvements on how to improve Facebook's profitability.

TAMPA, Fla., July 3, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Spence Rogers, of Grow To Win Marketing, recently wrote an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg on how to improve Facebook profitability. While initially acknowledging that Facebook indeed provides the best advertising value out there, Spence goes into great detail about other improvements Facebook could make.

Some of the improvements are as small as bringing back the "Friends of Friends" privacy feature to more complicated discussion about the Facebook Power Editor and what Facebook could incorporate from LinkedIn, Gmail, and Google+ to improve its platform.

Spence also recommends Facebook compete head to head with Google by making Facebook's search more robust. He also suggests Facebook compete with LinkedIn in human resource recruiting segment by letting people add resume information to their about section. Rogers states, "Facebook could help fight unemployment and joblessness. It would be a beautiful thing."

One of the more interesting suggestions proposed is for Facebook to partner with a rewards credit card company like Chase or Capital One providing advertisers a 5-10% cash back rebate if they use the Facebook-branded Credit Card. "Facebook stands to gain a lot of money finding a good credit card company to partner with," Spence says.

Spence Rogers has been in the digital marketing space for several years and has experience growing Facebook pages. His company, Grow To Win Marketing, runs a plethora of Facebook pages and has grown pages to over 200,000 followers (combined). Prior to starting his company, he was an Army infantry officer who served two combat tours in Baghdad, Iraq. He is also a West Point graduate and currently a student in the University of South Florida Executive MBA program where he is honing in his business acumen and managerial skills.

Go to here to read the full letter:

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