Source: Reputation Maxx

How Not to Wreck a Reputation Over the Fourth of July from Phoenix Reputation Management Firm

This Fourth of July weekend, the online reputation management experts at Reputation Maxx are providing tips to make sure that people keep their reputations clean this holiday weekend.

PHOENIX, Ariz., July 3, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - This Fourth of July weekend, as with every celebration weekend of the day that the country's Declaration of Independence from England was adopted, there will be many celebrations held throughout the United States. Because the holiday falls during the summertime, many people will celebrate with barbeques, fireworks and more. The Fourth of July is also one of the weekends with the highest rates of arrests, drunk driving arrests and more. This holiday weekend, the Phoenix online reputation management firm of Reputation Maxx is providing individuals with ways that they can safeguard their online landscape.

1. Don't Drink and Post

The Fourth of July weekend usually brings with it lots of drinking and carrying on. While this is good fun when done in moderation, people need to be careful about how much partying is seen online. Posting pictures of friends who are clearly intoxicated on social media doesn't look good for anyone. As more and more employers look online to see what applicants look like, a publicly posted Fourth of July binge on social media can mean the difference between getting the job and being passed over, shares Phoenix reputation management firm Reputation Maxx. This especially rings true for recent college graduates.

2. Don't Post Illegal Activities

While everyone likes fireworks, they aren't always exactly legal in many places. This could be due to the proximity of homes in the area or due to the draughts that many places throughout the United States are experiencing. Regardless of the reason, people should refrain from posting videos and pictures of themselves lighting off fireworks where doing so is prohibited.

3. Consider Changing Privacy Settings

If, at the end of the day, people just can't resist posting pictures of themselves at parties or getting into Fourth of July shenanigans, they should consider changing the privacy settings on their social media profiles.

"Remember that private doesn't always mean completely private, though," warned Scottsdale reputation expert and CEO of Reputation Maxx, Walter Halicki. "There are ways to get around privacy settings on any social media platform, so you should still be careful about what you post."

If individuals do end up damaging the way that they look online this holiday weekend, they can enlist the services of the Phoenix reputation management firm, Reputation Maxx.

Reputation Maxx is a part of a fine family of companies including JW Maxx Solutions, Prensa Ahora and Enterate Ahora, offering positive media solutions for both individuals and businesses. For more information, visit

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