ConnectWise Named a Winner of 2014 ESX Maximum Impact Awards

ConnectWise Adds Value to Security Market With Innovative Products, Services and Support

TAMPA, Fla., July 7, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ConnectWise, developer of the leading business management platform designed exclusively for technology solution providers, today announced that it received the 2014 ESX Maximum Impact Award in the category of Accessories & Aids: Dealer Company Software. The Maximum Impact Awards highlight products and services that have the greatest positive impact on security integration and monitoring businesses. ESX judges investigate top line, bottom line and long term customer satisfaction and Maximum Impact Award winners like ConnectWise are deemed to have the ultimate in quality and value. Winners of this annual award were announced at the recent Electronic Security Expo (ESX) in Nashville.

"We are honored to receive recognition in this market for our ability to provide value to security organizations with the same products and support model that we've offered to IT service providers for years," said Arnie Bellini, CEO of ConnectWise. "We're at an exciting inflection point with the convergence of these two industries, and, we are able to stay ahead of the curve by identifying distinct needs in the security market and fulfilling those needs with our existing products and support. No matter what industry we serve, our number one commitment – which is to our partners and their growth and success – will remain the same."

As the only awards that honor the impact of new and recently introduced products and services on security integration and monitoring companies, the ESX Maximum Impact Awards are a prestigious distinction in the industry. A panel of judges selected the winners for their excellence in helping integration and monitoring companies meet customer expectations, increase company profits, and streamline operations.

More than 20 awards were handed out to companies whose products and services make a difference for the businesses using them. To see a full list of ESX Maximum Impact Award winners, please visit  

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About ConnectWise

Made for companies that sell, service, and support technology, ConnectWise is the #1 business management platform worldwide. Today, more than 90,000 users rely on ConnectWise to achieve greater accountability, operational efficiency, and profitability. Leveraging the cloud, the platform fully integrates business-process automation, help desk and customer service, sales, marketing, project management, and business analytics that dramatically streamline a company's operations. ConnectWise also gives its users access to a powerful network of ideas, experts, and solutions. A veteran in the technology services industry, ConnectWise has been the premier business management platform for technology companies for more than 15 years. For more information, visit or call 800-671-6898.

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