Biotie awarded USD 2 million grant from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for a clinical study with SYN120 in Parkinson's Disease Dementia

9.00 a.m.

Biotie awarded USD 2 million grant from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for a
clinical study with SYN120 in Parkinson's Disease Dementia

Biotie Therapies has signed a USD 2 million research contract with The Michael
J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) to investigate SYN120 in Parkinson's disease patients
with dementia. SYN120 is a dual antagonist of 5-HT6 and 5-HT2a receptors and
these two distinct modes of action could result in a unique therapeutic profile
for SYN120 combining pro-cognitive and antipsychotic activities.

"There is an urgent need to find safe and effective treatments for Parkinson's
patients suffering from impaired cognition," said Timo Veromaa, Chief Executive
Officer at Biotie. "We look forward to collaborating with MJFF and the Parkinson
Study Group to advance SYN120 into a Phase 2 trial later this year. This grant
provides a great opportunity to further characterize the potential of this drug

MJFF will fund an 80 patient, Phase 2a, randomized, double-blind, placebo-
controlled trial of 16 weeks duration in patients with Parkinson's disease
dementia. In addition to assessing safety and tolerability, the main focus of
the trial will be to establish efficacy of SYN120 on cognition using the
Cognitive Drug Research (CDR) Computerized Cognition Battery as the primary
efficacy endpoint.  This trial, which is expected to begin in H2 2014, will be
conducted by the Parkinson Study Group (PSG) at approximately 10 US sites
specializing in cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease.  Biotie and the
PSG will share responsibility to design and execute this study.  Further
details, including study design and goals, can be found at

"A substantial number of Parkinson patients will develop dementia. While
patients and doctors may not openly discuss dementia during clinic visits, its
presence may be the single most important factor limiting the use of standard
pharmacotherapy for the motor impairments in Parkinson's disease," says Hubert
H. Fernandez, MD, the Co-Chair of the Parkinson Study Group Executive Committee
and the study's Principal Investigator.

Biotie retains the rights to SYN120 and will be able to use data from the MJFF-
funded study for any future regulatory submission.

Turku, 8 July 2014

Biotie Therapies Corp.

Timo Veromaa
President and CEO

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Stephen Bandak, Chief Medical Officer
tel. +1 650 296 0946 (Pacific Time zone), email:

Virve Nurmi, Investor Relations Manager
tel. +358 2 274 8900

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Main media

About SYN120

SYN120 is an oral, potent, dual antagonist of the 5-HT6 and 5-HT2a receptors.
These two distinct properties could result in a unique therapeutic profile for
SYN120 combining pro-cognitive and antipsychotic activities. SYN120 has
completed single and multiple ascending dose Phase 1 clinical studies and a
Phase 1 positron emission tomography imaging study to determine therapeutic dose
for subsequent Phase 2 studies.

Having considered partnerships for the further development of SYN120, the
Company has concluded that it will be better served by progressing SYN120
internally to the next stage of development. Preparations are underway for a
Phase 2 MJFF-funded Parkinson's disease dementia study, which is expected to
begin recruitment by the end of 2014, and a Phase 2 study in Alzheimer's

About The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research

As the world's largest private funder of Parkinson's research, The Michael J.
Fox Foundation is dedicated to accelerating a cure for Parkinson's disease and
improved therapies for those living with the condition today. The Foundation
pursues its goals through an aggressively funded, highly targeted research
program coupled with active global engagement of scientists, Parkinson's
patients, business leaders, clinical trial participants, donors and volunteers.
In addition to funding more than $300 million in research to date, the
Foundation has fundamentally altered the trajectory of progress toward a cure.
Operating at the hub of worldwide Parkinson's research, the Foundation forges
groundbreaking collaborations with industry leaders, academic scientists and
government research funders; increases the flow of participants into Parkinson's
disease clinical trials with its online tool, Fox Trial Finder; promotes
Parkinson's awareness through high-profile advocacy, events and outreach; and
coordinates the grassroots involvement of thousands of Team Fox members around
the world.

For more information, visit:
Web site:
Twitter: @MichaelJFoxOrg

About the Parkinson Study Group

The not-for-profit PSG is the largest and oldest network of Parkinson's disease
clinical trial sites and their credentialed investigators (movement disorders
physicians) and clinical coordinators, with 132 clinical sites across the United
States, Canada and the Caribbean. Since 1986, the PSG has partnered with
industry, government and philanthropic institutions to conduct over 40 PD
clinical studies, enrolling over 7,000 subjects and contributing to regulatory
approval of 4 antiparkinsonian therapeutics. The PSG is based at the
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.

About Biotie

Biotie is a specialized drug development company focused on products for
neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. For the past years, Biotie has
successfully operated a strategy built around search, profile and partner. This
has delivered Selincro (nalmefene) for alcohol dependence, which received
European marketing authorization in February 2013 and is currently being rolled
out across Europe by partner H. Lundbeck A/S, and tozadenant, a novel A2a
antagonist which is transitioning into Phase 3 development for Parkinson's
disease and for which Biotie holds exclusive, global rights. Biotie is actively
developing its pipeline assets, including SYN120, a unique potent 5-HT6/5-HT2a
dual antagonist for which Biotie initially expects to conduct a Phase 2 study in
Parkinson's disease dementia that is largely funded by the Michael J Fox
Foundation; nepicastat, a selective inhibitor of dopamine beta hydroxylase which
is currently in a Phase 2 study, fully funded by NIDA, for treatment seeking
cocaine addicts; and BTT-1023, a monoclonal antibody targeting Vascular Adhesion
Protein 1 for which Biotie intends to conduct a Phase 2 study in primary
sclerosing cholangitis, a rare fibrotic disease of the liver. Biotie's shares
are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.
