Source: Island Trader Vacations

Island Trader Reviews Global Entry, the Express Lane for Coming Home from Abroad, and How You Can Get It Before The Summer Ends

Long lines and even longer delays have been a source of frustration and anxiety for millions of travelers in the U.S. Island Trader Vacations reviews one way travelers can speed up this process.

BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Michigan, July 8, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Since 2001, lines at the airport and delays while traveling have become some of the most common complaints issued by airline travelers. Thankfully, programs have been and are being developed to speed up travel for those who travel internationally frequently. Programs such as Global Entry provide any traveler who can make it through the screening process, the opportunity for expedited travel. The question for many is what is it, how can I be part of it, is it worth and how much will it cost? Travel forecasters such as AAA have issued more than one report on the number of travelers and how it seems to be on the rise this summer. In a time when the lines are already long, and the waits even longer, being able to make it through the airport in less than a half an hour may seem like a dream. As the summer heats up and the delays and lines continue to grow, now is the time to take advantage of services created to help travelers travel more efficiently. Island Trader Vacations reviews Global Entry and how it can make this dream a reality this summer.

Global Entry is one of the programs offered for international travelers by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). A fast track program for those who travel frequently, this program is used to allow those travelers who are determined to be "low risk", expedited travel through customs when entering or reentering the U.S. Upon arrival at participating airport locations, travelers will be directed to Global Entry Kiosks. The machine will read the passport or resident card, scan fingerprints in the fingerprint verification scanner and upon declaring customs, the traveler will be issued a receipt and sent to the baggage claim and on their way.

Any U.S. citizen, any lawful permanent resident, citizens of South Korea, Mexican Nationals, Dutch citizens and Canadian residents and citizens are welcome to apply for Global Entry. Anyone under 18 who falls into the aforementioned categories must have consent from a parent or guardian to apply. No minimum or maximum number of trips is required for Global Entry however, there are plenty of other reasons a traveler may be denied Global Entry. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), some of the many reasons for ineligibility may include:

Providing false or incomplete information on your application

Having any convictions for criminal offenses, pending criminal charges or outstanding warrants

Violating any customs, agriculture or immigration regulations or laws in any country

While this service is only available at certain major U.S. airports thus far, most travelers who travel frequently internationally find that the privileges outweigh the hassles involved with getting it. A time and trouble saving service, the benefits of Global Entry in the U.S. include no waiting in processing lines, no paperwork, access to expedited entry benefits in other countries and reduced wait times in those major airports where it is available. Currently, there are 45 U.S. airports which provide Global Entry in addition to some airports outside of the U.S. as well.

To apply for Global Entry, travelers must first, fill out an online application and pay a $100 non-refundable fee, must schedule an interview at a Global Entry Enrollment Center and provide information including identification and fingerprints to interviewers. After this appointment, the eligibility of those applying will be determined.

To learn more about this or other expedited screening programs including applications and participating locations offered by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, visit their website at for more information.

Island Trader Vacations reviews news, tips, information and topics about travel to help keep travelers more informed. A members-only travel club, Island Trader Vacations offers its members value members-only benefits on travel.

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