Source: Merchant Risk Council

Visa Europe Elected to Merchant Risk Council (MRC) Board of Directors

SEATTLE, July 8, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The MRC today announced the election of Peter Bayley, Executive Director, Risk Management of Visa Europe, to its Global Board of Directors. Mr. Bayley joins the board after several years of service and dedication to the association, including his two year term on MRC's European Advisory Board.

"I am genuinely delighted to be elected onto MRC's Global Board. The MRC creates an environment which allows merchants to work together within other areas of the payments industry to minimize risk. I am pleased to be able to expand my support to the MRC, via the Global Board, to further support these activities," said Peter Bayley.

"Peter Bayley has a wealth of know-how within the fraud and payments landscape," added Rossini Zumwalt, Chair of MRC's Global Board of Directors. "As a leader within this community, Peter will be a strong asset and advocate to the MRC."

The MRC Global Board of Directors is responsible for the progress and growth of the MRC. It will continue to promote knowledge and networking to the professionals within ecommerce fraud and payments. Mr. Bayley joins a cadre of ecommerce leaders from companies including, Accertify, Chase Paymentech, Media Markt Saturn, Microsoft, Neiman Marcus Group, Symantec,, Trustwave and WorldPay.

ABOUT THE MRC: The MRC is the principal not-for-profit, global forum for ecommerce fraud and payments professionals. With its vision, "Making Commerce Safe and Profitable Everywhere", the MRC provides proprietary education and training, advocacy, as well as a forum for timely and relevant discussions. Today, membership includes nearly 400 of the world's most prominent merchant companies, more than 60 category leading solution providers, including the major card brands, and 1500 professionals.  Members represent 95 percent of the top 20 ecommerce companies in the world, over 82 percent of the top 50 and over 60 percent of the top 100. Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, the MRC's European office is located in Madrid, Spain. Learn more at