Repayments, Realkredit Danmark A/S


NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen

  Executive Board
Strødamvej 46
DK-2100 København Ø

Telephone +45 7012 5300
Telefax +45 4514 9624

14 July 2014



Company Announcement No 51/2014  -  14 July 2014

Repayments, Realkredit Danmark A/S

Pursuant to § 27a (1) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Realkredit Danmark A/S hereby publishes repayments as at 3 July 2014 . Please find the data in the attached file.

The information will also be available on


Yours sincerely

The Executive Board


Any additional questions should be addressed to Jesper Tvede, Head of Financial Risk Management, Asset Liability Management, phone +45 4513 2066.


Bilag til selskabsmeddelelse nr. 51-2014.xml Nr. 51_Ydelsesrækker pr. 03.07.2014_uk.pdf