Source: Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj

Nordea Bank Finland Plc: Interim Report January-June 2014

The interim report of Nordea Bank Finland Plc has been published. Only
information having material influence on the value of securities is included in
the press release. The full interim report is available at Relations/Financial Reports/Local Reports/Local
Nordea Bank Finland Plc is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nordea Bank AB (publ),
the listed parent company of the whole Nordea Group. This statutory interim
report covers the operations of the legal entity Nordea Bank Finland Plc and its
subsidiaries inFinlandand abroad.

The business operations of the Nordea Group have been organised in three main
business areas, with full responsibility for their value chains: Retail Banking,
Wholesale Banking and Wealth Management. The consolidated interim report of
Nordea Bank AB (publ) embraces all the activities of the Nordea Group and
provides the most complete and fair view. The Finnish Asset Management & Life
operations are included in the interim report of the Nordea Group.

Summary of the first half of 2014

  · The operating profit of Nordea Bank Finland Group increased to EUR 632m
  · Total income up 9% to EUR 1,219m
  · Net interest income up 5%
  · Net commissions were EUR 130m higher mainly due to lower guarantee expenses
  · Total expenses increased 2% to EUR 538m
  · Net loan losses increased somewhat
  · Loans to the public excluding repurchase agreements and the transfer of the
Baltic operations increased 3% year-on-year

Summary key figures     Jan-Jun  Jan-Jun  Change  Full year
                        2014     2013     %       2013
Net interest   income,  595      566      5       1 183
Total operating         1,219    1,122    9       2 224
income, EURm
Profit   before loan    681      593      15      1 165
losses, EURm
Net loan losses,        -49      -36      36      -53
Loan   loss ratio,      9        7        29
annualised, bps
Operating profit,       632      557      13      1 113
Return on equity, %     10.8     9.2      17      8.8
Tier   1 capital        13.9     14.9             15.0
ratio, %
Total   capital ratio,  14.0     15.7             15.8
Number   of employees   6 675    8 407    -21     7 981
(full time

In Stockholm 17 July 2014

Nordea Bank Finland Plc
Board of Directors

Additional information:
Tomi Närhinen, Chief Financial Officer  + 358 40 724 3896
Kati Tommiska, Head of Communications, Finland  + 358 9 165 42325

Nordea Bank Finland Plc, Interim Report January – June
2014 (
Nordea's vision is to be a Great European bank, acknowledged for its people,
creating superior value for customers and shareholders. We are making it
possible for our customers to reach their goals by providing a wide range of
products, services and solutions within banking, asset management and insurance.
Nordea has around 11 million customers, approximately 800 branch office
locations and is among the ten largest universal banks in Europe in terms of
total market capitalisation. The Nordea share is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic
Exchange in Stockholm, Helsinki and Copenhagen.