Explanation of the delay in Market Coupling results for 20th July

As you may already be aware, on Saturday 19 July 2014 maximum prices were reached in three hours in the Baltic market area. This situation triggers a procedure whereby additional reserves are entered as orders in the market, followed by a re-run of the market coupling process.   

This market event was properly managed in accordance with prescribed procedures but it inevitably resulted in a delay in the publication of the day’s market result.

At 12:20 BST on Saturday 19 July an Urgent Auction Message warning of a potential decoupling was published, according to predefined procedures. Indeed as long as the results are not final, there is always a risk of decoupling, even if preliminary results have already been published. 12:20 BST is the trigger for communication of a potential full decoupling should the market coupling process not be finalized.  

We would like to stress that, in this instance, there were no technical issues which posed a risk to the coupling process.


We apologize for any inconvenience that this incident may have caused.


For further information, please contact:

N2EX Trading operations

T 24/7: +44 207 065 8140  |  T: +47 6710 9190
E: n2ex@npspot.com W: www.n2ex.com | W: www.nordpoolspot.com