Source: East Capital Explorer AB

East Capital Explorer's Nomination Committee proposes election of Liselotte Hjorth as an additional new member of the Board

The Nomination Committee for East Capital Explorer has decided to propose that
Liselotte Hjorth is elected as a new member of the Board of Directors at an
Extraordinary General Meeting on 19 August. The proposal means that the Board
will be increased by one member in addition to the five members elected at the
AGM in April 2014; Paul Bergqvist, Peter Elam Håkansson, Lars O Grönstedt,
Louise Hedberg and Alexander Ikonnikov.

Liselotte Hjorth, born in 1957, has broad and extensive experience from banking,
finance and real estate, mainly through a number of positions within the SEB
Group, and most recently as Global Head of Commercial Real Estate and Member of
the Management Board of SEB AG in Frankfurt, Germany. Liselotte Hjorth is a
Member of the Board of the Swedish National Debt Office, Kungsleden AB and White
arkitekter AB. Liselotte Hjorth has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business
Administration and Economics from the University of Lund.

The Nomination Committee believes that the proposed election of Liselotte Hjorth
will bring a valuable addition of financial expertise in general, in particular
within Real Estate, financing and the credit market. Furthermore, Liselotte
Hjorth has as broad knowledge of international affairs and markets, including
experience from Russia and the Baltic region.

An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held in Stockholm on 19 august 2014 at
1:00 p.m. CET. A notice of the meeting will be published separately, no later
than three weeks before the EGM.

East Capital Explorer's Nomination Committee comprises: Peter Elam Håkansson,
East Capital; Pia Axelsson, The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund; André
Vatsgar, Danske Capital; Paul Bergqvist, Chairman East Capital Explorer and
Louise Hedberg, East Capital.

Contact information
Peter Elam Håkansson, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, +46 8 505 88 500

Financial reporting calendar

·         Interim Report, 1 January - 30 June 2014 on 21 August 2014
·         Interim Report, 1 January - 30 September 2014 on 7 November 2014
·         Year-end Report, 1 January - 31 December 2014 on 12 February 2015

About East Capital Explorer

East Capital Explorer AB (publ) is a Swedish investment company, created with
the specific aim of bringing unique investment opportunities in Eastern Europe
to a broader investor base. The company makes direct investments into private
and public companies but investments are also made through East Capital's
private equity, real estate and alternative investment funds. East Capital
Explorer's main investment theme is domestic growth and the Company targets fast
growing sectors such as Retail and Consumer goods, Financials and Real Estate.
East Capital Explorer has appointed East Capital to manage its investment
activities. East Capital Explorer is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Mid Cap.

  Listing: NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Mid Cap - Ticker: ECEX - ISIN: SE0002158568 -
                 Reuters: ECEX.ST - Bloomberg: ECEX SS Equity

This information is disclosed in accordance with the Securities Markets Act, the
Financial Instruments Trading Act and demands made in the exchange rules. It was
released for publication at 08:00 a.m. CET on 22 July 2014.
