Source: TFPR & Image Management

Central Figure in Polarizing Debate, Shanesha Taylor in NYC This Week

NEW YORK, July 23, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Shanesha Taylor, the polarizing figure in the national debate about the issues facing parents in poverty will be traveling to New York this week. She arrives on Thursday and will be available for interviews Thursday and Friday. She is part of the continuing political debate around this issue.

Shanesha is also an honorably discharged veteran so conversations concerning services available to service members are also continuing.

Select media may interview Taylor and her attorney Benjamin Taylor to learn the court's disposition of her matter, the requirements set forth in her settlement agreement and the future of her children.

Parents continue to make difficult choices because of the circumstance in which they find themselves and so the national conversation, of which Taylor is a part, will continue.

News sources are asked to contact Tony Felice directly.