Merger plan for Columbus A/S and Columbus Danmark A/S


Release no. 19/2014

Today, the Board of Directors in the Company have together with the Board of Directors in the 100 % owned subsidiary Columbus Danmark A/S handed in the attached merger plan about a vertical merger between the two companies with Columbus A/S as the continuing company and Columbus Danmark A/S as the discontinuing company to the Danish Business Authority for publication. Besides, the attached statement regarding the position of the creditors, cf. Section 242 of the Danish Companies Act has been handed in. The merger plan and statement regarding the position of the creditors are also available on the Company’s website.


Ib Kunøe                                                   Thomas Honoré

Chairman                                                 CEO

Columbus A/S                                           Columbus A/S




Merger plan

Statement regarding the position of the creditors

Annual Report Columbus A/S 2011

Annual Report Columbus A/S 2012

Annual Report Columbus A/S 2013

Annual Report Columbus Danmark A/S 2011 (Danish only)

Annual Report Columbus Danmark A/S 2012 (Danish only)

Annual Report Columbus Danmark A/S 2013 (Danish only)




For further information, please contact:

CEO Thomas Honoré, T: +45 70 20 50 00.


Translation: In the event of any inconsistency between this document and the Danish language version, the Danish language version shall be the governing version.



Annual_Report_2013.pdf Annual_Report_2012.pdf Columbus Danmark AS Årsrapport 2013.pdf Columbus Danmark AS Årsrapport 2012.pdf SE_19_2014_Merger_between_Columbus_AS_and_Columbus_Danmark_AS.pdf Translation of merger plan - Columbus AS and Columbus Danmark AS.pdf Columbus IT Partner Danmark Årsrapport 2011.pdf Statement regarding the position of the creditors.pdf Annual Report 2011.pdf