Source: JW Maxx Solutions

3 Killer Tips for Managing Any Online Reputation: Tips for 2014

JW Maxx Solutions knows that having a flawless representation is important and offers some easy tips and tricks anyone can use in order to start having a killer reputation.

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Aug. 1, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - JW Maxx Solutions, a leading provider of online reputation management and other media solutions and services, knows that managing any brand's reputation, especially in today's technology-driven age, can be somewhat of a challenge. Even though the internet is constantly churning out new information, the downside is that some things seem to have more staying power than desired.

The truth is, someone can either boost or blindside a reputation in less than a minute from virtually anywhere in the world. Many businesses wonder how to protect themselves from these attacks and how to shed the best light possible on their brand. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to do this. Here are some killer strategies any individual, company, or corporation can use to manage their online reputation in order to make a positive first impression.

1. Actively Manage: Customers and clients tend to share negative information about companies through Facebook comments or their tweets on Twitter. It is important to identify which sites and networks have these issues frequently. Stories have the potential to go viral instantly, so taking steps to react to this information as quickly as possible is important. Not managing it properly means loss of control, so stay in the driver's seat.

2. Protect: For those who haven't taken the time to claim their company names or product keywords for their domain names, do it now. Scottsdale Reputation Management Firm JW Maxx Solutions shares that this essential step prevents anyone who has ulterior motives, especially any competitors, from snatching up these domains and using them to defame others.

3. Pay Attention: The truth is that there can be a connection between what's going on online and what is happening in the real world. Keeping an emphasis on customer service and satisfaction is a great way to stay on top of things, and hopefully can generate some positive reviews, retweets, and mentions online as well.

JW Maxx Solutions knows that following these killer tips can help anyone monitor their reputation in order to look their best online. For those who do not have much time in their busy schedules, consult the reputation experts for assistance at



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