Source: Grupo Salinas

Grupo Salinas, Azteca US, Fundacion Azteca America and LAUP Launch Multi-Pronged Campaign on Quality Early Childhood Education

Mayor of NYC, Bill de Blasio, Endorses Campaign Nearly Education Advancement Efforts

NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 5, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grupo Salinas, Azteca US, and Fundación Azteca America, in coordination with Preschool Nation, are proud to launch a multimedia campaign, supporting quality Early Childhood Education under the motto: "Early Childhood Education: it's where imaginations take flight".

The multi-pronged campaign will be launched during the first event of Preschool Nation, to take place on August 5 in New York City, with Mayor Bill de Blasio as Keynote Speaker.

Mayor de Blasio commented on the campaign: "Early education can be the difference-maker in a child's life, and that's why we are putting everything we have behind this effort."

The campaign includes public service announcements (PSAs), to be screened on the Azteca Network throughout the US, digital information available at www.fundacionaztecaamerica.org, as well as presence in social media through @FAztecAm.

"We believe that providing children with a solid education base is the key for having a prepared generation of leaders, and better opportunities for our youth," said Luis J. Echarte, Chairman of Azteca US.

Azteca US and Fundación Azteca America are joining efforts with Preschool Nation, an organization powered by LAUP, which seeks to promote quality Early Childhood Education for all children in the United States.

"We are proud to have Azteca US and Fundación Azteca America by our side, giving this campaign a louder voice," said Celia C. Ayala, Ph.D., CEO of LAUP.

Grupo Salinas Profile

Grupo Salinas (www.gruposalinas.com) is a group of dynamic, fast growing, and technologically advanced companies focused on creating shareholder value, building the Mexican middle class, and improving society through excellence. Created by Mexican entrepreneur Ricardo B. Salinas (www.ricardosalinas.com), Grupo Salinas operates as a management development and decision forum for the top leaders of member companies. These companies include: Azteca (www.tvazteca.com.mx; www.irtvazteca.com) Azteca US (us.azteca.com), Grupo Elektra (www.grupoelektra.com.mx), Banco Azteca (www.bancoazteca.com.mx), Advance America (www.advanceamerica.net), Afore Azteca (www.aforeazteca.com.mx), Seguros Azteca (www.segurosazteca.com.mx) and Grupo Iusacell (www.iusacell.com). Each of the Grupo Salinas companies operates independently, with its own management, board of directors and shareholders. Grupo Salinas has no equity holdings.

About Azteca US Network

Azteca US engages Spanish-language viewers by creating unique, passionate and enlightening content that is relevant to the daily lives of our audience. Wholly owned by Mexican broadcaster TV Azteca, S.A.B. de C.V. one of the two largest producers of Spanish language content in the world, Azteca America complements its Mexican programs with an innovative lineup of shows from third-party producers and distributors to ensure the finest programming for its audience. The company provides tailored, multi-platform advertising solutions for clients seeking to reach the most dynamic consumer group in the country.

About Fundación Azteca America

Fundación Azteca America (www.fundacionaztecaamerica.org) is a non-profit organization, created by Grupo Salinas (www.gruposalinas.com), to serve as a vehicle to promote the well-being of the communities where they operate. Following the successful formula of Fundación Azteca (the Mexico-based, award winning, non-profit organization) they believe in working together with other Grupo Salinas companies. Azteca US donates screen time, its most valuable asset, to Fundación Azteca America in order to educate, fundraise and create awareness on important issues facing the Latino community in the United States.

About Preschool Nation

LAUP presents a truly unique example of bringing to scale mixed-model, quality preschool education in one of the most populous, diverse and high-needs counties in the nation. A 10-year-old nonprofit, LAUP has been recognized as a proven model of quality early childhood education and has built national partnerships around advancing the early childhood education mission of quality and increased access. LAUP funds and provides quality coaching to more than 640 preschools in L.A. County, serving more than 11,000 students per year. Since 2005, LAUP has helped 105,000 preschoolers become better prepared for kindergarten, but we know the work cannot stop here. In October 2013, LAUP launched Preschool Nation— a national campaign/media platform to advocate for increasing access to quality preschool for children across the United States.