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Source: Diet Doc Weight Loss

Diet Doc's Medical Weight Loss Programs Announces the Best Way to Lose Belly Fat With Their Customized Diet Plans and Exclusive Hormone Treatments

Diet Doc's Highly Trained Doctors, Nurses and Nutritionists Work in Unison to Provide Each Patient With the Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

HOUSTON, Aug. 8, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Belly fat. Almost everyone has it and almost everyone wants to get rid of it. Many try diet after diet, each claiming to be the best way to lose belly fat, but become discouraged when fat lingers. Some hide it by stuffing it into the waistband of their clothes while others buy complicated garments claiming to camouflage and smooth the embarrassing roll that tends to sneak out and create the spare tire effect.

Everyone knows that belly fat is embarrassing, but not everyone is aware of the dangers that this fat poses. Most people spend years consuming high calorie, sugary, fatty and processed foods. Because the body does not use all of these extra calories, the excess is stored. Over time, the fat stores grow, typically accumulating around the internal organs. Referred to as visceral fat, this type of fat has been linked to countless diseases and conditions and is the most difficult to lose.

With this in mind, Diet Doc has combined decades of scientific research with the knowledge and expertise of their staff of highly trained doctors, nurses and nutritionists who work in unison to develop diet plans that are specific to each patient's personal needs and metabolism, creating the best way to lose belly fat for each patient.

Recognizing that many patients find face to face visits with doctors and weight loss clinics embarrassing, timely and costly, the company has joined forces with Telemedicine. This modern technology provides patients with the best way to lose belly fat without leaving the comfort of their own home.

New patients can simply complete an online health questionnaire and schedule a doctor consultation. During the consult, the doctor will review the entire system to identify any improperly functioning organs, hormonal imbalances or cellular toxicity that may be causing weight gain or preventing fast weight loss. Patients will receive a full report which may include recommendations for Diet Doc's exclusive hormone treatments, diet pills and supplements to safely accelerate weight loss and provide patients with the best way to lose belly fat.

Diet plans will be designed by certified nutritionists that are specific to each patient. The diet plans work flawlessly with the hormone treatments to target and release stored belly fat into the bloodstream to be quickly flushed from the body. Patients find the diet plans interesting because they incorporate a wide range of delicious food choices that leave them feeling full and satisfied without energy loss, between meal hunger and food cravings.

Patients will receive a prescription for Diet Doc's exclusive hormone treatments, weight loss supplements and diet pills that can easily and effortlessly be refilled via the internet or the telephone and will be immediately delivered directly to the patient's home or office. Each order will include a Certificate of Analysis, performed by a third party laboratory, detailing the quality and quantity of all active ingredients.

Weekly checkup calls are scheduled to monitor each patient's comfort level and weight loss progress. This personal contact enables the doctors to quickly identify and isolate any obstacles that may be hindering fast weight loss and to quickly make modifications to reset the metabolism for the best way to lose belly fat.

Diet Doc urges those who want to discover the best way to lose belly fat to schedule a confidential, free consultation today.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.