Green Building Initiative Announces Formation of Consensus Body for Revision of ANSI/GBI 01-2010

The Planned Update of GBI's Approved American National Standard will Commence with First Consensus Body Meeting Set for September 5 - Participation Available to the Public

PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 19, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Green Building Initiative (GBI) today announced the selection of a 32-member Consensus Body (CB), to revise and update ANSI/GBI 01-2010: Green Building Assessment Protocol for Commercial Buildings over the next 12 to 18 months. The Consensus Body represents diverse stakeholders, including government, users, testing and standards organizations, producers, and those with general interest in the standard.

"We are extremely pleased with the high caliber and range of expertise our applicants will be bringing to the table as Consensus Body members," stated GBI President Jerry Yudelson. Out of 52 applicants, thirty-two have been selected to date for voting seats on the Consensus Body. "As we progress through this process, we look forward to working with this Body to incorporate input from the public and ensure that our GBI standard and Green Globes rating system continue to reflect important lessons learned in green building design and operation over the past five years."

GBI has selected Wayne Trusty, President of Wayne B. Trusty Associates Ltd., to chair the Consensus Body. Trusty chaired the former Consensus Body that developed ANSI/GBI 01-2010. Current members of the GBI Consensus Body and their affiliations are listed below.

GBI 01-201X Consensus Body*

  • Gregory Bergmiller; S/L/A/M Collaborative
  • Paul Bertram; Kingspan Insulated Panels, Inc.
  • Allan Bilka; International Code Council
  • Jeff Bradley; American Wood Council
  • William Carroll; Occidental Chemical Corporation
  • Chris Dixon; NBBJ (representing self)
  • Nicole Dovel-Moore; CTA Architects Engineers
  • Amber Dzikowicz; NSF International
  • David Eldridge; Grumman/Butkus (also representing ASHRAE)
  • William Freeman; Resilient Floor Covering Institute
  • Don Horn; U.S. General Services Administration
  • Josh Jacobs; UL Environment
  • Greg Johnson; Johnson Consulting Services (also representing Greenscape Alliance and Outdoor Power Equipment Assn.)
  • Leslie Kahn; Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
  • Malee Kaolawanich; National Institutes of Health (representing self)
  • Paul Karrer; American Institute of Architects
  • Charles Kibert; University of Florida
  • John Koeller; Koeller & Company
  • Jennifer Kowalonek; Alfred Benesch & Company
  • Michael Lehman; ConTech Lighting
  • Tom Meyer; National Environmental Balancing Bureau
  • Tien Peng; National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
  • Bernadette Reyes; Clark Construction Group
  • Angela Rivera; URS Corporation (representing self)
  • Jane Rohde; JSR Associates, Inc. (also representing the Vinyl Institute)
  • Julie Sobelman; Independent Consultant
  • Kent Sovocool; Southern Nevada Water Authority
  • Steve Strawn; JELD-WEN
  • George Thompson; Chemical Compliance Systems, Inc.
  • Angela Tin; American Lung Association of Illinois
  • Douglas Tucker; Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating
  • Erika Winters-Downey; American Institute of Steel Construction

  * applicants were asked to declare if they are representing themselves, their employer, or other entities

Participation in the standard development process is not limited to CB members. The public may participate as visitors or observers during CB or subcommittee meetings and conference calls or through submitting written proposals during the public comment periods.  To apply for subcommittee participation or to let GBI know that you'd like to be notified of future meetings or developments related to the GBI standard development process, visit the ANSI page on GBI's website under the tab, "About Us." Use the link titled "Join Our List of Stakeholders and/or Request to Serve on a Subcommittee." Meeting notices and agendas will be posted on this page.

About the Consensus Body Chair Wayne Trusty - Wayne Trusty holds a master's degree in economics and has nearly 40 years of experience in diverse fields such as resource industry economics and policy, water resources, transportation, energy policy and markets, and regional development. Trusty is former President of the ATHENA Sustainable Materials Institute and a former adjunct associate professor for the University of Calgary's environmental design program. In addition to chairing GBI's previous ANSI standard development process, Trusty also served for many years on the LEED Resources and Materials Technical Advisory Group and continues to serve as a voting member of ASTM International's E60 Sustainability Committee, chairing a working group that developed a standard practice for whole building life cycle assessment.

About the Green Building Initiative™ - The GBI is a nonprofit organization and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards Developer dedicated to accelerating the adoption of green building practices. Founded in 2004, the organization is the sole U.S. provider of the Green Globes® and federal Guiding Principles Compliance building certification and professional accreditation programs.


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